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Song Of Wages, 1894

Song Of Wages, 1894 image
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sint; a song di wnges, Illty ¦nis a day, Futher's In the poorllotMe, inother's run uway; sisifi 's i !¦ Uu' factory,. I un In the mili, Krullier'H ou llie rallwuy worklng wltli ¦ wlll. once we sludled lessons, now thero Uu't time; Where mere wus u dollar, uow there's but a diini'. Shnuld you ask tlio rwMOQ, I could only say : "Two mimi iiiHiraiiiins, deiuocratlc sway!" Slng a song of wugcs, twenty ceuts a day, Weary huurs of labor, never ttme to play; Frockl are torn and tattered, shoes are nul of holes, Clipboard shelves are empty, bln Is free ol ooiil.s, Tlio' the shlps ure brlnulng goods from near umi tut'. Stlll they Bay wo're happy, and I 'pose we are. Wliy U's all so different ? I can only finv : ¦Two adiiiliiUtralliiiis, democratie way! " Slng a song of wage, twenty cents a day, LIvIuk Hke thu heatlien, herrlugs packed away ; liooni HO damp and dlrty, walls bo black and bare, Wasn't iilway thls way, once had llght and air. Stlll we musn't ruinble, labor's dreadful oheftp, ThouHanü hiiulsarereiulv, cUlldron'g moutliH nre deep. Why the times are hard slr ? I can only say: "Two admlnlstralloiiB, democratie way Ir lllWIN LONUMAN. New York, July 19. In lfMOOen. HarrUon was put In charge ol a commlttee to whlch all letters were referred. VVlth the exceptlon of hls address ut Kort Melgs where he was allowed to aprjear and speak, to convlnce the people that he wa nol au old man nroken down In body and mlnd, he kept perfect sllence axcept as prompted by hls coramlttee. Tlils mot wan worked lor all It was wurth agalnat hlio.but lt made no dlfference. Ou the name the present Oen. Harrlson has been advlsed: " Doo't let any newspuper reporter Interview vou dont make any speeches; don't b away Iroin home; don't wrlte any letters. The advlce Is good.- Ypnllaull Sanliuel. lf tliat really wan the ndvlce lt was crtainly good, lor Ihurison was cluiüecl In 1840 jut as Ilnrrison will be clccliil a"ain in 1888, and it wou'l m:ik! any ditrerence whether you ktep Mr. CU-vi-l;unl cliained up or let hiin loose. The 88 cainpiiigii resembles the '40 ouinpaign in tlit: iimtu-r of the taiiir ulsii. ws wliat ¦glUted the country tlien ind protection "ju. Protection will win ngaln this year. _____-


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News