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Israel Hall is in very poor health. Rev. Mr. Holmes, of Chelsea, is in the city to-day. W. J. Booth has moved his family to Ann Arbor from Ypsilanti. Mrs. G. Luick and son Oscar are absent o a visit to friends in Hay City. D. F. Schairer was on the street this a. ni. for the first time in several day &. Tonsolitis. Mrs. Prof. Geo. P. Williams has moved back into the Dr. Palmer place on E. Ann st. Mrs. Royer, cor. E. Ann and División sts , is being visited by her daughter and children. Hon. Chas. ft. Whitnian and wife retiirnpd from their southern and weitern trip Monday. Mrs. Will E. Sprague and son, of Detroit, are visiting at Jonathan Sprague's in the th ward. Mrs. L. Warren and SaUffhter of Johnsonville, Ohio, have been visitlng at D. S. Millen's this week. Rev. Henry Gelston and family, of heland, Florida, are visiting their old home, at Rev. Maltby Gelston's. Mrs. Gerhardt Josenhans and family visited the campers at Rush Lake, Silver Lake, etc., for a few days last week. Win. E. Robinson has heen re-elected superititendent of the Detroit schools for two years longer, at a salary of f4,000. Mrs. Traub, and son Willie, of Detroit are speuding some time with G. Josenhans' family and other friends in the city. Prof. Henry Wade Rogers and wife left Detroit Monday for Buffalo, accompnnied by Mrs. Rogers' sister Miss Winner. County Clerk Howlett is trying to get enough extra strenctli at Cavanaugh Lake tliis week to take liim through the Mmptlfn. Arthur Brown retiirneil f rom a ten day's siege at Cavanaugh Lake Monday, as brown as a button, and tough as a hickory wythe. Wm. P. and Hugh White, of Utica, N. Y., sous of Wm. 11. White hare been in the city this week, looking up the property of their father. Miss Margarette Niethammer has returned home from Stockbridge, where 8he has been visiting Miss Slyrtle Beeman for the past four weeks. Porter Lathrop left Monduy for Iowa. Mrs. Lathrop remains for a time with her mother, Mrs. John W. Thoraugon, wiio Is not in good health. President Angell and family are spending some weeks at Seal Harbor, Mt. Desert, on the Maine const. The Dr. left last Salurday for that place. Altred B., the 7 years old on of Fred. Schlandeier, who bas been iick the past 14 months with inllamm itory rleuniati.-m, is able to ride out some now. Rev. Dwight Ramsdell imd M99 Grace Laraway, both of Northfield, are lo be luarrieil tf-day, at tlie home of the bride's parante, Mr. and Mrs. Haskall Laraway. Fred Bollmeyer, of Wauseon, Oliio, stnpped over witli liis friend E. E. Ballett at the Ai liniiui M nnlny, on his -nniinrr bloycie tour, whicti lie a niakiiig i In ouli the southern part of Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Clias. I-. Carter are expectPd here to-day for a vlsit of a few week with her brotlier Evrt H. Scott. A bout the midille of AogUt they wil I Hail for Honolulu, Sandwich Ialand, 6r permanent residence. Mrs. Jacob Rapp, of J,odi, died yesterday ai 5 o'clock p. in., of apoplt-xy, aged 58 yeurs. A new millinei y store is to be put In the building on Aun st. formurly OCCHpiad by Millman A. Colling. The tiRlit rope walker at the 9how last Wednesday night feil sonie 20 fcet landing 011 his back, and was hurt considvrably. A freak of nature in the slinpc of tuin cucuniter8, e.ioh perfect, jrown on the vines of C. B Davlson, is on exhibition at our sanctiun. In 1880 Jonathan Sinulley, of Manchester, coiiinifiircd prooeedinjis for divorce Iga'.nat Ellzabeth Sinalley. Then thinijs scemed (0 h:ive been huslied up, and nothing more was ever hearil of the case until a few duys ago, wlien Kliz.ibeth caine forward with proceedings tor diroroe trom JoaHthan. Tbey better patcli it up affain. J)r. Martin writin": from Glaegow, Scotlan(l,Julyl8th.,toMr.a'id Mrs. X 15. Been, says: "We reached Suotland 8und:iy eveniiiK. lioth well, and In excellent spirits. Our ocean voyage wan line, except 36 hours of lievy wind. and as a result lienvy sea. We atteuded the Inteiniitional Exhibition yt-sterdav, it is fine. We start for Dublin to-niglit." Last WedneRdüy nt about 4 o'clock p. 111., the hen Iiout, hog house, and corn house wil li 160 busheU ot corn, and $8U worth of other personal property of Michncl Cowan, of Aun Arbor town, sume five miles out just north of Dixboro, was destroyed by lire. The property was in8u:ed in the Washtenaw Mutual, and the loss was adjusted Saturday at $2:33.33 altogether. Waker J. Whitlark, son of Josepli Whitlark of Ann Arbor town, died öaturday nijfht aller turee months sickness, of inaligiiaiit disease of liver, pancreas and ítoiuach. He was 3:5 years, 9 mos. and 10 days oíd, and leaves a wife and one child. Funeral services were held at tbe Unitarian church yesterday a. m., ]{ev. Dr. Sunderland prcaching tüe serinon. " Wliy, said a resident of ttus city to the writer, recently. " If we have free trade a saving wlll be effected in everything, lor instance, whea I vi.-it Lomlou, nr any part of England, I never pay but tialt-penny (one cent) tor having my boots blacked, but here the impudent boot blm-ks demand live and sometimes ten cents!1' This gentleman is one of our learned men. He is a (ree trader becaii9e of selSshnesa, and still hedoean't support raany In thia world besides hunself. Yes, free trade would even rob the boot blacktt. Rev. Christian F. Spring, of New Hamburg, Ont., well known in this cfiunty, son-in-law of August Hutzel of West Washington st., departed this life Ist, at his home. The telegram recelved ttates that he died of appoplexy. His son Emanuel Spring, bookkeeper of Hutzel & Co., lelt on the next train. Kev. Spring leaves a widow and a family of 12children. He was a man of superior attainnieiits, and his dealb will cause inany regTets. The deceased is the gentleman who trmislated Dr. (Jhnse'a Receipt Book into tlie Germán language, an undertaking that was well done. At the last meeting of Welch Post, No. 137, G. A. K., at vote was taken to ascertaiu how many had already dettrinined to join tlie Michigan Brigade on its trip to tlie National Encüinpinent, at Columba, O., about Sept. 10. 8o large a per centage of those present voted in the afflrmative that the adjutant was instructed to notify all ineuibers not present to be on hand at the next regular meeting, Friday evening, July lüth, when more deftinite action will be taken. The adjutant was also instructed to correspond wlth the offlcers of Fairbank Post, Detroit, for all Information in thelr pogsession relative to the formation and movement of the Brigade, so that Welch Post could inake its arrangement accordingly. The last Register, in publwhing an account of the proposed new street railway company, goes 'out of lts way to give a vicious kick at a iiumber of our ood citi.ens whi) jolned together couplu of years ago to build and equip for our city asimilar enterprise. It is perhaps not known to the young new cimer who presides over the destiuies of that many sided sheet, that the persons who composed that company were all reputable citizens of Ann Arbor, men who have capital invested here In busines, and their desire was to help build up the city. To slur such men may be a conunendable thing to do, and then again it may not. There is not a membcr qf that company but would be glad to see a street railway put in here; in fact they are men who heartily sanction any enterprise that wlll teud to bjild up and lmprove our city.