Classified Ads
KtHO.VIU IIIKl-ITOIIV. ,,( 'tüoK Oo i awoebt, No. Ifl meets flrst rm"ii:iv of each month, ('. E. Blscook, E. e.; Jolin B. Mluer, Fteoorder. #A4HrAW ¦ilMMKK. NO. U, U A. M.- t,,.ts ilrat Mond iv each inonth. J. L. II I'.: ',. HimiMi. Swiolirv. 9USÍWE3S CARDS. W. W. M II OLS, DENTIST. Rhuiis Ovor Vun Arltitr Savlntrs Bank, 0,i. CiMirt HiMise Sqnare. VITALIZED AIR M-ninMiT.-ii. Is ner.-..,hk' H-.d evyto Wee, ' tía n pr.wiriilng e:.Tin ollow wnlle taeib ure oxtraciu i iihool p.iiu. CHAS. L. ALLEN, Gontractop and Builder. Plans nul Speclflcütiom carefally drawn. Ltesldence, 46 E. Catherine SiAnn Ar'oor, Mich. DR. C. HOWELL, PHTSIOIAN urn,:: i; io i l, MAaomc Blook. ftilcc lionr-i-. 1 19; '2 1o (! . m. DR. H R. ARNDT, PH.Y8IOIAN OrriCK UVKK KlKSI' NAII.INAI. ItASk'. H.iimi vr i. i: : lOüWto í a. ni ; ¦!:"¦ la ¦¦¦j) ,, in Oiin be r.-n'li'l al mlüenoe (Vhi Hunu Birxet, n Pmf. Nloliol ui:i i -v ¦ - ¦ -- i ni , M.i IT.ainl#lll rrply i , t'w In Ui" evenlng. .VILL.I in IIEKZ, ;Ijw3, 3;gn, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! ', i: i,i'i'_', íllldlng, an.t ('iilciniiiiiiii!. and Viril il ¦ v íecriotlOM rtüilr in Un' b Jt rtyle. in'l wnrrniHfd lo i-.itiBÍ.icti.m. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St,, Anr, Arbor. CLOTfl CASTO METÁLIC And Oominon Ooffln. Calis uttented to bay or Niíht. ICnibaltnliig a peclulty. Slo-,'r.iiiin on E. Washington slreet. Residence Uor. [iilieity nuil Kiflli. V. II. JACKSOM, Orw Bach & Abel's Dry Oood Store. Entrance oext to Xational B:nk. S VThe Best and Purest Medicinéis 1$CV EVER MADE. I ].Itwllldriv.!theJImnorfromyourl 1 -í,'in, aJ 'n:lke 5our hklnl Js-H. 'r, 'i, ¦ 4whichinar your Iwautym ? % 'a '4 'JMecaiuea bvlmpuruM HIS áP ¦''3KLriMiiov.'.llna,li.iitll iüil !tpS m Tlio Pose 1V "i, 'w4n% fl „e. Tiy It, amTV V .% III ¦ you wlll be BUtlsfled. VV% % V, LI H' Uetltof jour Druggtst. % Pï ÖDUS'TWAIT. GETITATOSCEk -K I If vouare suffcrlnK from Kld lln.v DlaeaM, and wish to live t; I .,1 age, ase Ml.i'inli BllTLltó I III They aerr fail to cure. Ijl Imd 3 roert stampa to A. I'. M'lway & Co-, BoBiuii. Mucs., tor bert mcdioal work yulilisbed I C. H. MÏLLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! 'o. 4 South Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldent agency In the city. EstabllBhed oer a quarter of a century ago. Eleprcaenting the (oilowluK companleB, with over 60,000,000 Capital and .-.!-. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA. INS. CO., of New York. QIRAUD INS. CO., of Pblladelphla. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of Jjondon. LIVERPOOL, L0ND0N aud GLOBE. WASHINGTON FIRE and MARINE, of Bostou. Raten Ijoit as the Lowest, Losses Librrally Adjiistod and promptly l'aid. C. II. MILLEN. Jerome Freeman ! M(ivc from liis present stund over Watts' lo the POSTOFFICE, BARBER SHOP ! BATH Hoorns, Mondiiy, Marcli 19. ¦ 171 ü l LOT !
Sulphure Bitters
First National Bank
Barber Shop and Bath
Back & Abel's Dry Good Store
Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Postoffice Barber Shop & Bath
LOH Entrepreneurship
LOH Entrepreneurship - Ann Street
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
William Herz
W. W. Nichols
W. H. Jackson
O. M. Martin
Jerome Freeman
Dr. H R. Arndt
Dr. C. Howell
Chas. L. Allen
C. H. Millen
Jerome A. Freeman
No 4 W Washington St
No 4 S Main St
Liberty and Fifth
E. Washington St.
46 E Catherine St