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The Dust Of Democracy

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"A sluht torieliglit Ín. CcñAuáudlng, astonndlng." Wlu'ii Kobert S'Hithey wrote l.hat couplet in Iií.h famous poeiu "Tlie C'ataruct oí Lodore,1' he described very aj)t)y a scène in' the Sth year of the lOth century, t' how the demócrata tire (JesertlDg tíie ranks of their oíd party witli its free trade platforms and doctrines, and coming over to the party that believes in America for American?, and tliat American laborers, American industries, and American prodacu slionld lie protectad. Tlie way tliey are coming over is only eqniiled by the way the water comes down at Ladort, and to prove the assertion we give below a partial list of some whose ñames we liare noticed in our exchange9. This column is wholesome readlug: Tlie most popular democrat in the city of Buffalo, Grover Cleveland' foriner home, lias come out for Harrtson dad proteetion. Tlie Han. .lonntlian Scoville, ex-mayor and ex-coiiLressman, lina publlcly declarad that lie will vote tka repnbltcan ticket this yeár on the tarlff iMQfi and he will work as he votes. Horace McDmvell, cashier of the Farmer's Hank, of Cantón, Ohio, and mi r.tensive wool rower, gives vent. to his feelings thus: "So for as I ain concerncd, demopracy is dead to me. The excuse tliat Cleveland doos not mean free trade 18 a tliln evasión. 1 uní now eiidlng circuláis all over the oonntrj among wool men, ahowiog how the MüIk bilí would ruin tile wodI industry, aud itisonlv one Inilustry. I tliomilit dcrnocriicy woBld be redeeiued from free traüe by sucli liieu a Converse and Handall, but the nou-progressive part of the South have the wbip-liaud ¦! the democratie party. I llave voted for the democratie ticket foryears, hut I will be one of Iiuudred8 In Stark couuly mid ttiousandH all over the Stute wlio will U:ave it bo Ion tí h lt advocates free trade." Ilon. Orange Noble who heafled the democratie statu ticket In l'ennsylviiniii as its eandidate for state treasiirer, has ereated a jfreat sensation in political clr( lis by coming out flat foot.ed for Ilarri son and Morton. No democrat ever wlelded a wider nfluence in bis party in Fa. tban lias JIr. Noble, lint, he s.iys be "lie does not propose toassiet in ebeckin orniTning the prosperhy of the country by ileinoeratic intei ference wilh I he tariir." Hon. Jobu U. J)wney, democrat extfovernor of California, U out for llarrison and Morton. Vedder 0. Keynolds, of Jamestown, N. Y. i chairman of the democratie coiinty coiuniittee of Catlaraugus County, and whose inlliii'iice is estimated to be worth 500 votes, is nut at all bashful about bis cltttJHfi ot heart : "TharcttOM ore simple. I have lieen a drmo-rnt "iiuc nifuiícy. I Btuiii.jed tlui wtate for Tililcn ni 1S7U and lor l'luyWuiid m lr-Hl . I w, ggatiMI xuuie opponitiDii, electert ehaiini m ol the acino ralir ccininillüe last year. I üave resiirfled. I ciinnot advuciite ilie priuciploa as laid dowu iy the ileiii cMtiC platftiria. NutlUer cm I reconiin -ud tlu; principies udvocated lii Cl'-velnnd'H lotter of acceptauce and Uls ni.'mage. You uuy lurihcr ntHlu that I auall take Míe Mimip lor llurrison and M. roii conilug raapalffti. Cha.-. H. llir{{ins, a maiiur.itiuier of soap.s, and hcretot'ore a Tfiunlncnt Ic-iaocmt of lirooklyn, X. V., was con verted by the .Mills bilí. AVin. H. Graee, anotber prominent deinocrut ot' Urooklyn, N. Y., a denler in leul estáte, aud a man who conld stand "no tree triule iionscnse. Aloxander Ag&r a )wge dealer n stationery and paper at No. 110 WilHain st., N. Y., expltuní his positlon thus: "I iloii't care ti miy uiiyUiíiig tlie democratie parly, lor l've been Wtlpg tlie democratie in-kci, lbr pretty neur íto year, Ijut l'm KoiiiK to Btop." He showed tlie reponer liuw the larlir reduction worki-d lu tlie pip irude : "Ín HWi tlie lurlir on paper wiwrctliK-ed from 8j to í't p'r wnt.,;uiJ lu 1887 tli il"ty pakl on linportod paper was I.IUÜ percent, more tlian twl'ure lUe roilucllou, itnil mis linporluii pupor coiuom írniu Norway , wlieru latirla Ulittnug. men Hi-elvllig bul 25 and woinen 15 reut per day. Tlml ís wluit Mr. Clávela-mi I" aHkms tliu liiburura lu the ijiiiMir ludUNtry to como lo liy liU íree trade p4Hcy. .1ous'nirnlly 1 hall ll on tlie fencu wImh the democrailo purade toe by lliiH year." Henrv A. FiUgeralri, of lí): Bowery st., X. V. is a n Irubman i Cnigot of Labor mul mi aoknowltilííeil leader of 8,000 woikingiiiBü. Hoar liim: "I wlll not vote tlie democratie ticket, and I will vote the rjpublloah ticket, aud 1 belleve the great bulk ui workliigmen, anii prlicularly ol worklngmen of lrmh blrth, wlll do au I uní golng to do. Uufortuimiely, tbere is a good leal In the statement that we have lollowed tlie deinocrallc party bllndly. ïbal I iilns; Is golnti to stop. I meet liundreds of woiklniimeu evory day In the shops. In my poslttou I am of course the flrsl to hear of thelr hopes, feurs and troubles, aud I teil you that they aie badly frelgbtened by the pollcy nf tbc democratie party. Oov. Hlll's foxy statement that -freer trade' Is the ouly object In view wlll not reansure tliem. lt I ¦ oommou linprewtlun Ihal workluKiuen vole upon linpulsuiiud dou'i rciiHon. Well, liere Is the wa they reanon upou thls Uirlff matter. They reason that a reductlon ol the tarlff is ifuliiK to lnlure mauiilnviiiruH, by reason ol Ihefactthai lt wlll lnvltB forelgu compelltlon and necessarlly reduce the protlts r the manufaclurer liere. Thoy roason too, lliat as soon as the proBtl óf the maniifacturer go duwu wuges will ao dowu oorre)iondingly, and they don't wmit wos tono down. lt may be wrong lor us to reason tnat wny and to want to keep wages up, bilt tual s the way w( reasou." O. F. Biirtis, of Troy, N. Y., a íarre itove Manufacture!", tells liis story in tliia ivuy : 'I liave boen a Itfelong democrat, lnt thlg :.i]l I Khall vote for Harijuiin and MojtOO. l'he Issue Ís froe trade or protectlon. Iney my to na lliat Ihe Mills blU doe not mean íree trade. Take tli Hall Induslry. AlHylacime Hiere are 4,OI0 mon employed. lf tlie i.iriii 011 salt ís leuiored th wniof men would ba reduot-d to tbe grade imld ln UhöHlili-e, Kug. As an Illustrallun ol wlmt tbe reduotlao oí the tarlff ou Iroo lias cometo, 1 wlll cite tbe case of tbe Kaston, P. Iroo works. Tbe oompauy nse.l to buy larga „uautllk-sof billets untll lastlall, wl.rn tlie concern aupplylng them wrote tbat the lntroduotlon of Germán wire as raw material liad cnabled tlie company to Impon tbe wlre ebeaper tlian tlicy coiild make t wltli tbe and i:oiiHuqueutly tlie muís used for tbe manufacture of rods or wlre Imd been closed. Last year tbe Unil.d SUiles ini - norted 1.2U0.UU0 toas ol loruian ore. V by cim t we make tliat Iron lierc. Tlie manufacturo or tbat amoii'lt woultl lv iinployment to 2U0,uuümen. Tiieore is left In the round, tbe coal Id not dui;, tlie I rD Ís not mauulauluicd -and why? Kecaiuse tlie wage palu lor nglíiui; und munuraclurliiK ' KiiKlaud are ho nuichlower tiiun tbey are Ín thl country. Tbe worklngmen t tlils country ougut to open tbelr eye lo tlicse thlnií. 1 speak from a democratie standpolnt, for I have nevor voted for a rcpubllcim for President In niy llfe." Ex-Mayor Warren, :i prominent deinocnit of 'l'roy, siiy Cleveland's free trade message made hiui sick. It waa foolish, and tnul politics. "I nmy not vote at all, and if 1 do it will bc lor Ilarrlson :nul Morton." Ex-Controller Spieer, a lifelong doruOcrat, oi'Troy, said: "1 slia'.l vote the national republicau ticket next November." Ohaa. J. Konaparte, of Marylaud, brother of Col. Jeroine Bonxparte, a leader of the iniigwumps in 1884, has returned to the republican t'old, fiad to {jet back home. Ex-Maynr Richmond, a prominent deniocrat ot Pueblo, Col. is u late converto ri-piiblicanistn. Wm. S. Hearn, an old and prominent democrat of West Virginia, announces that he will vote for Ilarrlson and protection. He says: "After Cleveland' free trude message, I made up mv mimi I would not vote lur hun agaln. I urn lutluenced In my decisión by the hostlllty of President Cleveland towards the iiiKiinfuctnrerH, and hls desire to foster HrltlKh interest at the expenso of Amerlcun. My three sons wlll also vote for Harrlson ; and lfl had flfty voies I would Ivo thera to li i in heartily." Win. II. Smith, of Parker.sburgli, West ra., u U-ailing Wholesale hardware mcrchant has reiioiinceil demoeracy. Morris Ilarklieiiuer, one of the )arjiejt wool dealers in West Va., says he shall support the party that protects liii interests, viz: Uu; republicai). DaviJ H. Brooks, of WhwliiiK, West Va., saj'8 that he lias always been a purtisian deniocrat, a hard worker, aiid a liberal contribntor to tlie campalgn lund, hut this year liis vote and his money will be for Harrison. W. C. Stowe, a leading lawyoT and deniocrat of Snnapee, N. II., and C. F. VVinkley, of the saine state, liave both come out for Manison. Senator Voihis, of Windsor, III., who bas served eiglit ycars as a dimoorat in the Illinois li'gldlature, has come out for IJarrieon. Patrick J. Hefferman, who earns a livlOg as a 8ash and blind maker, bas joincü witli a large number ot his friends, all young democratie workmen, and formed a Harrison and Morton club in the IStb election district of the 18th ward, N. York City. He explains : "I hsve been lor aom ) time a deleite to the General Conimlttee of the Oounty deniucr cy, bat I urn ihrouh wlth that. With the other yoiing voEKlPgnM ol my acqualDtance I caunot voLe for Iree trade nor for the party that propo'es It. I believe the Amerlcail WOrktnpmAn hi hi-nn, in w.ry in limar, elevnted abovB thoae of Europe tmply liy tlie protectlve tarifl. The other mtímbers of our club bavu all the same vlewd and we liave formed thlr club tJ work for ihem." Dr. H. F. Barnes, of Indianupolia, who bas been an active democrat for 37 years, bus come out tor Harrisou. C II. Ijincoln, anothcr protninont denocrat of Indianapoliü, and a Kniht, of L ibor, declares tbat he has liad enough of (üeveland, and will vote un il work tor Harrtoon. II. A. DeLantl, of N'ew York, a ininibcr of the New York state democratie commlttee, comes over tojjether with a niajority of his employé. William C. Van Alstync, democrat extnnyor of Troy, N. Y. said on Monday: "I shall not vote for Cleveland and Thurni;in, for I do not like the platform tbey stand on - the free trade platform." Jolin Monis, a well-known florist Of i JeÜ'erson niarket New York City, and a t deinocrat of promlnence la tlie metro polis, ctianges. This a why "I have voted the democratie ticket for nearly 30 . yu.irí, and it i very pninlul for mi to KÍve up the ! ü-wiriati in! 1 h;iv' nijoyed, but I entino! help lt, ' i u a mttter of principie. I consider President I ülevelaud's surrender to the Southern contingent ) nt belpg oue of ihe L'reatt'Ht deale la ín aTn American politics. Heiiry Watterson. Roer IJ. ' Milla and the oth r Southern advocates or free i trade Bimoly crved notice on Mr. Cleveland that ir he u mieil a renomlnatloQ he must accept Inelr . views, lie had no chance of bclng nomlnated without them, bo he went over to them body nd boii'--, probably adviaed by Bayard, who U a . BonthariMTi a free trader and an aristocrat, and who haa no ympatuy wlüa the wurkingmen of the : Non h. Thls le the deal that Ín my opinión has , been made. It 1 the secoud time that the werk Indinen of the Noria have been br.nigat to sacriticetoauitthe Southern free triders. This tim , however, it wlll not bo done. Democratie work ] Ingmsn have votea enonïti to prevout it. We . hall probably find Presidiut Cleveland in his let' tr of acceptance trylug to hedije on thiB uur-umi, ' but he cannot. It Ib too late." Orville ïi. Terwillister, of Amaterdam, ' N. Y., demociat of higli character atul honesty, niinouiices his intuntion to vote for Hiiriison, iind says : "I don't propose to work a{:iist iny bread and btitter.1' Heiiry L. Fisli, a llfelong democrat and Iciriütr mayor of lïnclieater, N. Y., supnorts Harrboo. E. G. Tuoker, a cousin of J. Hnndnlpli Tacker, of Víikíiiíh, is i resident of North Bpriogfleld, III. He has beeu a democrat of tlie stanchest pattern, and votcd for Cleveland In 1884, EIc nowmya lianan tiinl no point of Clevelund'a promises and pledges thut lias been ffilfilled : "IiiNtead of a nformer he has proved lümelf to boadull and slnpld aristoorat, a bullheaded polltlvlan, nnd a hollow fratiu. and I, lor mu', hui done wlth hun. I shall vote for Harrison.'' Hon. Oliver Drake Stnith, of Englewooil, N. '., "chairman of the Headquarter Committee" of the niiiüwuinps for tlirtt state. In 1834, uow declares for Hurson and Morton. Alexunder Keid, ehiel foreimin of the Cornell Iron Works, cor. 2(Hh st. and North River, one of the larjiest esUblistinients of the kind in N. Y. City: '¦ I speak au a worklnginan of workliigincn, and have noHUthortty to expresa tlie views of the rtrm. üur hauds. usually over 1,000, never less tlian 900 are coDteuted and do not wiuitanychange. ïliey oarn from l.r to 1S a weck ae u rule, bohío eurn more. We employ carpenters, moolders, patlern makers, boller niiikcrs, lihii'ksinilliK, horseainltliB and lahoreiH of all kinds, and tbeyall favor proteotlve lawH. We have liinlikliiiiruiiini Mcotclimen who worked in MiikIhiuI and Hcotland under free trade t Wand J7 per week, and tlieyare theKtrontiOKt ndvocateHof protection. lf you could hoar these men talk of theconllt lofi of thu worklngmeii In Ulusgow aml other towim where the Iron and steninHlilp business 1 carrled on yon would undorstand wliy tliey are agalnst free trade. 41,1)00 out of 100 000 live lu one room. American workmeii can't live thatway wlth tbeir families. Tl democratie vote anal ust Cleveland wlll be ftBileiit vote. Democratie workmen wlll üo to Ibe polls, vote and gay uolhliig, but belleve me a hlic lot of tbose vote wlll amt niiiilnst ClevalaSd," Mr. Ueld's brother Frwleriek. who is foreman ofono of the departmonU of the hIiod expresses the same opinión. (';ipt. Wm. B.-irry ¦ Samly Ilook pilot, known Bil orer the enst by boat men s;iy: "If the sorl of prospority tlint Orover OUveland prornlses is tho bnst art Iele thul tlie democratie piirty can tve uk, I want po more oflt "Why lr," exclultned the blunt old Hiitlór "Icun'tialk al)out Hila HiIdk without ui-iilu'" mud. I've bouu a deniocmt, I'm a democrat now, but I am not ror Clevi-Uml .ind I ani nut for hls polloy. If I could I would mulc 11 In tliedeept'xi part oí New York harl)r umi keep It there. I have run th rad wlilioaml llu proteclloa burgee to my iiKiithcad, and liave nalletl It bard and fast. IL lü L'Oliij? to stay tbere. too. I am carrylnK tlie motto of 'No Vree Trad on every one of my spars." H K. Thurbcr, oBfl o! the beretofore preat men in tlic democratie ranks iu New York State, is very stront; in hls condemnatlon of Cleveland and liiJ f ree wool policy, and wiil vote tor Harrison. H. B. Hoeker is tnnster mechante in charge of the Delámster Iran Work, at Klth st., and North Kiver, N. V., Wbeïe 850 men are employed. He says : " We have nopolltlcs allowpd In our yarci. We don'l tnlk politics, lint we are all opposed t. Iiim' trade. Woiklngmen have ös1il-1 lor niisurli reduoliou as contumplatt-d in the Mills Im!1, .-nul there Is no reason for Humii to belleve it in In thelr Interest. Any other policy hut tliat of protectlon would be lnjurlous to all wac eariuTS, aiul workingmeii of allsliades of polllleal belief wlll cerlalnly vote In favor of the parly tlmt advócalas tlielr tMU'i.' F. C M. Lantz, of Luiitz Iiros. the rrent soap manufacturers of Bnffulo, X. Y., says : "Ideny ever having Btated that the Mills 1)111 would not lnjure th soap business. It would certalnly lnjure the business of soap manufacturen! very serlously, iind glve lorelgn inanuracturers au unt'alr udvantae. The proposed bill Is pemlcloas ani un-Anitriciin ." But then thedemocratsdon't care any - thlng about soap, any my . James O'Xcil a dealer in real estáte, of Troy, N. Y. and a prominent rnan remarks: "The stars and stripesare good enougU lur me. I .-hall vote the Heptibllcan Presidentltd ticket thldfall. Wiien a man wtio has been u Illelong Democrat as l have changes hls politics, he umi li t to have sorne good reacon for It. My reason Is thal I belleve in protectlon. Kver Rlnce Cleveland's free trade triensage to Congress I have been dowu on free trade. Ueildlngas I do in au industrial city I can üee what dlsastrous results would follow tlie lntroduction of the free trade sy-tfiu. If the Republicana vote solldly for Harrison he will be elected sure, for mauy lemocrats wtll vote for hlm on the protectlon issue." Tlie National, a democratie d i'rly paper published at Peoría, 111., and edited by the cliairinan of the democratie congressional oommtttM li doin good service for Harrison and Morton. L. li. Train, editor of tlie Fort Dodge, Iowa, Times, tlic democrat oigan ol' Webster eouiity ibr eighteen years, Is out tof tlie republiCiiu t'u;ket, witli his paper. In BoatoD n 1684 tbere ware ix dally paper that supported Clerclaml and two Blaine. Now three support Cleveland and live Harrison. l'ierce Kane, of Troy, li. Y., an exten8ive manufacturer of kuit gooda is veiy trauk about it : "I have never voted anything hut the democratie ticket. If I Uve uulll next election da; I hall vote for Harrlsou aud Morton. I ernploy over 150 operatives. Of that numixr about seventy-llve are voters. I never luterlerewlth the politics of the men noraaktbem how they are going lo vote, but it is my belief that fully 80 percent of them wlll vote the repuhlican ticket. KredericU J. Siniih, foreman of the luge lithograpli establishment of Richardson t Fooi, cor. 4th Ave. and 12th st., N. Y. City, gives liis opinión in these words : "1 ani a platu man aud belleve In plaln talk. ï helleve the democratie party ím now for free tradu. I ani not. Il Is fuullwli to say tuut workingmen nol walclied the larlil deoates. They have. They are the luterested partles. 1 have watched them carefully, aDd I ani iiiinlnsi the Mills blll and what Oov. II i 1 1 ími 1 1 i h i .i i i r v ut' -1 r tnulrt' 'l'li;il 'm fll I In-ie is ;ii)oui n I aiu against free trade ou ¦ 'ii. Tal un. i m i ii. -ni. ir principies, aud Míe lemocraliu parly will ttn.l a oo-l many housands ot us 1 ti ttftL suim; posillon a few iioulhs Iroiu now. ïlie American workim-n ls maiters stand ure the most nrwperoua iiid independent In the world. Wc Wiint to fin.iin so, anti lor that reason we are not :olng to vote the democratie tlckel tilla year, ind nol any olher whlle the freo craze is ni Kjsesslon. Those ae my oplnlons." Bljrourney V. Fay, No. 82 Worth st ., '. Y., siiys: "Well I don't watit totalk, )Ut I most certainly ara afiainst the Mills )11 and tlie tarlflf pollcy ot' tbe democraic party." He is enjjaged in tbe woolen ndustry. David J. Nauglitin a one of tlie raost jroininent labor men in New Vork state, ríe is Judire Advocate of District Assemjly, No. 49 of the lúiitrlits of Labor. He las ilways been a deinocrat, and wís a neuiber of tlie General Coro, of Tamnany Hall in 1884. He tayt that: "Oue buadred tlioiiBaud Irlslnnen wlio have leretofore voied tho democralic ticket will rote for HarrlMon Uils year. It is acorainuii hargo thnt Irlnhnien who are opposlng the .aritl policy of the democratie party are actIni4 nrlilsliíy. rerhaps they are. llut 1 want ,o aak you if tlie KnglUli free traders wlio wanlus to pass lree trade bilis are not selllshly." Mr. James A. Whitney, "a well-knou n lawyer and profound student," who has traveled wlth the democriuy for the p8t 24 years, luis come out for HltrrUon, Morton and Protection. Hls business office is at 140 Nassau st., N. Y. City. He Is considered a great acquisitlon by the N. Y. papers. Daniel Qnlnn, foreman of the Morgan Irou Worki1, In telling what has caused liis change of heart su id this : "Herelnthe Morgan Irou Works we have liad a tiiHte of whal democratie adiniulstra11. m would do for us. lts whole pollcy has beeu to break down our business. Before Cleveland was ulected we employed In our worku in all 4,'tOu men, all of wliom wore earnlng from il't to L!0 ft week and all of whom were dolng well, were rearlug thelr famllli's properly, and were entirely sattsñed. Now we employ only about one-balf tlie nuniber of meu. You nIiouIcI come up liere tome morning before working hours. You mlglit any morning flnd 150 inen standing on the córner, near tlie yard, waltlng to see If I cannot put theni u work. 1 :au t for there Ís no work for them to do. Do you suppose that those men are golug to vote for the democratie party, or tliat tlie other workmen who see liow they have been ruiDed by PresUlent Cleveland pollcy are golng to vote that way elther? I f you do y our supposltlon Is not correct. We nave a good luany democraU in thlsshop wlio voted íor Cleveland Ín 1881. But there are not half a doen who will vote for tii mi figafn. They have had enough of htm and hls policy. lindera ropublicau adínlulstratlou proteclton was assured. Manufacturera were not frighlenedas they are uow, Capitalista dKi not hesltute to invest inoury as they do now. There wag no uncertulnt y, no disarraugement of our industrial all'airs. There wa plenty of work, aud wages were (jood. lt Ís uot so now." Senator Pulver, of Sliiawasso Co., Micli, comes rito the fold of the G. O. P. and is very happy over the obange. Thrce prominent Irishineii, brothers, living in the ceigliborhood of Paw Paw, Van Buren county, this state, Michacl, John and David Dillon, all former deinocrats, all are outspokcu for Hal rison and protection. This is from the Ionia gentlneJ ol'a iccent date, and explains itself : ''Hon, A. F. Bell, who for flfty years bas been a democratie wlieel-horse. is out fr Harrlson anl Morton. He wants no ('l.-vr!ainl In ti is He predicts that the repuhllcans wlll oarry the state by n nood big majorlty. Mr. 1Í.1I is a sggacloUK polltlclali, alut bil .1.1..' tlon wlll be a serlous blow to tin' deraocraoy In tlils state and county. Hy addliij; to these the defection of exOoagreMmmn Bzra Carleton, of Port Baron, gtther with lus brother. Col. I. D. Ctuleton, of the same place, (the latter of whom Itated positively to a r(tintable citizen of Ann Arbor, that liotli would support llarrison and prottction in this e inii:iin) and you have a list iMIg eiiough for one week ¦¦ This is not ex.ictly a Hop, but Is good. Kx-Govornor lloadley, of Ohio uyi: "I was opposed to 'rhurinan's nomtnatian Iroin tliti Ntart, aud did all I could to prcv.iit lt; and if l'd had u week longer to WOTk I would liave prevented It. I se white liamlkerchlers, thotiKli. mul dOD't go lu for bandanliHsanil snuit."


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News