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Council Proceedings

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Monduy evenine was regular couuci meeting night, 11 anawenng to their namesercept Aid. Hammond. The ball was opeiied by permission bclng given John F. Lawrence to presen au ordinance graiitiiifi permtMion to th "Ann Arbor Street Kailway ('n.'1 t buik and opérate a railroad in this city. Bak ordinauce, on motion of Aid. Wines was referred to a committee of tliree, wlth in strurtions to report at a meeting to be held next Monday evening. I-KE8ENTAT10N OF VKUTlll.Ns. Of A. A. Clark for permisión to re move froin the street on bis pmaliea eer taiu, trees, t the corner of Jefi'erson an División sU Jieferred to Streel Commit tee. Of Fred J. Schlede tor permisMon t build a 30 ft. addUion In toe reiir of hi store on State st. to replace slieds airead} therc. Kelerred to PlreO oinuiittei;. Of Thos. Itausclicnberger and fou others asking for a sidewalu on the eas side of -Itli ut., from Liberty to W Jefferson st. lieferred to Sidewalk Com mittee. Of N. W. Cheever and six others ii reference to a public alley extendin from the south side to the center of bloei one soulli of Huron st. wbich bas been filled up. Heferred to Street Commlttec A communication from Eugeue K Frueauff, secretary of the Business Men' Associatiou transmitling a resolution o said associatiou reoaestlng the council t open 2d st., from Williain to Madison sts Heceived and placed on lile. T. B. Davls city engineer made a writ ten report as to the coat of (trading K. Sec oud st., from William to Jefferson 8t. t B grade line previously preparad, and al? tn rstimated cost of a bridge over Allen' Creek on said Second st. One estimat being for $076.55, aiiotlier for $830.55 Kecelved and placed on tile. A communication was read from Dr VV. F. ISreakey, health ofücer of the city recoiiiinendiiij; i sanitarv itispectiou o the city, after which Aid. Wines offerec the followiiifr, whicb was carried : Htsovled, That the Board of Health le In structed lo make the necesHHry saultary h rpection of the city, at a cost of uut mor tnan 100. Carried. A communication was Uien read fron Dr. W. F. Hreakey, Health Ofiicer o Ann Arbor City, and Dr. C. G. Darlin Health Oflicer of Ann Arbor town, rela tive to the water supply from whicli th city now receiving its aqua pura. Th statement of these gentlemen was any tliinjr but pleasant reading for tbose wli are compelled to drink the city water The charge is made that the water supplj especlally that f rom the Allen farm, bl a dirty and foul source, and that barn yards are drained into the creek furnisl ing the Supply. liead and placed on rilt RKl'ORTS OF COMMITTEES. Aid. Martin oñe red the following: Rtiolttd, That the flimnce committee b empowered to arrange wilh the Ann Arbo Harlngs Bank to pay all city warrant a presented, and that snld bank be allowed per cent. lntereBt od all sums overdrawu u to Keb. lat. 19. Whicli was adopted. Aid. Maltin, from the linance tee, made the following report of expeni itures for the inontli : Utward fund $210 8 2d " M o 3d " " :!i f 4th " ' 77 ( 5th " " „ 59 j 8th " ' 54 h Oen. street luod ui 7 General ' BÁ6 1 Contingent " 852 9 Total $1,806 8 Aid. Sutherland from general stree committee made the following report : Your committee have had under conslder atlon the matter of the communication re ferred to them relatlve to A. A. Terry'K ban and respectfully report Ihat upon consult! HOP wlth the city engineer they tlnd that Mr Terry's barn and fence encroach upon th public atreet between one and two leet, hü recommend thalauch part of the baru an fence a8 Btand upon the street be remove therefrom. By yea and nay vote the clt ¦ iilirers were ordered to take uecessary actlo to secu re the removal of this barn from th street. Aid. Allmeudinger reported verball in reference to several aidewalks, wvera of which were upon N. Thayer t. Th matter of chani;ing the ordinance so tha the couucil niight order 1 walk wliere i was deemed desirable, was referred to th Sidewalk Committee, together with th city attorney to report a uew ordiiianec if thouglit proper. Mayor ISeakes from committee to con fer with T. A. A. Jt. B. autliorities witl reference to the pioposed new depo made a verbal report stiitine; Mr. Asli ley'8 posllion, which was tliat. tlie com pany could not and would not erect a building to cost more than $ü,500, etc. After some little discussion Aid. All mendinger ofl'ered the following: Resolved, That Mr. Ashley's offer of a draw Ing of the elevatlon of new depot togeltur wlth a descrlptlon of same be acceptinl in or der that the council can act underettutulliily in tbe matter and ihat a meeting be held at once upon thelr recelpt, lor thelr inspectlou. After' some little discussion Mayor IJeakes Called Aid. Ware to the cbair and spoke iierninst the adoption of the resolntion. He sald that there was no money In tbe treasury to expend, and be tboiigbt that it was unnecessary to ask the R. J{. to fro to the expense of draf tiDg plans. He did not wish to oppose the building of a new depot, but tliought that the railroad coinpuny should be willini; to huild a decent structure if Ilie city went to the expense of openine up this street. Aid. Allmendingcr replied and a general diseussion followed, pro and con, but finally the Wliole matter was laid' upon the tibie for one inonth, by a vote of 7 to 5. The matter of the comninnleaüon of the health offleer with reference to the water supply was taken up. City Attorney King gave it as his Opinión that tbe council had power to revoke the contract with thi Water Co. if it deoired to. A commmittee was linnlly appointed ennsistiii}; of Aldf. Kearng, O'Mara and Recorder Bach to see what actlon it was necesi-ary for the city to take in reference to obtaininif botter water. Aids. Wiiies, Sutheil ind and Allmendlnfrer were nppolntel a committee to coníer wilh, the Street Railway Co. UBPORTS OK CITr OFFICKItS. The city treasurer reported the follnwng balances 011 hand: 'ontlngent fund on hand $ 3,889 25 enernl " overdralt .,910 S Jeueral St. " ou haud 147 :n st ward lund 7"vl 71 2d " " 718 . t 3d " " _ HSM ¦th " " J68 88 5tU " " 72 Ti 6U1 " " 118 30 Jity ceraetry fund _ 00 S2 Dog tax " 100 00 Delinquent tax " overdrafl 1,502 57 Water works, on hand 1,019.58 Marshal Sipley reporlcd the following expendilurcs of the poor fund for the nonth: stward $ ï 00 d " 4 B4 3d " 71 th " 25 98 M " „ 22 05 th " _ 27 10 Total 91 61! The nanhaj ilso reported live arreste luring tbe month under the city orcllnances. M0T10NS AND RESOLUTIONS. By Aid. Allmendingrer: Resolved, That the Coininlttee on Fire departmeut and llie clty marshal tuke any ueasures necessary U prerent tlie erectiou r any building m ilio hluok nuuUi oí tii,. ourt house square, if said building does not i n fui ni to tilo requiremeuts ul tüe urdlQunce on flre Umita. Carrleü, By Aid. Allmendinger : Itetohed, That tlie Htreet Commlttee consult wlth the Unlverslty autliorltlw and report upon the feasiblllty, of liavlng u grass plat 18 t. wide. about tlie nilddle row ul tretis suroundlng the cninpus aud of cIohIiik up tlie nslde drive entlrely lu order to nave tbe leen. (Jarrled. Aid. Wlnes oflered a resolution wliich wiia Hdopted, tlie Mayor to ppoint some suitable persou to examine lie tnaple trees of the city and ascertain f possifole wlmt was caaslng thelr dcath iid wint could be doue, f anytUiufi; to iievent the same. Thousands of voters are visiiinj; (ien. Iarrison iilmost every dy.


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