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Prof. Henry Wade Rogers ia Washington . H. G. Van Tyle, of Detroit, Was in the city yesterday. (J. W. Mellor and family are at the Lake this week. Mrs. J. M. Stafford and famüy are visat Akron, Ohio. Z. P. Klng went to Chicago Monday night for a day or so. Mrs. John N. Bailey and family are in Detroit, visiting friends. O. F. Webster, of Owosso, has been in the city during the week. Mrs. Dr. Uose has returned from a visit with friends in Detroit. Mrs. Bentley nee May Ferdon, is visiting her p units on 6. State si . Justice E K. Frueauff went to East Saginaw last evening for the week. W. K. Childs and family spent Saturday and Sunday at Whitmore Lake. Saturday J. C. Knowlton was down town for the first time in two weeks. Miss Georgia II. Saunders is visiting with relatives and friends in Detroit. Mrs. E. J. Knowlton left for Adrian Monday to visit Judge Lane and people. Miss Birdie Bliss is expected home tomorrow from a visit with Detroit friends. Dr. F. K. Owen and Chas. McCorkle, of Ypsilanti, were in the city yesterday. The families of N. J. Kyer and Will F. siimsdii will move in to town Ironi Whitmore this week. Prof. II. W. Ilawks and wife nee Fannie Stinison, leave to-morrow for their home in Burningham. Mrs. Barnett and daughter Ilattie, have gone to Chatham. Ont .to spend a few weeks visiting relatives. Allen B. Pond, wuo haa been baring a three week's rest from business returned to Chicago Sunday. Mrs. Gillette of East Saginaw, and Mrs. Sheley, of Detroit, are rltrting (heil sister Mrs. Gotlfrey near Geddes. Mr. and Mrs. Traub, of Detroit, have been spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. Josenhaus, on E. Ann st. Rev. Stalker and wife, of Clinton, Mich., are visiting Mrs. Stalker's parents Mr. and Mrs. S. Hendrickson. Deacon Loren Mills expects to start for his Kansas home Monday, bul will stop in several places on his way. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Arthur L. Worden, of Des Moines, Iowa, are visiiin the Dr's. parents Mr. aud Mrs. (J. II. Worden. Miss Alta Parker is having her vacation this week. She will get around to Whitmore Lake before coming back again. Mr. and Mrs. E. Iloyer, Mr. and Mrs. Cadwallader, of Delaware, Ohio, and and Theodore l'oyer, are uil at Wliitïnore Lake. Fred McOmber, J. I,. Dufff, Thos. Kearney, Jack Slattery and Frank 0'Henro are enjoying camp life at Whitmore this week. Morris Ware and two sons left Ann Arbor for Pine Hun Tuesday last, with a view to seeking employment in that seci ui of the state. Prof. C. II. Cady lettVei for Chicago, 3ept. lst where he will have charge of the Chicago Conservator}1 of Music at i salary of $1,800. Mrs. H. B. Dodsley gave a pleasant ea party Wednesday evening in compliment ot Mrs. Will Pack, who returned next day to her home in Minneapolis, Minn. Chus. E Hiscock, J. T. Jacobs, Evart H . Scott, J. E. 8unmer, Zenas Sweet and f. C. Huston are attending the republican slate convention at Detroit to-day. Mr. George Pulcipher, formerly of this city, now an engineer on the T., A. A. & íí. M., and residing in Toledo, haa anther to claim his attention. It is a boy. Herman Hutzel returned Monday from New Hamburg, Ont., where he had been o uitend Hev. Mr. Sprtng'l funeral. Ëumnuel Spring returned the day folowing. If possible f.r Prof. Elisha Jones to go ie will leave for Colorado to-day accompanied by Mrs. Jones, Edward Whlt of St. John, and probably Prof. A. II. Patengill, of this city. Mrs. W. W. Whcdon, accompanied by ler two daughters Sara and Husie, and also Misses Gertrude Hoce, Lottle and Bmina Bullís, are sojouriiing at Whitmore Lake this week. Henry B. Dodsley is at Kansas City, M., looking up the applc trade for I). Uenning. Mr. Dodsley is also prospeotng willi a view of locating permanently n the western country. K. R. Hayslett, of Grand Rapids, is in ;he city, In the Interest of the Michigan Masonic Home. It Is for worthy and despinte mater tnasons, their widows and rphansl nd is dwi]{lifrd for a school as well as a home. Dr Wbi. J. Kwint, acooinpanied by hls wife, eon and little daughter, were vi-rp pleasant callera at the ('m mu: fflce one day last week. Dr. Ewlng was a fonner Dexter boy, and a gradúate of the University, hut now a practlcing phvsleian In New York City, and a prosperous man. Fred Schmid has a fine new MRtafre horse, recently purchased near Sotitli Lyon. Chas. B. Pavison reij;npd IS rofterlntendent of th! Ann Arbor Electric lAgbl woriu gomo time incl and Frank Armgtroiijt of IJay City U his successor. By the recent change of time on the T., A. A. & N. M. K R., people can leav Adrián at 9:30 and reach Ann Arbor at li:3.-. Tbe Times snys this s a comiection long desired. The family of Albrecht Gwinner of this city consists of two boys and two girls. Tbe girls were boni in the same month. and on the same day of tbe month, two years apart, and the boys were also born iu the saine month ind dajr of tlie month two years apart, which is quite a oincidence. Under the provisions of the postollice bilí reoently passed by congres?, the postare on seeds, cuttinsrs, herbs, root?, scions and ulants is at the rate of one cent for eacli two ounces or fraction thereof. The former rate was one cent per onnce. Tbe portmaster general has Instructed postm asters to tbls effect. This is an important revolution in postal rutes, and tbc public should make a note of it. Thos. Hayley of this city has invented a furniture polish that is the most complete and eftective article of the kind w ever saw. It takes marred, scratched and worn furniture and gives it a frloss and polish that looks like new, and there is no stickiness or unpleasant odor about it elther. We really belleve Mr. Hayley lias a bonanza in this discovery, for it 16 somethiiifr that every housekeeper needs It will be manufacturad in this city ly Thos. Hayley & Son, and we hope that a large factory may grow out of it. Prof. George Bartholomew and bis twenty-four educated horses will appear at the Ann Arbor opera house for six evenings, commcncins Monday, Auíf. 20tb, witb matinees Wednedy and Saturday nfternoons. Wherever this entertainment goes the press and people unitc in callin-í It one of the most wonderful exbibitiolis ever given in this country, the horses benr fible to do almost everything btit talk. The people ffather from far and near to wi tuero the si}(l't, and :ü- ways feel more thun amply repuid fi thelr outlay of time and money. AniraiK the oíd documenta In tbe Pioneer room in the court house, is tlie tax llst for 1833 of the township of Webster made by J. D. Williams' tatber. It is a comuion sheet of paper about six inches long, and contains only M namea. Luther Boyden paid by far tbe Urjrest tax ¦IB 85. 'l'liere Is also a receipt of tlu ltauk of Suliiie, dated Ann Arbor, Ar 2.l 1839 glven Samuel Slatterley for #3 "for which he was entitled to bis pro portlon of puch divulends na may from time to time be made from tlie cffects o Hd linnk," Sijrned, " John }i. (.luiteaii RecelTor." (Anuncie of President Oar lleld'a afsassin.) There Is also the com mission of Gen. Edward Clark as Coloncl ijlven by Stevens T. Masón, Uovi-rimr dated March 30, 1838.