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She Tried and Knows A tautfng rhrmi-;! n v :k says ; ' No plasten of sucli iiieri the Ath-lo-th(-fos Manten Ktw.wr befort boen proditc&l." i lu- uro a novelty becjitise tin y ure ni imul siiiijíly to iell '!i' :iv. lli . ImM tlltj s''i' i j -, akJiJ uad ;.i .. y can trotino-, ftiitl v. ill ili u tiQt is claimed for tlieiifi l'.,r Hjiréiiis, aches, #ea knots, UtnUíue&n, :¦., they are nucqualuJ. 404 FultoifcKI ,S3i1UbI - ,0 . i The 1 1 1 i i niarii It i ' ! have .1 tn ¦ ¦ said "nlurtttTs all txiilt Ui - r ¦ " ut I iluii't think w now I .-mi and nhuiüil-r in -Itily. ai) I il h b '"i i.uriful .siïio-, but lt (loc-l :i..t '¦ In !:)¦ mt allnow. Mr. Wn,n 4E3rSoml 6 ctnta fnr tl ¦ beantlful tl ' ; ictnri-, "Moorifh Muiilcli. THEATHLOPHOROSCO. 112 Wc;,;. '.'. Y. Rich and Poor, Prince and Peasant, the Millionairc and Day Laborer, by their common use of tliU roniedy, attest the worhl-wide reputation of Ayer' Pilla. Leading liysicians rcc'nmiiK'iicl thnso pills for Btomach and Liver Troubles, Ooativencss. Biliousness, and Sick Headaoliu ; also, for Kliouniatisiii, Jaundice, and Niuralgia. Tbcy aroaugar-coated ; contam no calomel ; are prumpt, Imt mild, in operation ; and, tljerefore, the very best medicine for Family Use, as well as for Travbíers and Tourists. i "I havo derived great relief from Ayer's Pills. Flv years ago I was takeu so iü with Rheumatism tbat I was unable to do any work. I took three boxes of Ayor's Pills and was entirely enred. Sime that time I ani nevor without a box of these pills." Peter Cliristenseu, Sherwood, Wis. "Ayer's Pilis have been in tiseMn my family upwards of twenty years and have oonipletely verifled all that is claimcd for thein. In attacks of piles, from which I suITitlmI many yi-ars, they alTord greater relief tlian any other medicine I ever tried." - T. F. Adams, Holly Springs, Texas. " I have used Ayer's PUl9 for a numbr of years, and have never found nytliinu equal to them for giving me an appetite and imparting energy and strength to the system. I always keep them in the house."- It. U. Jackson, Wilmington, Del. " Two boxea of Ayer's Pilla cured me of severe Headache, from which I was long a sufferer. - Emilia Keyes, Hubbardston, Mass. "Whenever I am troubled with constipation, or suffer frora loss of appetite, Ayer's Pills set me right again." - A. J. Kiser, Jr., Rock House, Va. "Ayer's Pills are in general demand among our customers. Our sales of them exceed those of all other pills combined. We have never known them fail to give entire satisfaction." - Wright & Uannelly, San Diego, Texas. Ayer's Pills, PKKPABKD BT Or. J. C. Ayer Sí Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Dealers in Medicine. wei orN pfPRtCESs CREAM Hmtf ItR RUiinrior excellence proven n millionBOf bornea u tr more t hun aqmirterof acentury. It Kneed ly tlie rniti-,1 siuiis Kovernnii'iit. KnJorsexi 1 y t!ie lieails of UieiJreat Universlties as the si romjpst, Parest,and most liealtliful. Dr. Prii1 's tlieonly BaklDK Powderthat doea not coi: lulu Aminuiiia, Lime or Aluin. Bold only In runs. I ü 1: BAKING TOWDER CO., NEW CHICADO, ST. LOUIS. This is the Top of the Genuine Pearl Top Lamp Chimney. All others, similar are iinitation. Insst upon the Exact Label and Top. ron Sale Everywhere. Mac: only by SEO. A. MACBETH & CO., PiUsburgh, Pa. A Concentrated Liquid Extract of MALTjmdJIOPS. MANUFACTURAD BV SPECIALTY OET PHIL. BEST BREWING CO. Aids Digestión. Cures Dyspejtsia. Strcnffthena the System. Hestores Soumi, SefreelUng Sleej). JPriceless to Nursing Mothers. Rccommendcd by EmineAi Pliysirinng. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUCCITS. CET THE BE8T FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Sccnrlty held for the protectlon of the pollcy CHRISTIAN MACK UüpriMcnU the followlng drst-cliifn companle, of whlch ot', the A'awa, haa alone iaid Í56,OK),OUO tire lofset in Hlxty-five years : -iEtna, of Hartford $ 9,192,644 Pranklin of l'liiladeliihiit 3,118,713 Germunia, N. Y 8,700,739 OermaB American, N. Y 4,065,968 Condolí ÁMoranoe, London. . . 1,410,788 Micliijian V. & M., Detroit. . . 287,008 N. Y. Umlcrwriters, N. Y 2,596,67e National, Hartford 1,774,505 l'hoenix, Brooklyn 3,759,036 Losar liberally adjasted and promptly paid. Policies issued at the lowcst rates of premium. nwitr LÁDÍfSPÍ So ïour Own IyelncP at Home. They will dye everytMnfc. They areioldeyerjwbere. lVice lOc.a packue. TLeyhuve nov(ual for 8trength, Brightness, Amount in Packaea or for Fostneas of Color, or non-fadlne Qualitlet. Tbey do not crock or sruut; 40oolon. Pórtale bj J. J. COODYEAR.


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