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BIGREDUCTION SALE AT F. SCHAIKER'S In order to reduce our Summer 'stock rapldly and to make room for l'all Moods, we wlll offer our enlire Stock at a &REAT REDÜCTION ! Low prices are winners and we are always TH-B OHEAPEST! Sale Wash Dress (Joods at unh'eard of low prices. 15 pieces White India Linens at lOc per yard. 25 pieces White India Linens at 12 l-2c and 15c a yd. 20 pieces Victoria Lawns at 10c, 12 l-2c and 15c per yard. 10 pieces Dotted and FIgured Swiss at 25c per yard, worth 4Oc. 80 pieces FIgured Lawns at 5c per yard. 10 pieces Black Organdy Muslins at 12 l-c per yard. 8 pieces French striped Chambrays were 25c, now 14c a yard. One case choice 12 l-2c Ginghams now 8c per yard. 25 pieces Plaid and Check Glngrhams were lOc, now 6c a yard. 18 pieces 15c Crinkles now 10c per yard. One case Dark Prints at S l-2c per yard. 10 pieces White Plaid 10c. Xainsooks now Cc a jd. Big drives in line White Plaid Dress (Joods at lOc and 12 l-2e per yard. 100 pieces Embroideries at 5c and 10c per yard. Closlng out Swiss Fiounclngs at 50c and 75c a yard. Big mark down in Black Cbantilly and Spanish Guipure Flouncings and Skiriings at 1, $1.25 and $1.50 per yard. Orer 200 piecs French Lace Edges at 5c per yard. 38 pairs Une Lace Cnrtainsat $1.50 and 2.00 a pair. 15 pieces Lace Stripe Curtain Scrim at ttc and 8c per yard. 5 pieces 25c Fancy and Lace Scrlm at 15c per yard. 8 pieces Nottingham Curtain Lace at 10c, 12 l-2c, 16c, 18c and 25c per yard. 10 pozen 25c Bnstles at 15c each. Loyely White Aprons 25c and 50c each. Silk Umbrellas aud Parasols to be closed out this month at cost. 150 lbs. Odorless Geesc Feathers at 50c a Ib. 200 lbs. best selected Prime Liye Geese Feathers at 65c a Ib. We can save yon money on Feathers. Decided Bargains in Silks & Dross Goods During this Sale. Ouc lot $1.00 Citlored Dress Silks at 75c per yard. One lot Black and Coloml Khadames at 85c per yard. Ouc lot $1.00 Barak SUks at 75c per yanl. One lot $1.25 Fullle Francalses at $1.00 per yard. 4 pieces 46 inch heavy 75c Black Cashmeres af 50c per yard. 8 pieces Black 42 inch all Woo Dress Goods were 75c, now 50c per yard. 1 1 pieces Silk Warp Hcnricttas at 91.00, $1-25 and $1.50 per yard. 7 pieces 50c iiuality Pink and Light Blue Albatross at 25c per yard. 35 single Wool Shawls worth $1.25, $I.5O and $1.75, all at $1.00 each. This Is a sale every croiioniicul Indy in the City should atttend. Are you Economioal ? D. F. SCHAIRER DEPOKT OF THE CONDITION FARMERS' IBB BANK at ANS AKBOK, MICHIGAN, On Mondar J""l, . A. D. 1888. Made in acconlanoe witti Rectlons 18, 19, nnil 67 of the Ueneral Banking Luw h ameuded in 1871. RE80UKCKS. I jimis and Dlscouuls $ l(i7,705 82 OverilraflN 287 33 FiiruUureand Klxtures „ 8,497 00 Expensen „ 4 90 Hm' Irma Bank and lia u kers 4S.Wt:i 2:1 Bouds, Local ¦J.Ii'h) IX) Omab 13,930 Ou $ 23,(.s :o LIABII.ITIES. Capital pald in _ $ 50.000 00 Surplus Funil 6,024 16 Undtvldend ProflU ISO 75 Due Deposltors 179,0.i.-ï 39 Divldeuds unpaid 1,500 00 f 236,088 :W I do xiilrmnly swi-ur thiit the abuve stiii ment is true, to the best. of my kuowltdge aud belief. F. II. Hki.skr. Cashler. Subscribid and sworn lo before me, this eveutlt day of July, 1884. Jas. EL Bach, Notary Public. ToRent For a Term of Years. Alargo two-story Brlck House corner of DiviMon and Jefferaon 8treeu, Ann Arbor, Mich. Eighleen rooms besldes pantry, closeU, front and back halls. Klve suito rooms on Mvoii'l Boor, four of whose aleeplng rooms are accesslble from back hall. Bolh city and soft water lndoorx and out. It is belng painted outside and thoroushly renovated In -Mr, havlng removed paper, palot and calsomine, preparatory to repapering, decorating, patntlnK and calaomlnini,'. Han un outside door to the dlning room whicu is eleven feet slx luches by twentytwofeetslx Inches. It is well arranged for boardersand roomers. Iocatloa unnurpansed Will beready fnr inspectlou about July 36th, A. L., 1S88. Cali on or address A. K. CLARK, 91 Thompson Street. SCHOOL BONDS FOR SALEBealed tenders are lnvited by the underslKiied uiittl six o'clock oo the aiternoon of July the 2-th, 188S, for the purchae of 24 000 (twenty-lour tbousand) dollars of iour per cent bonds of School District No. One. of the City of Ann Arbor, Mlch., as autliorlzed by the Annual School Meeting held Sept 6 188S in deno nlnation of 100 and 500 dollars beinè dated Keb. 1, 1889, and pnyable as ftllows I Feb. 1, 1889, U 500. Feb. 1, 1880. $1.500 " 1891. 2,000 18114, 3,0 0 " 1S93, 4.000 ' 18H4 4.0CO " 1895, 4 000 " 1890, 4,900 ?24,000 Interest pnyable nnnually. Both principal and Interest payable at the offlee of the 'l"reaRurer of sald district school. The rlght of rejeutlng any or all blds is reserved. By order of the Board of Educatlou. L. Gkuner, TrenKurer, No. SHOUtb Main St. Ann Arbor, July 20, 1888. LX7M3BERI LUMBER! LÜMBER! U yon contémplate building, cali at FERDON Luto Yari ! Corner Fourth and Depot Sts., and e our figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lumber and Kiinrantee VERY LOW PRICES mrOivc us a cali and we will malte it ' j your nterest. as our large and well graded Hoek fully ' ustains our assertion. Telephone Connectioni with Office. r. I. KEECH Supt. JAMES TOI.BERT, Prop


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