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Look outthoicCaniicks! Poer Qjrftjrer'i goin' to shoot ! Competition in business ever yet raised priees, bat a protectivci tariff ralse xMnpeutoD. Kvery factory that closes turiis men out to becomo producers on farms, or elae traiups. IIow do farmers relish H? The corner stone of the Inte Southern Uonfederacy was glavery and free trade. Frpe trade is essentially a southern doctrine. If it cost Mr. Burt $475 to get up tliat little bit of a flzz at Itliaca tlie other night, how much nioney wlll lie have left Wheo the campaban onde? The idea ot our navy being ordered to the Guit' of St. Lawrenee! Where did the imvy come f rom? And wliat i it capable of doing? T. B. B-.irrf suys that V. R. Burt has alwaysbeen tin; enemy of the workingmen of the Sa el o w Valley, and lie proposes to flxht Dim to the deatli. Gen. Fremont heads :i company of 10 men at Los Angeles, Cal., who voted for Harrison in 1S40, and are organiing to do the very same thing in 1888. According to the Kvaning Journal, which isgood temperunee antliority, tliere are 800 1cí3 saloons in Wayne coiinty thau lust year. The high lax did it. "My couiitryuicn, it is no time now to use an apotliecary's scale to weigh the rewards of the men who sared the country."- Gen. Harrison, Aufj. lat., 1888. The editor of the Adrián Pre?s has got the Chinesephobia. He bas got it bad. If it should happen to strike in once Adrián might be without a postmaater. Grover is mad and is going to put a chip 00 bis shoulder for some bold Uanuck to knoek olT who wants to. Avast there ! Look out for blud ! splud ! be-lad ! Hon. James O'Donnell will irobably be renominated In the 3d congressional district. He has made a most excellent member of congress, and is au honor to the state. "A. C." comes back In the last Argus wiíli a column more, but he is so covered witli mud that you would hardly recognize him as the same fellow who was there before. Mr. Mackey, whose family live in great splendor in Paris because ' there are no people In America fit to associate witli," is one of the free trade advocates. Uoes that mean well paid labor? Not much. Ha! ha! lia! Onr " North Atlantic squadron," (don't that sound big?) is goHg to lish in tlie St. Lawrence rlverl About time soniething was done. Our tiliermen ure not allowed to even carry buit there! Rev. Dr. Richard S. Storrs lias written to the Independent denying the false statement that he will support Cleveland. He is stronjrly in favor of protectiou and Harrison. It is evident that he is Ötorr-ed witli wisdom. Postmasters tliroughout the country areopposed to the one cent postage plank of the republican platform. As their salary is based upon the income of tbc office, they are afraid that the change would be very hard upon their pocketbooks. As Senator Palmer declares his inteution of not being a candidate ajrain for U. S. Senate the best man In t lie State tor It is James McMillan. of Detroit. He has distinguished ability, eneriry, )iiblic spiritedness and is R tborottgb goin;; republican every time. Postmaster PearSOD, Xew York City, opposed tlie eight liour carrier luw. and Dow the luboring meo of Xew York City are endearorlnft to have Mr. Peurgon removed. Thoy can't do it prohahly, 13 lftboriiijx men hnve very little iutluence wilh this admiiii.-ti ation. The Canada tbistle mil free trmle are tvvin evils eiich being forced ukii m ly Great liritain, añil tlie resalta will be the same f Americaus do not immedhitcly stamp thcm out. Our farms will be 111íned, our homes made desolate, and want and misery stalk througll the land. There is one letaon that the people of this nation have got to learn, and that is that the Continu] destruction of our fort-sta is bringing destruction to the people, The subject of forestery must force tself upon the minus of people who have the interest of that country at beurt, and that too, in the near future. John Harinon, who spent the greater portion of his life in Washington iu tbe capacity of a lobyist, hut whose home was in Detroit, died in the lattercitv Monday evening from pneumonía. He was a printer.cditor, politician and encycloprdi 1 ol iiny ttiiiii aud everytliinfj about Michigan. He was bom June 21, 1819. Gen. Hurrisou gave the colored democrats 1 stinjicr, who gave as a rcasnn icr thcir democraey that it was becaiue t Ik? republiean party had given thera their citizrnsliip, hut had falled toprotect theni so that they could enjoy the gift, by loqulrlng of such coloreil people from whoin they were askin protection ? The Psertion of the Argti that Hamburgh is a free trade city is peculiarlv rlch and spicy. How does it happen that different laws govern that city than govern the rest of the Germán empire' What is Hismarck about to let these Ilainbuighers inake their own laws? But it is on a par with all free tradc argument?. But there are thousands of laborlng men In the old country out of employment. Ilepubltcitn ntionts nre paylng their fare over here, nnd crimináis mul dependent persons, are duniped upou our hores.- Adrián Pres?. And the man who wrote that calis other people ''partisan liars," " fools," etc! Get thee henee, to a soap factory, where Ue-ing qualUln are appieciated. Jf any Detroit folks want to know anytli i hu that has happened away back since the ñood, they ask John Harinon, and John tells tliem. John is well posted on everything but politics. That is his one weak point. Y'et Ii3 is always "invlteil to a seaton the platform," In democratie gatherings, as a well-kept relie of ancient days, but is never lven any plums. The Idea of Dick Trevellick goInK about this state and telling laborinji men ïow they should vote. He never did any abor in hls life. He never had a callous spot 011 his hand nor in ache in his anaomy from lionest toil. He is one of the ast men In the woild to teil honcst workngmen their duty. It is well known bat he talks for pay and the hihest idder gets his services. The sudden death of Gen. Philip H. Sheriüan last Sunday, when he was hought to be gaining, was a shock to the country. (Jen. Sheridan was one of the grand characters forged out In the war of he rebellion. Ilis loss is a loss to the nation, and in every loyal home there will be sorrowful regrets because of it. Ie was every inch a soldier, knowing 10 fear and never meeting defeat. The jute factory at Louisville, Ky„ right under Henry Watterson's nose) losed Aur. 2d. Cause: "I don't care to e rediued to the condition of that pedlles there, and if the Mills bilí becomes a aw I mlght as well sell my factory for old Iron." Upon beinjr asked. " Vhcn will you open your mili again," he replied : "When they get through fooling with the tariff." More men thrown out of work to become farmers. The New York Mail and Expre3s would ike to have these discriinir.ations in the nfamous Mills liill explained: OUlRiana sngar 68 per cent. duty Southern rice 100'i percent, duty iorthern lumber 110 duty s'urthern wool 110 duty lorthern nalt _ noduly Northern beans and peas no duty íorthern vegetables no duiy íorthern flax (Dotdressed) ...110 duty Northern lime no duty Keapectfully rcferred to the Argus.


Ann Arbor Courier
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