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DON'T SCOLD a man for proaning when he has lUieumatisni or Neuralgia. The pain is simply awful. No torture in the ancieut times was more painful than these twin diseasea. But-youghtn't a man to bc blamed if, having Rheunmtism or Neuralgia, he wont use Ath-lo-pho-ros, when it has cured thousands who have suflered is the same way ? It has cured hundreds ¦fier ph'ysicians have pronounced tin in incurable. "The flkill of fire physictanfl oould not cure roe of RheiunatiHm which had nettled in th.-hips. neok Mid nhoulden. Soliitnfl0 wb tbopain that sloep wa almost impoe Biblr. Tïio rint diKw of Athlophonie nrs me mHef. and the third enahled roe to leep Í4jrfnr aii'i a lmlf lii-urh witbuut wakitm. tfVo4ñtintitl its U94. and am duw well " r 8. H. TEOYKB, Nuw Albanj. Ind. 4Sum1 r. .r thi' hrnutlrul colored plcturi', " Mim.i i-li MtiitU'ii." THEATHLOPHOROS CO. 112 Wall St. N.ï. Long-Standing Blood Diseases are cured by the persevering use of Ayer'a Sarsaparilla. Tliis medicine is an Alterative, and causis ;i radical ohunge in the system. The process, In goiue cases, may not be quite so rapid os iu others ; but, with penistenle, the result Ís certain. Gead thele testimoniáis : - " For tn-o yuars I sufFtfred from a severe ]ain in my right Blde, and liad other trotblM can.-.-, I ly a torpld liver and cly.sM'si;i. Athr t;iiii several medlcine u fair trial without a cure, I bagan to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I mus greamy henetited by the nrat bottle, and after taking five bottles I was completely cured." - John W. Bensou, 70 Law nuca st., Lowell, Mass. l.ast May a largo carbuncle broke out ou my arm. The usual remedies liad no effect hm I was confincvl to my bed for eight veas. A fricMid induced me totry Amt's Sarsajiarilla. Lcss than three es hamled the soro. Iu all myexpi- rlence with medicine, I never saw more Wonderful Results. Anothor marked effect of the use of thia medicine was the strengthening of my gight." - Mis. Carrie Adams, Holly Springa, Texas. " I had a dry scaly humor for vears, and siilïcTcd terribly ; and, as my brotlier and sister were similarly ailliotpd, I ircsume the malady is hereilitary. Last winter. l)r. Tyron, (of Fernandina, Fla.,) rccomiiiended me to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and continue it for a vear. For liv inonths I took it daily. I 'have not liad a blemtsh upon mv body for the last three inonths."- T. fe. W'iley, 146 cuamoers si., mew lorK uity. " Last fall and winter I was troubled with a dull, heavy pain in my side. I diil not notice it much at tirst. Init it gradually ffrcw worse until it beoame aliBOüt unbearable. Duriug the latter part of iliis time, dtsorden of the stoiniirh uiul liver iucreased my troubles. I befcn takinj Ayer' Sarsaparilla, and. affer faithfully continuing the use oí ihin niodiciue íor some months, the pain disuppparcd and I was completely cied." - Mrs. Augusta A. Furbush, HÉrerhiU, Mass. ,_ Ayer's Sarsaparilla, FREFAREO BT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. rtici 1 ; ril liuKlcs, $5. Worth 5 bottl. - PURE -g (EEAM 1'AKlNg cqwoex cellenee proren Inmlllinnsof himus .ir more tban a (inarter of acentury. It íkumk! y i lie tTnlted Staleagovernment. Knilorwd ly tlio hosilK of tlii'Urcal lJiiivi'rsitieH lts the stroimesl, Purist, and riiíisl IIimiII ht'lil Dr. Priee'8 t lie olí) y Baking L'owdertht dosa not oontain Ammonla, Lime or Alnm. Bold only in M PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., NEW V1H1K. (UICAÖO. ST. I-OÜI8. Thisis theTop of the Gexuine PearlTop Lamp Chimney. All others, similar a re imitntion. ALB3&f1 exact Label iQI K ison cach 1 'cari jS on TopChimne}'. Rl SJ A dealer may say SnSjBÍs iüf an'l think he has B Sr others as good, G& BUT HE HAS NOT. Insist upon tlie Exact I abel and Top. Po1) Sale Fverywhere. Mace only by CEO. A. MACBETH fc CO.. Pfflsfaurgh, Pa. "CHICAGO TRUSS. " ;ra teBM chenp. ApSprmg Tnixs t3 fc pro ved by ll,u,l Hubher C3 the lilghes't '¦''¦ l.iKlit f-K Medical Aui'lran, Cool MMB thorlty.Worn 1 1 u r u b 1 e , itmm0 A a. y and nightliyan luíant a wc-ok oíd oran AdultHO years, FsitUy ailjutted. It mecía all forms of ScruUI, Fcrinoral. IqrqIuuI. and I'nihillcnl Hernia, In both lufnnis aod Adnlis. Hatisfacllon guaranleed In In all caces. Any deilrable preñare obtlned. Lady's Umbilical Tmaaaa a grand raooeaii If yoar droggial doei nol keep tliis Trum endose itampí aud ¦ddreu, IIK . TBVM 'O. 119 I h sl„ Office si. un place. Chicago. Illa. T. V. ivAY.Vi:, Masa.. i :. NOIiP Ij VIVÍ ItllOR llllll.l.lsrs. Piso's Cure for ContSM sumption ia also the best f3 ra Congh Medicine, ü If you havo a CojirIi 3 without disease of tho Rl 13 lungs, a few doses are all E F3 younoed. BntifyouneH 13 (ilcct tliis easy m 0.1113 of Ml safety. the slight Cough Hl Ë4 ¦ may bocoino a serious Wrj e3 roattor, and overal botd tlos will bo rejuirc(!. CET THE BËSiT FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Hccnrity held tor ihr pnitcction of the poücy hoMtTH. CHRiSTIAN MACK RepraMBti Ihc rollowlni; flrst-clas corainlei, of wliitli one, tlie J-:tn:i. Uaa alone paid $Si,UUU,0OU Ure - nièlxtyflve yi.-ars: Etnii, of Il.utford $ 0,192,044 Kriinkiiii of l'liiladf]ilii.i 3,118,718 Gurmanin, N. Y 2,700,729 Germán A.tnerlcao, N. Y 4,0ii.f, :n;s I.ondon Assuranoe, Lomion.. . 1,416,788 Michigan V. &, M., Detroit... 27,0O8 N. Y. Underwritcrs, N. Y 2, 596,07e N.itional, llartfortl 1,774,505 J'luBtiix, IJrooklyn 3,759,036 Lnssei lÜKr.iltv ndjusted and promptly paid. Policiej ilsurd al thr Inwint riites of premium I191U


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