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The Naval Approprlatlon bill was eonsidured Inthe Senate on Iba ;ith. and an amendment to the Suuilry C Vil blll providlng for refundlng the direct war tal paid hy the States and Terrltorles in 1B1 ws fuvorubly reponed. A resolution nioffma and referrod for the appointment of a coinmlIH'o of seven Seuators to Inqu re mto and report upon the relations of business and cotnmerce between the United States uncí Cunad.... In tho House the blll forluitnu' land grunted to the Hastlngs & Dukota luilrinni in M nn-sota was pased. The Señale blll provldlnir that the Allen Land act shall not affect the tltle to miucral or mining cluims was npnrted tuvorubly. Tl e Oklahoma bill was CODSidered. In the Señale the Naval Appropriation blll M pibM'il ra lli ¦"Ui. A b 11 was favorably reporteii to upprnpmite $100,0u0 for a publio building at Muskugon, Mlob. All of the private pins uu b 11 on the calendar, 17 tn nunjbir, were rw-scd. The Senrlcel'entlon bill was Introducrd. which próvidos thut uil per' ¦ons who servcd threo uionths or more In the military or naval i-ervlce of the United States between April l-. 18U1, und July 1, 18C, shall ba entltled to pensjoi at the rate per inouth of one clnt te each duy1 service In tho House a blll was reportcd to prevent the manufacture, sale aml transí ¦ortatton of adulterated art cles or food nnd drink anrt adalterated drucs. A blll lo establish u United States Land Court In the T.rrllorles of Arlzona and New Mexico and the Stato of Colorado wa pasted. In the Sen ate on the ifith tlie House Army Appropintlon blll Kivingfl5,0() i, 00) for strongthenlng s uus passeci. The Ushcrtcs treaty was furlhor conflidered, añil a pension veto roceivod from the President ana referred.. In ilie House tin1 cntlrc sesston was occupict! tn dKcussmg the Oklahoma blll. Tuk lisher es treaty was furtlier dlscuvaed on theiTth in the Sunute.and ftfty pacsof the Sunáry-C;vil Appropriation bill were passed. A blll intro luced providlng that tlie fund hekl for the redemption of United States notes shall be componed oí gold und sllver, huif and half In the House a dozen pilvate-olaim billa were passed, aJto oue for the erection of a marine hospitul at Kvansville, Ind., to cost I100.0JO. At the evening session thirtysix private pension bilis were pHssed. DOMESTIC. M.vYoit Hewitt, of Now York, on ttie 24th rcfuiod to perform tho marria,re ceremony when asked to wed a uegro to a White wuiuan. In Chicago on the 24tU John W. Miller, Williara Steineck and Fred Zarth cotnniitted suicide, Miller on aooount of overwerk, and the other twj owin? to licuor. CiiAHi.Ks A. Dana, of the New York Sun, addressed the M'isconsin Kditorial Association on tho eveniug of the 24th in Milwaukee. A r NL Louis on the 'J4th tho Iron Molders' Union of North America elected 1'. Fitzpatriek, of Cincinnati, president for the ensuing year. An eighteeu-yearold boy at Niágara Falls, N. Y., robbed his father of Ri.ÜÜO on tbe J-lUi and skipped to Canada. Mus. John s Martin, of Chicago, died ou the 24th from hydrophobia, caused by the bite of a little doe. Tnrc National Urand Lodge, United Brothers of Frieudsliip, tho largest orf iiui of colore ! men in America, met in anuual sejsion at St. Louis uu the Mth. Hail-stokm did considerable dama.&re to crops in portions ol low.i umi Michigan on the 24th. Selwynn Taïi.ok, of Pittsburgh, Pa., a prominent nlnim eogineer und coal excrt, said on tbe M'h lie thought natural gas was gi vlag out, aad (bat in two.euis more the supply would bo exhB8tel In a qua: rel on the 'JUh at Abingdon, Va., John (Jvayson and LiUburn Triitg w iv fatally shot, and the mother of Trlgg di6d from the shock caused bv Uer son's death. Skvhn in ni)uki rpprcscntatives of orp-anized bodirs of locouiotiveonfrinoers and drenen and switchinen met in convontion ou tho'J4tli at St,. JuHcph. .Mu , to cousider tbelr common interestí ln general and tho "(" strike in particular. PriUNU a rain-storni ut PrlooetOD, Ind., at ten o'elock on the night of the Í4tli a rainbow was distinctly leen. By the accidental discharge of a gun on the ÍMth near Versailles, Ky., Uichard Aiken, aged thirty the years, had both oyos blown out. Tuk subscription fund raised in New York to reimburse O. M. Hartt, who suffered by the bakura' boycott, amountcd to Í3.S00 on the 'Jlth. On tho 'ilth Acting Secretar.v of the Treasury Thompson ent a comniuuication to tho Houso of KeiroscTi1;iliv(.s (dring information of Cana-jian diserimination against Aiiicrii-an véasela passing through (.'anadian cunáis. An express packago containing $1O,ÜÜO was stolen on the 'Jöth from one of the steaincrs running betweeu Portland, Ure., and Astnria. toi-R saloon-keepers at Trenton, M. J., wore sent to jail for six months oach on the "ftli for telling liciucr ou Sunda.v. The joint meeting at St. Joseph, Mo., of the four brotherhoods of locomotive engineers, flretnen, nritohnfen ani brakemen was eoncludod on the 25th. The continuance of the "y striko was indorsed, and also the plan for a federatiou of the four organizutions. The Intornational Bible convention met at Asbury Park, N. J., on the 25th. Faith healing, the doctrine of the Trinity and other subjects were discussed. A gano of nineteeu tramps who had been terrorizing farmers and robbing frelght cars in Northeastern Ohio were captured by a company of militia on the 25th In tho woods near Ashtabulu. Thk Congressional conimittee appointed to look into the emigration affairs of the country held its flrst session in New York City on the 25th, examining the agents of several steamship line. A skvkre earthquake shock was feit at Tucson, A. T., on the 25th. Many adobe walls were cracked. The shock was also feit at Tombstone and Prescott. On the 25th ex-Hecretary of the Interior Columbus Delano, now eighty years old, drove a buiglar out of his house at Mount Vernon, O., at the point of a revolver. Mikanda, a brakeman on the Cincinnati & Muskingum Valley railway, feil from a freight-train near Bremen on the E5th and was killed. Tni9 made the seventh son killed iu that famiiy by the railroads. Ha il feil to the depth of flve inches in Virginia on the 25th, in some places completely destroying growing crops and gardens. Thk graad jury In Chicago on the 28th indicted the Anarchist dynamite conspirators, Hronek, Chopek, Chleboun and Bevic. At Maynnrd, O., on the 2(th a boardlnghouse owned by William Prester was destroyed by flre, and Presser, aged fortyfive years, his son TV'illie, aged seven years, and John Morgan, aged fourteen years, were burned to death. Tiikkk boys named O'Brien, Sutton and Haynes were drowned in the Missouri river at Omaha on the 2(ith while bathing. The observance at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., on the 2ötti of tho centenary of tho udopbon of the constltution of the United States by ther State of New York was enthusiastlo In every respect At ' lorod Biaa livm i Q pit, hBñ , fatally poisoned her father and tl:re brotliers on the 2öth. Kumily trouble was the cause. The Uusiness Educators' National coneeution, in se.ision on the 2Oth at .Minneapolis. Mimi , elected Qeorga W Brown, of IgcktODTÜle, Hl . president. Twu chii.ui:en of K. Baaoford, Uring noar Covinytun, (ia., wliilc attemptlng to i'liinb u fpntv during a thunder-stonn 0:1 Ihe 26th wore tnstantly killed hy lightning. Wiiii.k Jamo9 and John Martin were tnowing at McLuney, O., on the Jtith tho borges became frihtoned and ran away, Irawlngtbe machine overthem and cuttingboth fatally. SlX TRAMP rilling' in a car londed with coru 011 tho Union PacinV i-ailroad wero mothcrod to death when the traiu wus ivreckud uu tUu Mik uear Uinalia. A prominent member of tho Knights of Labor Btatcd i:i I'ittsburgh on tlic ülth that the total membership of tho Kntehts of Labor at the yre.-iout time dl.l not exeeed 150,DOO. TlisSt. Louis, Allon & Spriuglield railroad was sold ut Bpringlield. 111 , on tho )th 011 a forpclosuro for ?7")0,00ü to an apcnt of the bondholders. Davii.T. Daï, .liicf ,,f tho División of Mining StatiMt es, submittacl usuminary on the 'th of tb inoral products of the United States in Isst. Tho total value is 1688,086,845. Ii shows a wonderful gain over lSSHand isil(K),(lo),(IOOgreater than thci output of IS). ïne United States leads the world in the produrtion of minoráis. THE Clncinnati National Bank, Franlc Alter, president, went into vohmtary liquidation on the 'i7th becauso of dullness of business. Ir wa ïeported on the 'JTth that scven men were killed in an eneounter between Hugotown and Woodsdalo eitizens in Stevens County, Kan. Tliü trouble (rew Dut of county seat mattera. Sixof a gaag of nine taieves, who had been robbinft Vigo (ïounty (Ind. ) farmers, ivoro ariesied ut Terre Haute 011 the Ï7th. LiTiZhNs of Wahpcton, D. T., 011 the -'Ttli lynched Ue)Utjr Sheriff Klmer, who shot MoUie Korbet, a domest e in the family of the sheriff, berause she would not marry alm. J. P. J. Howabp, a notPd colored ))olitirhm of Brooklyn, N. Y., was 011 tho'JTth sentenoed to the penitentiary for seven years for jwrjurv. A. Ki.espoh. livint; nt FYirnadule, Cal., killed his wife on the 27tii and theu onded life witli poison. John L. Sri.i.ivAN, thepugllist, attempted on the JTth to clean out a saloon at South BiHton lilled with 'longshoremen, but the bruiser was thrown to the Hoor and severol.v pounded. iiiTK l aeb viiitea a meeting couductcd by u Monuoti iuissionary at Bj'rnville, hul., on the '27th aiul caused a stampede of the eongreeation. Wsaionary Scott and another apostle from Cnicago were inteuded victims, but escaped. Tue bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Williaiu Weutworth were found on tho 27th by divers iu forty feet of water in Sunapee Lake, New Hampshire, elasped in eaeh other's arm. The couple wero on their wedding tour, and disuppeared reomitly. Duiusci the seven days ended on the '.'7th tliere were '27 Ini-iiness faltares in the L'nitcd States, aijaiiut Hl the previous saven days. At Eden, Miss., a man named Ogert killed Frank (íuise (oolored) OD the27th tor hvnlUnft bis famlly. Two triend of Uuise then set upon Ogert and bacKed him to pieees with axes. . Bkuce 'h i;eh (colorecli was lynchod on the 7th near MeadsvUle, Va., for a criminal assault upon Mrs. Kobort Dudgt. It was raported on the -'Tth tbat a great many Chinese were euteriog Washington Torritory from British Columbio. Ei.i Buyant (colorod) was banged by a mob on the 'J7tli near StarkviHo, La., fur criminally asaulting a white womaa At Pitteburph, Pa., Josejih Vlsb, wlio mbbed wcimcn in broad daylii-hc on the strect, was on the 27th sent tothe peiiitentiary for twenty-flre jtmra. GovBK.N'OB ilii.i., uf Ni'w York, on tho Ï7th couiinutfcl the sentenco of Ciara Cignarale. the condemnéd murdeivss, just as slie was about to be taken to the pallows. (lv-;ll and operators of the gUss-works at Pittsburgh, Pa., on tlio 27th agreed upon a scale of wagos, and oporations will be rosumed by the seven tuousand strlkurs September 1. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Tns Union Labor party of Wisoonsin met in Htate convention on the 24th at Oshkosh and nominated the following ticket: For Governor, Dr. Powell, of La Croase; Lieutenant-Governor, N. E. Allen, of Beaver Dam ; Secretary of State, William Lockwood, of Kipon; Treasurer, Alfred Mannhaimer, of Manitowoc; Attorney-General, A. Kyan, of Waukesha; Superintendent of Schools, E. B. Krackowitzer; Railroad Commissioner, John E. Thomas, of Shcboygan Falls; Insurance Commissioner, Kittner Stevens, of Green Lake. Tuk Democrats of thn Seventh Illinois distrii-t on the :Mh nominated Owen Lovojoy for ( 'huí; f'ss G. SC Blkwktt was nomiuated for Congress on the 34tb by the Prohibitionists oí the Second Indiana district. Thk Prohibitionists of the Tenth Illinois district on the ÍMth nominated J. H. Hcdg wiek for Congress. The Connecticut Ropublicaii Stato convention will meet at Hartford August 14-15. The Minnesota Prohibitionists met at St. Paul on the 35tb and nominated the following ticket: Por Governor, Huph HarriBon, of Hennepin County; Secretary of State, Peter Thompson, of Nobles County; Treasurer, John H. Allen, of Fergus Falls; Attornoy-Ueneral, Charles F. liannon, of Duluth. Coloxei. JamwStkvessom, of the United States Qoolot'ical Suney.tüed ut New York on the 25th. Mrs. Sarah, Mío had not tfisted food in forty-two duys, died on tho 25th at Newark, N. J. 8he was flfty-three years old, and when slic was taken sick weighed one hundred and fifty-two pounds, but at the timo of her deuth weighed ouly eighty pounds. Geserai. Kuwudan still continued to improve on tho 25th, and uvery thing iu bis condition was favorabie. Tue Massachusetts Ktate Republican convention will be held in Boston September 12. The Democrats mado tho following Congressional nominations on 25th: Illinois, Ei?hteenth district, W. S. Forman; South Carolina, Kixth district, G. W. Dargan (renomin.ited) ; West Virginia, Seconddistr.rt. W. A. Wllson (renominated) ; Fourth, J. M. Juckson. The Republicana made the following nominations: Missouri, Third district, James Love; Indiana, Fourth district, M. D Taekett; Ohio, Sixth district, M. M. Boothman (renominated). The Kansas Kepublicans met in State convention at Topeka on the 2tSth and nominated a full State ticket, witn L. V. Humphrey, of Independence, for ttovernor. The platform indorses the Republican nominees for President and Vice-President; favors homo rule for Ireland; detnands the enforcement of the Ktate llquor law, and fsvora protection to hom ; iudusU'ies. Ai .1 N.iJiiiuii' ¦ nfortMu'U of lc mi ral o eolored men iu Indtanapolis, Iml , oa Ute Üöth sixt.v four delégate were present. A resolutnin v.n-, ,i i.jpted ni 'luí-Mu..1 the positton i St J. ¦ .:( .(íuvi-iiti'in upon t he ¦ ¦ their bet efforts to moon the incoMt uf the crat'.r rarty oí Ibe Natlon. Oexkkm. S:n uidan liad su Car reoorered f rom hts i ¦:. ¦ -.v.ih lh;it liis physicians hád roase i thé publication of daily bulletins linnouucing hi eondttioB. H. Ci i, Kv.v.vs was nominateá for Congressontlu' :.i;th l;.v the Republicana of tile Thinl dist riel of Tenneaaaa. riiiMDEN r (i'.iiwu lolt Washington uu tho ÍOtli fora l'oni' Ja. s' fishiiit,' tour off Sandy Hook. Th Demócrata ol the Bsventh district nf Virginia on thetMtb ranominatad Colooel O'Ferrall for Cooyre (i. S. Thomas w.i omninated for Conproason tha 28th by the Republicana of tho Fifth district of Deorglaj. (i:xi:ku. M :. 1'aïkick, povernor of the Nationul Boldlera' 1 1 at Dayton, ()., (lied on tho Tt'u, aücd n-vcnty sovtn yer. He hart bi'en sick ten days. Mrs. Bkl'a Loc KWfion. thp I'residential c.indid:it" of tho Equul Rightl party, opened tho i'uiiipaiKii in, N. Y., on the 27th. In hor )eeoh shu said that it was abotit time that vvomen wen roiriinlol in somc othet liL'iit than as pettod dolls on tho ono hand and doDLBstio dmdffaa on tho othor. Ht:v. T. II. Dahl, l'iohtbition candidato LiiMitonatii i of w lacotialn, and O, C. Preseott, cuudidate for Treasurer, havlng declinad to run, Chris Carlaon, of Eau ('lairo, and !,. V. lluvt, of Madiaon, rere on the VTtta named for tho places by the Central Comtnittee, FOREIGN. Mil. OTon-nici.i . tho chiaf clork of tho New York court of pleas, wlio is truvaling iniEurope, co-nplained to the authorities at Queeii8town, lreland, on the 34th that his Btepa were constantly dogged by Enfjlisli d.'toctivos. A plot to murder Prlnoe Ferdinand, of Buliraria, waedUoovered os the 86th, and two of tho rinpioailors vore in jail. Mr. an-i ïlus. W, E. GladstoSi celcbrated thoir golden wedding on the 38th in London. The; were the recipiënt of many pi''vits, also an addross sl,'iied by 150 oaembera of Parllament. Jamks O'Keilkt, journalist and member of l'arliumeiit ior the north división of Roscoimnon. ivjs anostod in London on the 2f)th formaklng ipeeohea inciting tha Irish to intimidation and boyoott adVioea of tho i'ith suythat Prof. Tfohaki'rt, of the Konigsberg University, has discoverod in ttio librar}' numerous hitherto unknown luauusi ripts of sermona and eomnientarics Wrltten by Martin Luther in the period from 1519 to 1B31. were ovioted from their holdings on the Lewia estáte in County Galwa.v, lreland, on the 20th and offered armed resistanoe. Kleven of the tenants wore arrosted. OFFiriAi. reporta on tho 20th on tho Russian harvest ahowed that wheat would be an excellent erop, rvo far above the average, and the yield of oaU and barley fair. A UEitMAX named Clotten vas arrested In Londnn on the -'Utli for threatening to burder Mr. Qladstone. Tin: niño bundredth anniversary of the tnttroduction of Christinnity into Kuss ;i vai celebrated al Sief on the SSth with freat pomp. A THO08 is: min ; omployed In Lhe ooal minos at St, Etienne, France, itruok on thc 271h toe Uigiicr wagos, ;in,; it waa rxnectcd tliat thostr ko won UI spread further. .Iami s (i; i:-. i. h ui... i'-a!c winc marchaat If Montreal, Caí , failed on the 27th for (00,000. Advices of the 87th soy that a volcanic eruption at i'ainl.iisan, liít.v leagues írom yoltohaniu. liad lies; nivel several villages and killed onu Uiuusaud ui.t.sous, Lncludlng onc anndi'ed fsitos at the thermal Iprings. A frosh cráter bad tormed, and ¦be eruption u-as stiil aotlve. NiM.iii.s emlgration n',','!its were ar testfecj un the 87th at Cracow, Austria, for ncitlRg tlie nativos of that district to emigrato to América. LATER NEWS. Tu: i !.,¦ bwe'bull a 'Un in (ha Natifinal I . ¦ , for the weck ended on tho v.n:1i -a.s us f olio w i Detroit (gamea Won), 47; New York, 47; Cu ra: 45; Boston, S7; Philudelphi l, :4; Pittgburgh, 29; IndiaaapoU, :.5, Wsliiiigtoa, l'.i. The American Afsoclation clubs Btood: St. Louis (gantes won), 49; Brooklyn, "0; CinBinnati, 47; PtrHatfolpnla, 4S; Haltiinoro, 84; Louisville, 28; Cleveland, 26; Kansu City, 2U. In theWesteru Assooiation tho followlng was the order: st,. Paul (gamas won), 4i; Boa Moines. 83; Omaha, 27; Milwaukic. 3a; Kan-as City. 7; Chicago, 28; Sioux City, 10; Minni-aiols, 'J-j. Actclosi paased u-itlnn two miles of Fairmount. 111., on tho 29th, dostroying property in the viiin it y. At twenty six leadlng olearlng-hotuM in the United Btatos the exchanges ilurini; the week ended on tho 38tb oggrogated K18,62&,687, againstt943, 772,301 the provious week. As compared with the corrospondinfi week of 1SS7 tho deercaso amouuted to 4.Ö per cent. A DTCLOxa on the 2Sth at Plainview, Jlinn., wreckoil sovoral boiues. Tns large paper-mill of John Da Varennes, ut Kast L'e, Mus., waj burued on the 2'Jth. I. ss. iliu.uaj. Hefohts ot further outrnges iummltted by tho White ('nis in the northara part of Perry County, Ind., were rece. ved on tho 28th, and tho farmeri were orb'aniziug a dofense paity. While wrestlingon the 20th at CincinnatiLuke Muldoon threw PatricliFlaherty and broke his neck. 'rtAMi's wbila fooling .iriund a nitroglyoerino factory north o.' Lima, O., on tho 28th acctdcntally caused an explosión, completely demolishing tha building and uiowing mem 10 piec Conqbbsbkv' Kisnu.i, was removed from Washington on t ba ¦; Itn to his country home at Waync Station, J':i RicHAitn L.AKKIS3, a blaoirsmrth, and Joliu Phillip-i, i butuher, wcre shot doad on the 29tU by Aumi .t D.edlou for creatina a disturbaneeat a Poiisii wadding in Chicago. JíNatha.n Kknskdv, ulive stook importor at Montrcul, Cun., fuilod 011 the&th for tl5ü,000. Akteu a niiio ilaj-s" burial fifty foet undor ground by tho cavinj; in of a well Johu P. Anderson, of Jolnistowu, Neb., was rescued alive on the 38th. Mks. Nancï Faüehi-ï, living with hor daugrhter in Wolfboro, N. Il, celebrvted her one hundiod and fourth birthday on the 28th. . A FKAKiuL storm caused much destruction in Northwest Fran.v cm Uut -Mli, und many fishernieu w.rc drowiiod. Thb United States Seuate on tlie üSth devoted the entlro seüéion to dlscusslng tho Sundry Civ.l AvprQpriatlon bill. Iu tho House a bill was introduoed providing for tolls ou Cuindian voisels through St. Mary's and Si. L wrenee c aals in retallatlon of (lisvriuiiiiation uga:n-t American vessels In Canadlan canals. The Senate bill to rei ; i.nsitors of the Froedmen's b.. :. iTOiredin.


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