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Harrison And The Chinese

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New York Press. The statement that Benjamin Harrisoi wliile a mcmber of the senate, favorei the policy of allowing unrestricted imiui gration of Chinese laborers to tliis coun try is a downriglit lie. Misrepresenta tion and slander, the anclent weapons o malteiom Democrncy, havlng failed fo lack of material in the upright, lionor able life of the Hepublican candidate, tli falsehood mili has been Btarted; and a fnlse meaniiiir attached to bis vote upo the Chinese immigralion bilí, whicli va enacted In 1882. A lie like thismust ofcoursebe 6tampe( tipon ut once, for otherwise it migli wrongfully prejudice many voters atfalns Mr. Hirriso. "Mark ! how plain a tale will destroy these venderá of campaigt falsehoods. As early as 1880 the liur linffanie treaty was feit by men of a p.irties to have been a mistake. It waf negotiateU under a misconception, anc the Chinese problem, uncontemphited a the time of lts execution, was feit to be acw factor, imparing tlie validitv of th Original international agreement. To rectify the uncontrovertable agree ment by wïiich the United States was be ini; tlooded with a deganerated raoe, th Chinese n'striction bill was proposed. I otlier words, tiaving been beaten in blind trade, it was proposed that th United State. being the stronger party ¦bottld viólate iU treaty obligations wit China without going through the diplomatic formalities wliich should precede rescinding of a treaty. President Arthur, Benjamin Harrison, and a host of others feit that such a conrse ni inonsistent witli the dljjnity and honor of our Republic. As fenator, Jir. Barrlioo eonteqaently voted agalnst the bill, nol beQftUM li dtopp#yeil f it object, but simply because lie wisbed to keep inviolüte the treaty obliifations of our country. His own words bear witness to the trut h oftbh ttatemenC "Will j'ou," he asked, addressing the supporters of the measure, " persist inpassing tliis law, and trampling npon our treaty obligations f you Mud that it is inconsistent witli the exiüting treaty ?" And to tliis question the advocates of the bill did not dare to make answer. No otber course was open to a man who believed the object sought to be attuined conld be best brought nbout by (liplomacy. His view was shared by President Arthur, who vetoed the twenty yearbill and only reluctantly ilgned tbc ten year restriction. President Cleveland and Secretary Bayard are of the saino opinión, as is shown by the new Chinese tieuty, wliich they have negotiated to cure the evil to whicb Benjamin Harrisou oblected. The question is at rest now, uut maiiy believe thnt our country was gnllty of a breach of treaty obligation In accomplisliiug by law what should liave been the task of diplomacy. Tlie problem, liowever, wil a grave one anj we cut a gordinn knotby torce. The press lias lwiiys been heurt and soul opposed to tlie iinmlgratlon of the borders of A9latic, who bring ruin and desolation whenever they enter luto competltlon with bonest workiusnien. Tbir liabits coutuminate the men of the country, and tbeir miserable competltlon destroys the legitímate profltl of labor. Benjunln Ilarrison is opposed to the immigration of Chinese laborers. He wou'ul Imve them stay in tlie land wblch bas sull'ered them to so degenerate. That be voted as he did is evidence of a blffti mloded rcgaid for the honor of hk country, and not of any conscMit to the eontinued existeiice of tbia degraded race la our freo and happy country.


Ann Arbor Courier
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