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Vegetation booms these days. Tuesday's excursión was a fJaisy. Oet a new premium list for the Fair. There are scores of grass widowers In town just now. Early peaches are pleassnt to the pal8 te now a days. Another section of boxes is to be taken out at the postoflice. Bar. lr. Kamsay lias only iive more Sundays lo fill the M. K. pulpit. E B. Hall expeets to move into bis m-w house by the last of this month. James McCormick, of Salem, had a tona killed by lightning Friday night. Zion'a Sunday School wil) hold thcir annual picnic at Relief l'ark to-iuorrow Tïmrsday. H1. Ware presides with dignity, find filis the Mayor's chair aceeptably when rulled upon. The demócrata aud the. Detroit base ball club are in the saine boat now - both slidiiifi down hill fust. One man In thiscity has lost eight bets in sucoessiou on the Detroit base ball club. He is almost wild. Wm. Baxter has been appoiaied Carrier No. 7 and A. A. Friieautt will et as Siibstitute Carrier hereafter. One ncwepaper man of this city has liis birllibay excensively celebrated every year - t is on the lst of August. Si ir:.l common yard hydrants should be placed on the Court house lawn and ¦mail bose Bed to sprinkle with. Two women engaged In a lierce tïiili t on Detroit street Tuesday mornlni before breukf ast. They were viciotis bitters. Tliere are a great many strangers in this city, wlio are heie eiijoying tlie many ¦drantaget we possess as a summer resorr. Murslial Sipley bas usrd less money the pat monto to care for the city poor, tlian bas been u-ed In any month in ruany yeara. FHgs were at hnlf-mast on nearly all of the fligstaffs of the city Mnnday and Tuesday in honor of Gen. Sheridan's memory. That stream that runs from the drinking fountain is a tearer. But according loibe report ut the Board ol Health it is large euough. Mftlnnlist Kpisconal Church, W. W. Kamsay pastor. Sabbath morning on "Living Eptelles," and in the eveningon "C'lirist Rpjected." liead the thriUing story on our tirst page. It tells of the graud uprtaing in ibis country ot tlie people for the right aai HgRtnst tlie wrong. A small barn belonglng to Chrislian Kotli, on Sixth st., near Relief Park, was buroed last Satiinlay night, together with nne cnw, and a couple of hogs. liOss lbotll $200. The Ann Albor O. A. II. boys expect to tn rn out from 5U to 100 at the September Encampment at Colunabus, O. Gen. Alger will probably head the battalion of the State. The Ladies' Society of Bethlehem Lutheran church have a picnic at Whitmore Lake to-day. There were six car loads of them, and they are haring a beautiful day for pleasure. The people might as well be planting Borne trees to take tlie place of the beautiful maples that now only imperfectly abade our streets. Their life lime Is of short duration now. The Amphion Club- most of them- retiuned home Inst Fiiday morning from Inelt iKirllK-iu conquests. The Charlevoix and Patosksy papers ipeak in the highest terms of them. There wns a musical (fatherlBd of several of the Cliequamegons and others, at Trof. E. Haur's Friday night, in honor of Mr. IJaur's brotber, who returned Saturday to Ml home CM Öt. Louis Mo. Bepalra are In progresa at the grand opeia house. All thewood work is being repainted, and the wall decorated. New scenery, llieü etc. are hIso betag put i", but alas, the same oíd drop cnrtain will greet the patrons. F. G. Frink, 'S, was married to Mae Beadlv, '88, in KaalctoD, DakoU last month. Anotner result nf co-edocution. The father of the bride, Gen. W. H. H. Beadle, was graduated in Llterary deparl inent in 1801. Will 8. Cheever writes of bis bicycle tour that be arrived In CnilMfFO ill right aller ninft days of hard rldinfT. Sand predomluates, espocliUiy near Chicago. He is atlrtled that Ann Arbor bas the best roads in the norlbwest.
There is to be a grand masquerade at the Lake House, tbis evening, Aug. 8th, the following cominittee liavniir it in charge: Hattie Nichols, Sue Sanders, Lotta Bullís, Birdie Whedon, J. Duffy, T. Kearney, F. Bennett, F. McOmber.
The people of the city, especially thoe who are obliged to use the hydrant water fT eollnary purposef, will stand by the Board ot lleallh and the city councll in DJ leitiniate etl -irt they may make to secure a belter and purer water Bupply. Tliere was one of the gramlest displays nf heavenly pyrotechnics la.-t Friday eveuiDg ever witnesoed in these parts. Altliough it ralned quite bard for a time we only got the tip end of two storm!1, one going to the north of us the other to tlie 8outh and east of us. Wonder how many of our democratie fricnils haveeiilled the attention of their Germán brethren to the fact that the rraaaback platform whlcb they adopted long with the irreenbnck candidatM, bas I (Iemand In It fi r eonstltutlonal prohibition 'i Don't all speak at once. Srnh E. Land ccused Ollie E. Turner "f-nllingbera "Dulch buttermilk thing," iiml Other frec trade epitbeU, and wants jiiatlcR meteil ont to her before Judge r'nieaufT. Tben Ol I n? had Sarah arrested for assault and battcry, and the hearing will be Bext Monday. All from Milan. A provisión has been discovered in our clnirter, whleh rpquires the Justices of 't' l'eace of the city to attend all fires witbln tUfi corporate boundi. Now we hope to see Messers. Frueauff and Pond proinptly on hand hereafter. Being conwryators of the law they certainly should not be breakers of it. Wm. Taylor plead guilty before Justicc Pond Monday morning for breach of peuoe and paid $5.50 fine and costs. The offense was comuiitted boiiic time ince at the M. C. depot. Imniediately "pon paying bis fine Taylor was re-arfesttd on a charge of carrying concealed wespona n the Saturday night row. R. Beal, editor and proprietorof the 'oukikr, has been invited " to act as Ai'le to the Marshal for the Republican League División to assist In the parade in taner of the Hon. James G. Blaine." ''"'great event will probably occur to'imrrow, and will be one of the grandest 'liMiioiiKtratlons of the kind ever witnessed V' tMt Country, perhaps. Mr. Beal lett 'or New York yeiterday morning. John Haupt who has a repair shop in '"; building oposite tbis office, has a Krii(l3tone on wbich he still sharpens j'lüïU Impiementa that he has had over H Man, Uriginally the stone was 30 !II(iií8 in diameter, now it is only 8 incbes 'n diameter, but Mr. Haupt clings to It 'r lie says it is made ol extra (jood stuff, uut liow many backaches and elbow t(la the lost 22 inches of stone repre sents, doesn't It boys? It is quite gencrally understood tha "'" 'lemoerats are busy ellecting an or KMlfcpttlon In tbis city and connty. John ' MbUon, wbo Is the king boe, is busy !" work aiti-inpting to hold the duserters H Ibe ranka. (juards have been doublet 'n every voting precinct, and committee lll(:i" instrueted to bold the Unes fron "avering at all and at any coat. Of rnrse money will be no object wltl aeoiocrata in this campaign. ('harlic Gibson Is Btaylng at the LaUe tbr a few weeks. A jaunty little rain descended yesterday p. m., and more was thankfully received during the night. Louis Schleiclicr feil from a heain on Joon Haurer's ncw building, last Friday, and was bruised quite badly. Ju9tlce Frueaufffined Win. Hendricks $5.35 and costs Monday, for having been dr u uk and intoxlcated on the streets. Th oso who went to Belle Isle yesterday and had to pay 5 cents fare to get back to the city are almost broken henrted. Tlie barns of E. T. Hardy, near Oakville, in Augusta township, were struck by lightning last Saturday morning, and destroyed with contents. Insured in the Uüslitenaw Mutual. Prof. Charles Carlisle, the celebrated elocutionlst of Detroit, willgivean entertainment at the M. E. church of Webster for the benefit of the society, Thursdiiy evening, August 16th. Yesterday morning whlle a man wng passing under the front wall of the Blitz & Langsdorf store that they are tearing down, he was hit on the head by a falling brick and quite badly hurt. The ordinance for a street rallway, as proposed in the council Monday evening, is very liberal, as far as the city's interest is concerned, and the people wlll without exception be glad to see the enterprise imsht'd throiigli. Sheriff Walsh tells us that more notlces come to liim now of stolen horses thau at any other time during his admiuistration. (¦¦"rom f 25 to $50 reward in eaeh case. In lic ligt is one stolen froni Dundec and one from Maybee Station. Prof. W. H. Pettee has a pocket knife thnt bas been his for 21 years, buying it at the Paris Exposition in 18U7. There is not a scrateh, mark or partiële of rust or discoloration upon the bladcs. A rare occurrenee. He has not carried it in his :)ocket all this time, however. The news of the prostration of Bishop [larris of the diocese of Michigan, Monluy, was a sad blow to the Episcopalian leóple in this city. The Bishop is one of he most popular divines who has ever been in tho state j he is a hard worker, uid beloved by his people everywhere. It may not be generally known, but it s a fact just tlie same, that a flowing well ms been struck at Cornwell's pulp mil). 'X is a drive well, about -JO feet deep, and furuishes excellent water. The same mrties are now sinking a well upon the Archer place just beyond the reservoir. There were 12 coaches ioaded to the fartlierest plank on the platform in the Siinday Schools excursión that pulled out of the T. fe A. A. depot yesterday a. m. Some 800 people went from here, and nore were taken on at Pittstield Juiiction and Milan. It was a grand success, everyway. The Fish Commission desires to learn soniething drtinilt' of the success that hus ittended the planting of Brook Trout in the streains of this county. Any of our ishermen who will, are i.-ked to write lieir opinión of the resulta and what is hought of the work generally to Geo. D, Mussey, Secretary Fish Commission, Deroit, M uli. There are about iiO packages of old nn Arbor papers at the Pioneer rooms, which h:ive been sorted out by E. H. Jlark, wliicb outrht to be bound up. l'hey are very valuahle for their liistoricnl woith. Mr. Clark tells us that if any of he pioueers have anythiiig in the relie ine the same will be received and care'ully preserved. While Recorder Bach was reading the communioation from the Board of Health o the eouucll Monday night, and just as ie had tinished the passage about dead iniinuls, manure piles, etc., he was rought some of the water to drink, by Jliïet Sipley. The laujrh went round, but he Uecorder's stomach mi too delicate o allow ' much of that Huid to be taken nto it. The lst Baptist church of Ann Ai bor filed articles of incorporation lai-t Monlay, with Yolney M. Spalding, Judson K Pattengill, Wooster V. Beman, Wm. i. Dorrance, Wm. II. Freeman, Paul Uiauble, Henry B. Dodsley, Chas. M. Stark, and J. B. Cady as trustees. The society has existed a good many years Hit bas never been lncorporated before inder the state laws. Mrs. John Beahan bas commenced soine line iniprovements on the south 1de of Miller Ave. between N. Main and 5econd sts. The old house at the corner f Second st. has been moved east to a new foundation next to the alley, and is ;o be materially Improvcd, while an enIrely new dwellinir is to be erected in its ilact;. These improvements will material ly benefit adjacent property. A tree trade fight occurred Saturday night at McGlbney's saloon on N. Main t., at about 8 o'clock p. m.. t.etween overal colored men. Sheriff Walsh and Jhief Sipley run several of the llghters n jnil kept tbem over Sunday. Solomon Zeeb, Henry Waldron and Arlhur Crump were taken before Justlce Pond Monday, and Win. Taylor before Justice Frueauff. Jrump was sent to the Detroit House of Jorrection for90days, Zeeband Waldron each paid $4.70, and Taylor secured an uljourmnent of his case. The ponnty board of school inspectors met at the court house yesterday momng and organized by the election of A. ). ('rittenden as chairnian. There was a full board presen',. The business of he meeting was the election of a meinier of the county board of school oxamnere, there being two candidates (both lemocrats). Michael J. Lehman, of ,'li.lsea, received 13 votes and A. Lodeman, of Ypsilanti, 12 votes. The elecion of a secretary of the board of school examiners to succeed Mr. Warner, of JTpsIlanti, takes place on the 25th of this nonth, and the board to elect consists of Judge Harrlinan, Geo. S Wheeler and M. J. Lehman. E. C Warner, secretary of the County iJoard of school examiners announces 'hut the State Teacher's Institute for Washteilaw county will be held at Tpslanti in the High School building, commencing at 10 o'clock a. in., Momlay. Aug. lsth, and closing at 4 p. m. Aug I7th. Prof. Austin George will conduct ;he saini' and give instruction and primiry reading and class work, assisted by Miss J. A. King, who will glve nstruction on the best roethodl of teacliing his¦ory and civil goveriunent. Prof. Huinilirey, of Wayland will also asslst. E. 0. Warner local cominittee, of whom full Information in regard to board, etc. can be obtained. ThU will be the best institute ever held In Washtenaw county. Teachers don't fall to attend. The cbanze of locatlon of the Christian church has been efTectcd and ground has been broken for the handsome new church ediflee on S. University ave , on the lot next east of Maj. Hampón W Soule's, which was purchased of Rufus Waples for $-2,700. The old site cor Division-íind William sts., has been purchased by one of the society, and will be reUined for resldence purposes. This change In location was deslrable for several reasons, the chief of which is the fact that the edifice to be erected is to something more than a churcli. 8tudents of that faith attending the Lniversity will llnd pleasant rooms here in which to meet and pursue thelr studies. Id fact It will probably be tlie foundation of a seat of learning of thia particular religious fulth. Consequently it WM thought dislrablc to be as near the Lniversity campus as possible. Alfred E. Thomas, one of the most esteemed colored men in this county, dled at his residence last Siiturdny morning a"cd 52 years. Mr. Thomas was bom a slave. but gained bis freedom and carne to this city upwards of 35 years ago. He was and old soldier, beiug a member of Co. I. 102 U. S. infUntry, which was Mlcliigan'8 colored regiment. He was wounded at Devaux Neck, Nortli Carolina. Mr. Thomas was a prominet member of the A. M. E. church of tliia city with which bc united 11 years siucn. He was aNo an active member of St. Mary h lodge F & A. M., under whose aunpiies he was bui ried, Monday afternoon, there being about 30 of his brothers in line, inclndin" some from Ypsilanti. Hev. Mr. Jeflries, of Ypsilanti preached the sermón, and the funeral was probably the largest colored funeral ever held in the county. He leaves a wife and two chlldren.