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I PAS NT E Br ! COfT W OF-COAT Bt fiJY P'TT ;- - l'int FffcUjv run k toChurch Sunday. Utlt g,g g V honable Sh.idcs: r.Uck. Maroon, Vcruulioii , „ ? ?-1 niue -i - ce, Brcwstcr and Waou - . -h (.recns. No Varafching necettary. Wm hmrú ' ui, "khtur." UiMí Cu ftad Job i doiif. jñ S5 YOURBUCGY ;í " Tto tnp for Chain, Lawn Srals, S.i'.h. Fbvcr 2 La f Pem. !..:,'¦. I irnttul. í „o lÜ ili,,,..„,. „-,¦..¦ r-nll., .,? rto ! . rv'nnr. Jutf _-"0 ¦ Ihe üiiii íor the la iic-s to uíc aUmt ilic hoiiM feFOR ONE POLLARÍg i GOIT'S HONESTÉ {L rou e 'lm lo PalM tiiis y.-.irr Ifjj. dooï : i T l-.iy .1 paTnl eonUtanf walet or bcndnc !¦¦ pr l!ic Mine moneytor ucarl-M) prtxur.;- tmm (tHTJ i U'S I'IKH PUNT Ihat Ís ri-unlul lo - a - " be ¦ iEi. nt, i,im i-.k i.i si mi mi. rnvr "8; C ..i..l h.o ftom rai..l l.-...n.l CI.L „ ,. Z bnri Md UU w lUrh M rchantt handliog W Ï ate our agems md aulliorizcil by lis. in w rititl Ín irarriwtil laviri .AIS oilh lOAlSor 2 rr -i ¦xv u:st .nii s iiuts. Our Shidei re ; ¦ i itesl Stvle used in lh Etat now brcowlnj UJ vn uonul ir in t!nr West, ;ml up with Ihe liltu J Iryiln. IIOXÍST I'AIVT and ¦ W ncver ragicl il Tli.s lu ÜM wlM ís Sulmienl „o HOUSEPA1WT {{i COiT'SFLOORPA!NTn-iS Pint tliat never dri1 bcynnd the ti ) . polnt, jJCl . ¦ ¦ .! weck, mkíI ;'].¦ Job. ¦ ' CD vt rtme i :i foi oír a o-. himm iIN'i ZÏZ. 4f 1 .: ible khado, rn.nlr.f (-. érj - _ ii.r.i m rock - r alflu. No Uouble N i ¦- ; ;hwont dry sï'cky g Notlce to Crodilorn. SI'ATEOF MICHIGAN, County oí HTaubteaaw H. Nodcfl ín licrtrby iv(n, that by tin ordur o( Um Proimte Court for tlie Cnimty "I Washtena made od tluísevomeenlh day of Jnly, A. I). lSífS, M% munth Trom tliat dste iterfl atlowed for cn'ililors 10 ir ii t thslrclalma usiosl ibeattataof Jnnie N. N'amU'vfniiT, Uta of Mlld county, deceíwed, mul Ibat til crédito of sid deceaaed are requtred to present their claimí ro eaid l'rohale Court, al the ProbaveUUlcf, in the ciiyof Aun Arlor, for examinaron anr1 allowance, on or bttfore the MTCDteentfa day of .lanuaiy ncxl. nd that snch claiiuü will he huarii nelore caid cinrt, oh 'edne?day, thí peventeeiith day ol Octohpr, and on Ihurpday tin !-fVi;nti-rnth day ol Junuary next, al leu o'clock lu the forenoOB t each ol nald dnyt. Dated. Ann Arhor. July 17, A. D. 1888. W1LLIAM D. HAKHIMAN, H'2 Uit! JudL'e ol Probate. Mortrage Salo. DBF AULT hnviiiK bara made in the condltion of a certaln niurifare made and iieculed by Sylvester Atchínson and Mary C. Ate' i'iHon, of Saltm, Washtiniw i:minty, Mich ican, on October i th, 1886, to bi vey Andn w, whereby the powwr uf sale Uiorelu coiitiiiied be cu m operntive aid no procetd ng at law haviiK beeu inclituted toíecure tlie debt eecurid Ihereliy or any part Ibereof, sald niDrig.ige beii j; recorded In tne Keelctpr ol Dccd olttce lor Wanntiuaw Uoanty, on October (i li. 18íiC, in I.íIiit 00 of on DMf6 .'M'2, aii4l tbere beir now claimen to be du tbereon for principal and Interest 8i;0.0í. Notice is be:eby íven. that by virtue of the power of eale in eatd mortLage c ntalned 1 pIihII on w ednesday, October 17th. 1S-8. at 4 o'clock in tbe alierm on, at the Eaaierly door of the Court Home, in Ann Arbor (ihat being the place ol holdii'K the ('ircuic Címrtof Wahíenaw Couniy) Kflt at public auction for the purpoee ot atiBfyln paid mortgHge deb', the premiöes det'ciibed iherein vi? : All tliai (vrtain ptece or parcel oftand sltuaied in Salem, Wn;httuaw County, MlrhiííJn: enmmencli g at the Southweei comer ol the Katt balf of the Southiast qnarter of section numher nine, runiíiiiL' Nortb neven chaics and ten links to the center of the trall rod, thcuceSoutheavt lort -four 't i;i'ei'B and lorty mii.atei, four chains und eixty linkí, thence South lwo chalng lo Sectil n line, ¦ thence 'Ae ton the Srctiou líue four cliainH and ; foriy linkf, to place of hegitiuing, containii two i acres and tlfieeu rods, more or leas I1AKVKY ANDRKWS, Morifiagee. J. F. BnnwN, Att'y for Mortgngee. Datedthia-ííiday ofJuly, A. h. 1888, i " Ksditc of Charles Alliiioiidingfr. SÍAÍ K OP MIClIKiAN. County or Wasbtenaw, M. At a spsslon of the Probate Court for the Connty i ol 'ahtenílw, bolden at the Probate office, in the ' city of Ann Arbor, on V cdncsdny, the twentyJ aeventh day of June, in the year one thonsand elght hundred and ei:hty-efsht. Present, William D. lliirrirmm, .ludge ol Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Charles Allmenciii ïer, deceased. Rebeco AITmeDalnger and ' Cjluton Al:m -t'ilii :"-r exeenton oí the inft will j and tcstiimciit or naid deceased, ceme into court j und represent tbat th-y are now prepared to ruu, der tbeir final account as x Jch i x -cutors. Thereupou it is ordered, that Tnesday, the thirtyj SM day of July, next, at ten o'clock in the ' neon be ags'gnÁd ïot examlnln and altowinir nuch accouDt, and tbat the tenrlMe, kgMtai and heirs-at-law ol said deceased, and all ottu-r per sons interested in said estáte, are required to a[tpear , at aeession of sald court, then to be holden at the ; Probate Office, In the city or Aun Arhor, In eaid i C'iunty and sbowcause, ifany there be why the said account thould not beallowtd: And it is farther ordered, ihat aid m entors rtre notlce to the persons interested In satd ei-tate,ol tbependency ofsaid aa-ouiit.aud the hearing thereof, by causiufr a cony of this order to be publiehud In the Ann Arbor Courier, a newspaperprinted and ¦ circulatini: in sald connty, ihree succet eive weeks prevlout tosaid 'lay of hearing. A true copy. NVII.LIAM D. HAKRIMA.V, Jude of Probate. WM. (. DOTY. Probate ReuiBler. 1410 1 II 1 (t ¦ nf II ICt'ivardciI are those who read n H Ytllls and then act '¦ tlu'-v w111 flnl ¦ IMMM I '"(inaratile eiiiplo.vment tlmt wlll not tuke tliem frorn their homes and families. The proflts are larKe and sure fdr every Indostrloiu person, nmny imve made and are nowmaktiiK eeveral hnndred dollars a month. Il Is easy for any one to mak. Hand npwarda perüay, who is wIIIIiik to work. Klther sex, young or old ; onpltal not lienlpd ; we start you. Kveryllnni; new No special ubllity requiretl, you, reinier, cun ilo It as well us auy oue. Wrlte to os at once forfull partlculars, which we nmll free. Adilress Stlnson & Co.. Portland, Malne. FOR 1 Jams, Confections and Preserves Manufactured by the Ann Arbor Preservlug Oo , go to Sole Asents for Ann Arbor, or to the factory Plttstleld road. South. MftHII Wen v OU.1.TB exlst In thousands of .[. Uf'rras. but ar surpassed by tin. mar MUM w'u "' Invciiiloii. Those who are In need of profltable work thut can be donewhile living at home sliould at once end thelr address to Mallet A Co., Portland, Mulne, and recelve free, full Information how elther sex, of all ages, can earn froui J.", to $ij per day and upwards, wherever they live You are stnrt.-.i free. Capital not required Soine have made over Ï50 lu a slugledayat tlil.s work. All aucceod.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News