POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thl powder rever vari. '8. A m irviM or parlty. treligth and wholi-Miin m'--h. Morr economical than rhc ordinury kiridn, snd rpnnot bp sold In COluputUl n with iiiultiim]' of luw t'st. short w ¦¦¦'!' ;i! mui nr pli -iilinti' ir wilers. S 11 nnly in eani K'Nu l'i.Bin ¦ i: fn , 106 W.ill t., N. V. A FRIGHTFULSKIN DISEASt. Sulli" lus Intense, llead nearlj ra. llmlj t(v-r-l wil li Mltá ('iirod by i h iilicunl Hi' in e lic-.. HeMra Hhineh, Moi-rnr, V. C. ivrr 8 rs, -Abttal Iwo m mtli-t iii,r i, on youf r.v ..niliU'l.U.uinll. 1 l'.iiiit Jl lliitllt' wl ri'T.cllïA KBsolvent, box Uptxcora Sai.vk, anii (me cake uHJuticdk Soap, foi iny on, gira Ihlrhwi wlin tms been BtRicted h eczumifort long timp, and lam pleawd to pay tuit 1 iieMevt the i hm'.I ¦- ¦ ui. d Inni. llin Mffern ga w.r.' lntvnse hl licnd belng nearly nnr, tin eaw belna goaei icepl the g ltlvland iii body wa eoven d wltb Mirvfl Hls ooDftitlon ws frl(jbtfnl iibeholü. Tu1 Koren have tn-w all i'lMappwirad. h pklole healthy, eje-f bn l, chocrfal in p-wit Ion. aud ia workuiL' every tl.iy. My icili'inrc are wltueaeÉ to thle n mirfcnble cnre't atfd ili duubii gonesar rcgiK'Stid UI cali ur wrltc m ¦, or ui:j ol my neigt WM. S. SIKl'llKN-ON. VlNCHi:-TKK P. 0M TnioN Co . , .L'. Monrob, N. C , Oct. ÍS, 18S7. Fhk I' n F.H Dl:1 ¦ and ChkniOaL Co. : (l.nlliinen,- Mr. V n. t. ïtleplienson of ttats :ounty brouilii his buii to town to-day lo lel nu see lilra, aiid to show ns wluit Cuticuka Hemediis bad dons lor him. Th ie is tlic reWrnd to in our U-iti'r tp jpa ?nme lime ago. To look ut Ihe boy now, one would BOppose that tbero had oever heen arélalas Ib mwtar will Mm,- mj to ba lu perfect hen'th. We have written und iierewlih luciese wht lil lUbac lias to sy a'mut matter - wrote ü ul M h6 dfetated. w .¦ felllng qu'ti? a quaaiity of runrún RlMBDIM mul huir notblng lint pralic tor tlicm. W e n'L'K'il the i ni ura KinwuKHtlie li-Kt in the miikci, aad r-tniil do allws can to promote their jle. Ymir trllly, STEVENS HUI'NBK. JruLri;iftH aiid l'tiarinacits. C't TicritA. tl' (rrcat klu cnrc,and Coticdk 8oai prriiared from It, exteroally. and ConoUR Iibii.ikvt. the liew hlood purifliT internally, are a popitive cu e lor vvery form ot skin and Mood huw Ufin ptaplet to nrrofala. Sold KverywhiTi-. Prlce: CotictÍba.íOo, ; s.tAi', Bc; RBBoLVltNT, tl. I'repari d by tnc HoTTB DBCa ÜHBICL C.i., Boston, Mc8i. PÈf"Scnd for -ilow to Onre Skin Dleu8e," 61 pages, 50 HtMtiMug, umi KHI li-Btimonialx. Dl Rl PUB, black-head, red, rongh, clmpped hihI I I IVI Jily kin prevented by Cuticuka aoAr. Sneezing Catarrh. The dUtranlng snecz ¦, snee.e, UMI, tlie acrid watery diKChirj?ea from the eyes and noe, the painful inflainmatlon exteudin; to the throat, tho Bwelltne of the mucnua Hnliis, caueing chokin Bensation, cougli, riut'tni; iiiie8 In the nead and BpIlttliiK headacheu- how familiar these symptoms are to tbonand who snfler perlmlical Irom hiad co!dsor Influenx't. and who live in Ignoratoe of the fnct thut a singl ippHcatio of Banf.ikd's RADtOAL Cum fok Catarku w'.H alT.ird instantatieous rtlwf. But thiB treatment in caoc or simple Catarrh vivea lint a 'aint lden ol what thia remedy wlll do Xn the clironlc formx, whero the hreathiufr is ob(trncted by choinni; putrid mncous acciimuUtinns. the hearing i-HVcteri, inell and tale t:one, tliroat ulceruted anü hacklne coiiüh grndually fasteniuii Itself npon the debilitated syHtem. lhen II i thnt tho marvellons curatlve power of Sastord s Hadicai. l'L" uk mini tests itelf in instuntan. 'ons atui rateful r laf. Cnre beglns Trom theflrst application. It ia rapid, radical, permaneüt, econOISadkoi!%9 Radical CukE Cfinsists ol one bottle of the Radical 0o. one r,ox of C'atarrhil Soi.vK.T.andonelMpiiovici) Inhaler; price, (1. Pottsii Drug and Chkmioal Co., Boston. PAINS and WEAKNESSES of i i;i ii ' Inftantly relleved by the Cutlcura Antl-Paln PIter, a new most a"reable, irsiantaneons and lnfnlllhle paln-killinejilwter, especlally adapted to relieve Fcmtile Pains and Weaknesse. Warranted vaxtly superior to all otl er piasters, and the moet perfect Antidote to Pain. Inflammation and Weakness vetcmpounded. At all drueelnu. Ï5crntf; ñve tor 1.l; or po-tHge tree of Pottkr Uruu Unaeal "¦. Hoston. Masí. ____ THE ANN ABBOR SAVINGS BANK, ANN AKBOK. MICHIGAN, Transaots General Banking Business. CAPlTAlIT$6O,OOO. Onrantzed nnder the eneral Banking Law of tbi. Stat, the 9tockh(1ldors are Indlvldaally ltahle for .11 addltloual amouut eqiial to the stock Wld by them' Iheretiy creatina a (ioarantee Kund for the beneit of DepoBiturs of $100,000.00. Three per cent. Interest Ib allowed on all Savln{8 Deuoilt of one dollar anil upwnnif, ncconline to the rules of the ank and Interest compouuded semi-annnally. Koney to Loan on onlncombercd roal udUte and othr good eecurlty. DIUECTORS: ClIKISTIAN MACK. WM. D. IIAKKIMAN, ff W WINEH. UAN1KL HISCOCK, WILLIAM DBUBEL, WILLAKU B. 8MITU. DAVID UINSEY. OFFICKRS: o. mace, pg m waaag I ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦tl hiis revolutlonlzed the world HTTnjTTnU 'lurlng tüe latit half ceutury. Di V Lili 1 , . LJ ll Not leat among the wonder II 1 ¦' ¦¦',,, inveutlve progres I a method and syRtein of work that cao be performed uil over tbe country without Mpantlne the workers from thelr lióme. Pay liberal an y one cando lne work; elther ex, ymng oyr oíd; no pedal ablllty requlred. Capital not in-f.U-,1 ; you are Ktarted fr.e. Gut ttifs out and return to un and we wlll send you free, BoroetbliiR of great valué and lmP,,rtance lo you, tlmt wlll Btart you In business, whlch wlll brlng you n rnore 'l"íy rlKhtawaytban ftnvthlng elHe In the world. ümnd outfit free. Addreii True 4 (o., Augusta, Maliif.
True & Co
Sneezing Catarrh
Skin Disease
Sandford's Radical Cure
Royal Baking Powder
Potter Drug & Chemical Co
Improved Inhaler
General Banking Law
Female Pains
Cuticura Soap
Cuticura Resolvent
Cuticura Remedies
Cuticura Anti-pain Plaster
Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
William Deubel
William D. Harriman
Willard B. Smith
W. W. Wines
David Rinsey
Daniel Hiscock
Christian Mack
Augusta Maine
106 Wall St New York