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1ÖQQ f QQQ non i o o o LOOK OUT FOR JT Wines & Worden's DRESS GOODS, HOSIERY, TRIMMINGS, ! CARPETS, GLOVES, MATS, MATTINCS, and many new novelties too numerous to mention. Our stock is inside the store free from dust and dirt. Cali and see. 20 SOTTTg MAIIT SOME DOCTORS honestly admit tint they can't cure Rheumatism and Neuralgia. Others say they can but- don't. Ath-loÏho-ros says DOthinf but - cures. hat's the ncret of ita success. Years of trial have proved it to be a qaick, tafe, ture cure. Concord, N. ILSi-nlllW Tn myownfumily Athloi moros wanuwed asa laat resort, the usr liuvinK miffred from rli-iim:ttisin for years and haviiiff been troated lor the dispuse bv litlVr. ut physicians in tliiH State and MawacbuBetts witlinut ven teuijnirnry relief. TIpon myreoumim ndatlon BOorwof iple lmvr naar! tlnx mni-dy with th' uno rwults alaflned for lt. ('. II. Wu.-ok. Dubntinp. Towa. Jan. 3. ls. Atblophorns h.iM coniiilptülycurea me of Ui adache, and I fi el Ihankful for all the KOod it ha dnni' ma. Mrs. Louise Cherrt. Senil 6 cents fnrtlio beautlful colored piolare, " MoorL-li Malden." THEATHLOPHOROS CO. 112 Wall St. H. Y. Constipation Demanda prompt treatlnont. The rrsults ol nlglect may be Berious. Avoid all harsh and (hastie purgatlves, the tendency of whlch to weaken tbo bowels. Tho best remedy is Ayer's Pilis. Being purely vegetable, tluir action is prompt anit tliolr effect alwa.vs beneflciaU They aro an admirable Liver and After-dinner pill, and everywhere enáorSd Ia the profeMlon. " Ayer'g Pilis are liighly aml univcroally spoken ut by tne peopJe ábout here. 1 nake daily ue oi them in my praetice.?- Dr. I. E. Fowler, Briilfii'port, Coun. "I can reconimpntl Ayer's Tilla above all ntlirrs, having long proved their TsJue ai a cathartic for myself nni faniily."- .1. T. Hess, Lelthsville, Pa. "For sevcral yoars Ayer's I'ills havo been used in my faiuily. Wo lind tlieui an Effective Remedy for constipation and indigestión, and are never without llirm In tbe huuse." - Moses 0reuier, Loweil, Mass. " I liave used Ayer's Pilis, for livor troublf.s and indigestión, dnring many yearg, and have always fonnd tbam prompt ald efficiënt in their action." - L. N. Suiitb, (Jtica, N. Y. "I suffered from eonstipation wliirh assuincd siich an obstinate form tlmt I feared it Ironld cause a stoppbge oí tho bowels. two boxea oi Ayci's I'ills effected a couipkie cure." - 1). Burke, . Mi-. " I have nsed Ayer's Pilis for tbe past thirty years and consider them an invaluabfe íaiuily medicine. I know of no better remedy for liver troiibles, nnl liave ahvays found them a prompt cure for dyspepsia " -James Quinn, 'JO Middle t.. Hartford, ('umi. "Ilaviiii; been tronbled with costiveness, which seems inevitable with persons of sedüiitary habits, I have tried Aver's l'ills. hoping for relief. I am clal to say tliat they have served 1110 letter thañ any other medicine. I arrive at tliis (Muelusion (jnly after a faitliful trial of their morits." - Samue! T. .Iones, Uak st., Boston, Jlass. Ayer's Pilis, PREPAltKI) BT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Loweil, Mass. Sold by all Ielrri in Medicine. ppPRICE's CBEAM AKIH6 QWOEf lts superior excellence proven In miliions of homes for more tlian a quarter of acentury. lt isused ty the United States governtnent. Endorsed by the heads of tbeOfreat UnlvergltiM its the sïronuest, Purest.and most Heallhful. Dr. Prioe's tiieonly ltiikiuu l'uwderlhut doe not contain Annuonia, Lime or Aluin. Sold only in cans. PRICE BAKING POWDEK CO., NEW ÏOKK. CHICAGO. ST. I.OÜIS. IIP i u MACKINAC. Summer Tours. Palace Steamers. Low Rates. Fout TripB per Week Between DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Bt. Ifrnaoe, ChebOTean. Alpana, HarriiVille, ütcoda, Ssiud UoACh, Fort Kuron, St. Clair, Oakland House, Marine City, Every Week Day Betwcen DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Special Snuday Trips durinff July and Auutt. OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS ilatoa and Ezourvlon Ticketa will b fumiahcd by your Tlokt Agent, or oddress E. B. WHITCOMB, Gan'l Pn. Agent, Detroit &. Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. DETROIT, MICH. "CHICAGO TRUSS." New Splral gvgL cheap. Ap Spring Trtiss f.. rt--" gproveil by ll'ud Rubber ,SZL t lie lilglies't Pad; Li glit f--i Medical AuClean, CooJ jjH _, tbority.Worn Durable, E9 d a y a 11 d niglit by un Infanta week old or an Adult80 years. Easily adjust.d It meets all formR of Serotal, Kermorul, Inguinal, and Umbilical Hernia, In both Infauts and A.lults. Satlsfuctlon guaranleed in In all capes. Any desirahle pressure obtalned. Lady's l'mblllcal Trusses a grand suceess. If your dragglsl doe not keep thls Trunfl BnolOM ItaiDM aud addn -s. (IIKAI.I) TRI SN VO. VU East Rnndoph vC. Office sanie place. Chicago. Illa. T. Y. KAY.VE, Mavaofk. HOLV by ANN AltTIOIt DKI G.ISTS. Piso'8 Cure for Cona sutnptiun ia also the best Ed 9 Congh Medicine, a If yoa have a Cough Bj without disoase of tho BB 3 Lungs, a few doses are all Pa ¦S you ueed. But if you no3 ¦3 gleet this easy means f wH 'A safety, tho slight Cough Hl tl uiay become a serious J5j CJ matter, and sevcral bot¦M tien will bo re{uired. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Becnrlty held for the protectlon of the pollcy CHRISTiAN MACK Kenresentê the foliowine flrstlttB companleK, of which 011e. the Ktt.u. lm paid $5U,0U0,OOU dre lopuuB In slxty-flve yearB : tna, of Hartford $ 9,192,644 Kranklin of l'hiladelpliia 3,1 18,713 Germania, N. Y 2,700,729 Germán American, N. Y 4,066,968 London Assuranoe, London.. . 1,416,788 Michioran F. & M., Detroit. . . 2X7, cos N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 8,596,67e National, Hortford 1,774,505 l'hoenix, Brooklyn 3,759,036 Losse llberally adjusted and promptly paid. Policies issued at thi" loweet rates of premium. 1191tf


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