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A Day In Summer

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Saturday uight two newspaper senues jf tUia city wended thetr way to the j'elock M. C. train west, and both of them tot off said train at Dexter. Now the Dexter people, like unto the people af Ann Arbor undother larfrecities, have Eot the camping fever, and many of the mhabltants have taken thelr bed and board and hied themselves to the banks of gome of the numerous beautiful lakei of thls county. Conscquently Dezti Btreets have the lazy, languid, Sunday air, of other places these hot, suiiny daya. But Haturday niglit is an exeeptlon. Tlio country fo)k3 for miles about come to town In the dusk of the evening, to do their trading, and the business portion of the villagc is lined with teams. Then the town's people, who have not goue away, come down street to sec their f rienda from the interior, so the strcets are crowded, and ono would take the town to bo the metropolls of a large surrounding country. Everybody is on the Street, old and young. grave and gay. And the people yon meet here are remarkably good looking and bright. He who seeks the Ideal "country bumpkln" on Dexter's streets finds blm not, In any number at least, but those with wliom you come in contact are wcll dressed, well Infonned, and if one may judge by the roar of conversation, are excellent linguists, also. Thto crowd mud bustle holds lts owu as late as 9% or 10 o'clock, and the merchant burneth his oil and the weary clerk dealcih out bis gooda nigh unto midnhjbt In Bome lustances. Tliis tact makea a bino M nday indeed for the youHR clerk who is obliged to compress IntO Sumliy eveiilng ¦ whole week's conversatiou with his best giil. During the day OW friend proposes a visit to the health feekers on the banks of l'ortage Lake, and it finds a ready reponse. So we traverse a roatl over which the writer of tliis traveled as a boy, but which he has not looked upon for over twenty years. This ride of six miles brought back many old memories, some of them tilled with bright, beautiful, joyous passages, others tingeil with sadness and sorrow Along the roadside grows the rose niary, the sweet dover, tlie bouncing betts that greeted our eyes in early days in the front yards of the country dwêllings which were fewer and fartherbetween than now. Occasionally an old, familiar building is yet standing, but na a general thing everything is clianged. At Hudson, however, the place where the Dexter and Howell stage stopped daily to"change mail," still holds its weather beaten clai)boards out, as if defying the light that the suu and the rain the suows and the f rost are makiust to bring tlicm down unto the earlh. It can be but a few short years, 'ere tln-y must euccumb to the inevitable, and witn tliem In the dust will lie the peo)le who traveled thU road when it was the grent thoroughtare to Pinckney, Howell, Owosso and the north. Time works rapiü changes in this new country, as well with people M witli places; and the white marbleslabstliat are constantly becomintf more and more numerous in the Hule wayside country grave yards, iell of the eternal resting place of nearly all of the pioneeis of this section. They live but In meinory. The woods have vunished and gtven place to iield alter Held of waving graiu and corn, and the old causeway between the lakes that was wout to shake up the torpid livers of passengers until tears streamed from their eyes like moUture from a soaked sponge, has been coveit-d vith earth and gravel until it has becoiue the best strip of road on the route. Arriving at the old village of Saratoga, plaued and lald out by that lamoiis old fellow who lived some half-century nhead of bis time- Lillibridge- we lintl his "White JottJi;e hotel " gonc, nml notblüg to mark the spot where it stood. To the east of that however, is a beauti(ul grove in which are cncampud th suinmer boarders ot this beauliCul lakeside resort. It is a beautiful spot of ground not too far removed frota civiliz ition, and we believe that the day is coming when this smid and gravel beach will be liued with sumiller coltnges, the first of which has been n-ctul tliis yrar by Tlios BtTkelt. A netter place tor quiet and tor comfort it would üe hard to tind. WAYSIDE NOTES. In the season duek shooting is Rood here. Mr. Birkett has show his neighbors how to iinprove their road9. Pickerel, bass, eels, and all other fivsl water produets are plentiful. They have picasant Baila all the time at this camp; and merry Bell, also. Bat was the one great thiug needed jnst around the village of Dexier. To the north considerable rain had tallen, hut il town vegetatiOD was being scorched. The campers are boipitable and picasant people. Tlii'v are after recreation and a change from the every day liomi life, and they are securing whal tliey came for. Within a half inde of the camp is prospect bilí, a rise of land from which you can view portions of three COlintles Washtenaw, Livingston and Oakland, am there is no limit to the landscape, for as far as the eye can reach it spreads out before you. H s probably the higheet point of land in southern Mlcblgan, There are some ten lakes in this chain, the waters from which all float past out heautiful city ot schools. Prominent amoug them are Big ana Little PorUze, Bnse, Whitewood, Hush, Gallagher's, Silver, etc, etc. In higli water a imitll steamer bas made the catire distance. It is one of the loveliest places fur a grent resort in the state. The inevitable boy is with them. He catches more ü-h than all the rest of the party put together, and he never fails to spit on his hook- a fatal defect in most li-liermen. Hut Toni isn't as good at shooting. He saw a rabbit the other day and blazed away at hiin. The rabbit wa all right, but one of Jlr. Birkett's ineep over lu anollier part of the lot bas been lame ever since. By the way, those sheep are In dangerom proxiinity to the camp8, and we heard one of the ladies remark that they were to have muttoii instead of tiah tor dinner t'ie next day. Up in this section of country Thos. Birkett, he of Birkett's Mills, fiinoua in all this section of country, is Dionaroh of all he surveys, pretty lunch. He owns nearly 700 acres of land, nearly all the lakes, the river, the hills and the dales. But he is the sort of a landlord one likes to meet, bale, lieariy, bluff and pleasant. He has a beautiful home eurrounded by beautiful grounds, and one of the bet tilled farms in the state. The towu of Dover is a suburb of his place, and he owns the milis, the postoffice building, the postinaetership, and the custom house. Hut he is energetic and keeps everytliiiiji moving thereabouts. All the old springs on the south side of Portage are eleaned out now, and this is how it happened. A few mornlngs since one of the campers went to an uld spring that had been tilled up and not used fof the past 12 or lö ycais. 15y the use of a long handled shovt-1 he ws enabled to make pretty fast time. When at the bottom his spade " struck siitlnn'," and lie carefully bronght it up. It held a qnart and had kept as securely as if in a wine (¦¦Har, tlie cork beinjr ot the sort used in the early days of bottllng. It was laken to the ice box and carelully laid aaide U a relie - until it got cold. Then the dicoverer went to the spring again imd dug and dug, not auotherone could be found; then other old springs were eleaned out, but all to no purpose except gcttinjjf the springs eleaned. Hut it wa-i charming to see the agility and eagerneis dlsplayed in the good work. A little while nfter a couple of vlsitnrg came up from town and the discoverer ihowed them his discoverv. A tin cup was produced and the stuf) was lampled. Well, when ye scribes arrived they w( rr inviled tosmell of the cork, and the cork is still preserved as an iftldavit of tfie vent. The effect upon the samplers was ouetfctag exilerating and wouderful we are told. Tlicv Wtn vcry tnlkative and very active; one of thtm in walking the plank to the doek thought he saw a lish beneath him and stepped down sideways to get It, but as when he got there the Ilsh had divined his errand Hnd departed, while the enthusiastic fi-hermau had to remove his shoes and sto(!kings and go barefooled for a time. Nótwltbstandlng t'ie republloajw made :i icstrictive Uu, prohibitmg "ie "1""'uratlon of Chinese, those people areoomU)" into the United States under thls democratie admmistration by the thouüTids. and the democratie srovernment officials are paranlttlng t. Talk about a Chinee record, thb administratioii Is gctthiji ""e-. Tlicy " "liUllaD Mor ttee tlade." Wheii the democratie pmty commenoed its wol tiiikerint: in 1883, Michigan had 450,000 sliei'p. This number, under the influenceof low tarilT and prospect for tree wool, feil to 2.r0,.r; last That's a freo trade pill for Michigan farmers to swallow. Xnw after our flocks Imve all disappeared foreign growers will combine and the price of wool will go up, ol course, .md thon free traders will point to it and gay: -'See how the prlce of wool ndvanees under freo trilde." The New Vork Sun (dem.) ?ays: It will ïot do for the demócrata to underrate the political Importance of the Harrhon and Morton ticket. While Ha nomination iiakes Indiana and Connecticut from tliis time on the veritnble baUlegiound, New York is not withdrawn from the question ; Tor, whlle It te abjolutely Indhpeuaable to tlie succe-s'il ( leveland and Thtirman, its oss wouM by do rneam deprlTti the republicnns of "their chances or render the lht liopeless for tliem. They won the eleetlon of lSfiS without New York, and inight be ible to do it ngain. China I a model proteollve tari ff nailon II refUMd to let In any kind of forolgn corainerce. till wltliln a few years. It woold not tolérate commercial freedora or reclprocal trade. Itsold all ïtcould and keptouteveryHilniiltcouldn'tmnRe. TrifT wasabsolulely prntective. Wiiefrom 10 toií cenia perday. people In lenoranoe, md deirrndiitlon- Rat rr meat and tig leavea for ralment.- Adrlau Preu, And now the Press and others of its lik ure howllntr to open up the markets of tlie United States to the prodiicts of these people who lubor for from 10 to 25 cents per day. 'i'hey want to see the laboren of tliis country put on the eame level with tliose of China, "with rats for meat, and ii j leavesfor raiment." Free t rade was one of the corner stones of the Southern Confederacy the constitution of whioh declared: " The congress sli.ill have power to lay and eollect taste, dutleson iniports and excises for revenue, hut no bounlies siall be granted from the treamtry, imr shall nny duties or tnxo on importnlimis f mm foreign nations be laid to promote or fouter any branch of indnstry." Tliat is the old slave power doctrine, and it does not appear to be dead yet. It meHiis Aftftth to northern industries and north'.m enterprise. Vote for it if yon desire to kill olVyour own prospeilty. Did you hetr of the territ)le accident to W. ]{. Buitot EastSiiKinaw? He w:is iu Detroit lust week nd was caught in the machinery of Cleveland A Wefton works, whiiled around, and daslied on a hard platform with sueli force as to be mutilated beyond recognition. The whole tblng was so sudden that protection was Imponible. Ilis spinal column was twisted to such an extent tliat bis face is turned toward hls back. and his optie nérvea uro so diítorted that he sees doublé. Partlal relief is secured by coverlnfr one eye wltli a bandann. Xotwithstanding the free use of salt, it is not thought that hecan be saved, a mortlfloatlon has already set in - among liis friends. - Midland Repnbllcan. The jewelry t-irlll' talk credited to our geniul friend Mr. Watts In the last Arguí, whereiii the tarifl'is charged with being to blame for the im meute protiN In that line of trade, reminds us very vlvidly ofan Incident in our own Ufe. A few yeare slnce we wanted a watcli clialn and went to a flrat-clan jeweler aiu' bought one paying $5 for it. The umi day a relatlVe bougtlt aú exact counterpart - (and it proved to be rf lully as goot material) - for 'M cents. Now you see il this InlquitoUS tarill' - but then, what's the use? And afraln. A friend ol ours lionglit a watcli in Ann Arbor, paying êl!.1) therefor, which was "W8V down t( i'ost," Hie jeweler eWd. A lady f ron Dexter carne to the same, store, boujrh tlie samemake, style and priceil watcli for $5ö. Was the tarirT to blame, or.dld tlii merohant dettre to secure Dexter, custoniers? Aman from l'inckiicy bousrhl carpets for his liouse here in Ann Arbor live cents per yard obeapel tuan any resident of Aun Arbor could luy licin Why? Been use of the tarill? No.becausc J'inckney costomm w re deslred.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News