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INSURANCE UíAL KSTATK and LOAN AGENCY OF A.W. HAMILTON Office, No. 2, Kirst FJoor, Hamlltou Block. l'urtles desirlng to buy or sell Real Estáte vlll Umi it to thelr advantage to cali on me. reprenant ÍS llrst eluss Flre Insurance Compaules, havlng an aggregate capital over f30,UOÜ.OOO. Itates row. Losues llberally adjuated and romptly pald. I also Issue Life and Imvestment Folíeles Ín he New York Mutual Life Insurance Company, Assetts, $75,000.00. Persons desirlng AcIdent Insurance, can have yearly pollcles wrltten for thera orTraveler's Coupon Insurance Tickets lssued at Low ratea. Money to ,oan Ht Current Rates. Office bours from 8 a. m. to 1-: m. and 2 to 5 p. m. ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Hamilton Block. LÜMlBRÍ LUMBER! LÏÏMBERI It yon contémplate building;, cali at FERDON Luto Tul!' Comer Fourlh and Depot Sts., and ge our figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lumber and uanntee VERY LOW PRICE8 #-(vr us a cali and we will make it '.j yowr nterest, as our large and well graded lock fully ustains our assertion. Telcpnone Conncction Kith Oflice. r. T. KKHCH Supt. JAMES TOI.BERT, Prop ¦VIII A ¦¦ HPH may bo finind on I Í1IO ¦ Hrfcii u,,wKLi. a eos Newspaper Advertlslng Bureau (10 Spruoo yp %f ftffll tlsüigcoiitiactsmay MM Y1 IKR be luade lor U üi llbll ¦ WI1I


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