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Is the Senate on the auth uit. a bill was Introduced to approprlate t'VOOO for a public building at tialesburg, 111. The Sundry Civil Approprlatlon blll was further considerad. A bill wa also introduced to amend the ContractLabor law In the House the Senate lilll was passed for the eroetton of a puMic building at Sloux City, la., at a cosí of ÍIM.OOJ. A bill was Inlroduced calltnsr for Information trom Amerloan consuls relativo to eruigrallon to the United Sutes. A conference was orderod o the Senate ameudnicnts to the Nuvy Appro prlatlon blll. The Deuclcncy Approprlatio bill was considerad. Mr. Hokns rcsolutlon appolntine a com mlttee to report upon commercial relations bc tween the United States and Cunada wa pasied In the Senato on the Sist uit., aud th Sundry Civil Appropriatlon bill was furthe cousidered. . . .In the House Mr. McMilla (Tenn.) ws elected Speaker pro tem duriu the absence for a few days of Mr. Carllsle. A blll was passed for the revocatlon of the with drawal of lauds made for the b !neftt of certal rallroads In lowa and M.uncsota. The Arm bill was discussra. The blll to créate in cxeeutivo departmen tobeknownas the department of agricultur was reported in the Senate on the lst. A larg number of House btlls were passed, amon them beinu one prOTldlBg Utv ¦ public hulldin at Jackson, Mlch. The Sutulry-riv 1 Appro prlation blll as ]isscd....In the IIouso th Senate ameudments to tho Army Appropria tlon bill werc QOQ-Ooncurred in after a long de bate. Sevenai bilis were rrported in the Senat on the ad, afler which the ibher es treaty wa apaln discussi'il in open session . . . . In th Houso the Senatr annnilments to the Arm Approprlat on bill wen1 non-coneurred In, an( a conferonce was ordered. The Donc'ency Ap propriation bil was further cons.dored. IN the Senate on the 3d a resolution wo passed to investígate the relations of the Can udian railroads with the transportaron acros the continent of comtnei't e wh 'h nuturally be long to the Umted State. Mr. Teller spok In oppoRition to ratlfyirig the tlshertes treaty Adjourned to the Oth In tlie House the De nolency ApprapriaUon b.ll was further con sldered. At the eveniii r session twenty pensio bilis wero passed. Adiourneü to the th. DOMESTIC. Tbs thermometer remrtered 108 degroc in the shade at Nebraska City, Nob., ot theSOthult., and ttieura were two cases o sunstroke, ono fatal. At Sioux City. Ia. 110 in the sluii li' was recorded, and ther wt're tive rases ol' wsti at :nn hy hi'at. A fire on tho 31st uit. at Manslicld, O burned out the building of F. Bessman & Co., wfiolesale ;nvr. Loss, $120,000; in surance, tT").(Wi). The Local-Option H jrh-l,icense law wa on the 31st uit, deelared constitutional by the Supreme Court of Nfw Jersey. Fhemont Kmmons. who brutally mur dered Bertha Schtiltz:it PawneeOtty, Neb because she would not niarry hiin, wa lvnched by a mob on the Stat uit Genekai. J. B. Khu.kk. general superin tendent of the New Yorlc, Pennsylyania ót Ohlo railroad, resigned on the )lst uit. Liohtnmno struck four horsiv-, du the 31s uit. belonjring to E. M. Cooper, of Andei son, Ind.t killinK all of them. Tho horse were standing under a wahiut tree; Ther was not a mark of violenee to ba seen on any of them excopt that every hoof wa stripped entirely off eaili one. Two ciiii.drex of Aiioloh Holden, o Kansas City, were killed by the heat oi the 31st uit. Two maidkn' ladies, Maria and Verett Reeves, living naar Davisville. W. Va. discovered buixlars in their huuse early o the morning of the :lst uit. Ono of th sisters shot one of Um ilüi'n- daad and he Bister mortally wounded the othcr. It was reporte 1 on tho :ilst uit. thnt th Indians on tin? San Carlos reservation i Arizona had boen stealing cattle and tha thej' openi'd fire and killed three India scouts bent to arrest theia Tnniiï horses belonpln? fo (he Mutua Benefit Ice Company. and valued at ili,00ü were burned to death on the :i!st uit. i the company's stable at Nnv Vork. The famous 'trottin staliion Bell Boy was sold on the lilst uit. near Lezlnuton, Ky., to C. C. Seaman for 150,000, tho high68t price ever paid lor a horsi'. TnEitE wero nloe rases of sunstroko in Chicago on the list uit., and four persons were itmok by llghtnlng. A. G. IIaiuluki;, ui' New Vork, a wellknown mounter of irlazicrs' diamends, disappeured on the iilst uil., taking with him diamonds bulonginj; to COStomers valued at $30,000. 8;x tuih-mmi coa] minera n the vieinity of Pittsburgh, Pa., strurk cm the 'Sist Iflt. against a reduction in wa Tuk letter-carriers' eiglit-hour law went into effect on the lst. A law-axd oRUEit i.LAoii: was organized on the Ist at Dallas, Tex., to prosecute gamblers and Bunday liquor dealers, J. Goodix. treasorer of Kawlins County, Kan., dlsappeared on tho lst, leaving his accounts il'2,00J short. Thkee in 'NintEii ltalian uniigraut who were unable to obtain work sailed from New York on the lst tor thetr nativo land. Skvi:n ileatlis occarred in Kansas City, Mo., on the lst as a result of the excessive heat. (iKOiu.K Hakiüs, fouriiM'ii years nid. while foolint' with a gun on the lst at Cinclnnatl shot and killed his eleven -yoar-old sister. ATCarmon, Tex., on tho lst Rev. (i. Ilarrison, a Methodist minister, killed his soniu-law, Ben Pervin, and then killed himself. on account of fumil.v trouble. The story to the effect that Findlay, O., was in danger of beinir blown up by a sub(errauean explosión of natural gas in the not distant future wa3 discredited by gelogists in Washington on tho lst, who declared that such a catastrophe was impossible. The public-debt statement issued on the lst showed the total debt to be 1,727,TO6,534; cash in treasury, 1104,849,535; debt less cash in treasury, ñ,101,417,8S8. lacrease during July, S4.137, :„" A FiiiE on the lst at SiWTolk, Va., destroyed a largo part of the business portion of the town and many houses, causing a loss of {400,000. Jobn KiitKMAN, aged sixty-flvo years, president of the American National Bank of Nashvillo, Tenn., was killed in a runaway accident on the lst. Toe eighteenth annual convention of the Catholic Total Abstinence Union of America met in Boston on the lst W. EL Handm-y, who in September last killed J. B Worman, a deputy-sheriff, was taken from jail at Carthage, Tenn., on the lsl by a mob and hanged. A fire on the lst in the extensivo establishment of tho Little & Croft Lumber Compan.v at Kvansville, Ind., causad a loss of f100,000. Tes THOfsAND negroos took part in an emancipation celebration in Helena, Ark., on the 2d. During a heavy rain storm on tho 2d at Seymour, Ind., a large number of flsh of an unknowti species feil, some of them four indios in length. Six persons in Omaha, Neb., died on tho 2d from the excessivn beat. CnABLns Mit.liov, a weather prophet, drowncd himgelf in the North river at New Ycrk on tho üd becausa his predictlona faile.i. Wh. mam A. Smith, un olil and trusted Bmployeof the CorniDBrcia] National Bank at Philadelphiu, ni arreste i on the '21 oa the chargo of embezzling ffi.000. Emaxiki. James, shot and rnortally wounded his brother John at Flemingsburg, Ky., on tho 2á in a quarrelover gome sheep. Maï 1'atton, b youtijr woraan, shot hor puramour, Cbvles DeKnlght, and then sulcided ín a hotel roost at Pittsburgh, Pa., on the 2d. No cause for the deod was known. Charles, alias "Blinkey" Morgan, tho principal tlguro lo the Ravenna rescue and the murder of Detective liullitran, of Cleveland, O, was executed at Columbas, O., at an earlv hour ou the morning of tho 3d. Dürino the sevon months ended on tha lst 28,352 more immigrant landed atCastle Garden, New York, tlutn in the corresponding seven months of last year. Tho July arrlvals were 28,89% or 1,'J4 more thau for July, 1837. A TERRIT1C wind and rain-storm on tho 2d did great dumage to ofops in tha icinity of SU Cloud and Sauk Raplds, Minn. In tho lortoer place tvventy-one houses werestniok by liffhtñing and two children wero killed, und in the lafter laany streets were fiooded and houset could oniy be reached bv ' Di uiM. a terrible atorra In ('liirago on tho 2.1 üghtnint.' flred atables at the Stock Y mis, iU'1 twentv horsei perislied in tlu' fiamos. Man.v buildings wcro also struck by liííhtnin. mul two persons wore killed. Ai.i. caso-, njralnst the Boston & I'rovidence Railroad CompanS arising out of tho Bussej bridge aocidMnt over a yéfcr ago had bben settled oa theSd without trial ál a lotal eost of abot tl.000,000. The Gnvernor of ludían i ou tho 'Jd directed tbe AttorueyGoneral to visit thc counties of (ravford and perry, and do all t tuit he cotUd to bring tho participants in " White t'ap" outrages to jiistice. At Mt. Carrón, 111., the thermometer indicated llü degrees ín thn Bhade on the 2d, and in othor portions of the Ututo extreme hot weather was reporteJ. Ei-mkb K. Jknkis, of Abilene, Kan, rrived in Boston on the2d, havlnjj traversed (hewbole distance (two fhopsand miles) on his bic.vclo. He left Abilene Muy lü. Thb business blocks frontín? on the pubHo sqnniv ai West l'iiity, O., u smalltown, were burned on the 3d, causing a loss of flOO, 000. Heniiy M. Vixont, mado insano by exce-isive olgarette smokínft, was sent to an asylum on the 3d from Milíersburg, K.v. Si bnteen people were burned to doath and fltty more njurad by thf burning of a six story baíldihg Ín New York on the 3d. Thoops were tlispatched from Fort Thomas on i 8d ti quell the threatening Indiau uprising at l'oruT's sub agoncy in Ariona. Gaudavr and McKay defeated Teemer andHammon the 3d in a thre ¦ nülodoublescull championship race for J,5O(, in l'J:5ü, at Baratoga, N. Y. A ctclonk strin-k New Murkct, la., on the 3d, and largfl treen wero torü up by the roots, and buildings were moved from thoir foundations or domolished. No one was Injurod. Tiie British (i ivcrnment on the M requestod a further rospite for Hugh M. Brooks, bcttrr kii'iwn as Maxwell, under sentence of death ut St. Louis for the murder of Preller. Di'kino the seven days ended on the 3d there were lso botisest failures in the United States, agalnst '17 the previous seven days ÏWO BBTEKE storins at Duluth, Minn., on the 3d flooded basements, washed out ewers and railroad tracks and caused oth er dainage, the total nm mntlhg to tl50,000. At Hazlewood, Minn.. Un IfcLaughlln and two sous wero killed by lightninK. About four thousand laborers cmployed on tho stroels anfl on rock vork at Duluth, Minn., strucli luithe :td for an mercase in Ín a quarrel on the 8d at Blkhart, Ind., Benjamin Bcott, a wealthy Tcxan, futally stabbed Con Crpwley, ayoung stock deuler, QéOtge Newell, a leádlng farmer and cajiitalist, and James ímith, a colored porter at tho ('iiílon House. Urtiisii a storm in St. Paul, Minn., on the 8d (ioveinor McGill lost a valuable horse by lightnlng and was himself rendered unconscious by the shock. Tiiei'.e wore four fatal cases of sunstroke in Chicago bn tiie :m, iho thermometer registering 'M degrees in the shade. At Kvansville. Ind., threo mon died from the heat, four cases worc reportcd at Burlington, la., four at Indiunapoli.s, Ind., and two ut iMibuque, la. military companies were sent from Topeka, Kan., on the üd to quell the trouble in Stevens County. that State. - - __ PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. The Republicana mado the following Conprossional re-nomlnations on the 31st uit: Indiana, Twelfth district, James B. White; California, Third district, Joseph McKenna; Fourth, V. W. Morrow; FiftU, T. (i. I'heips. Florida Republicana held their State convention at (Jcalu on the ilst uit. and nominated V. S. Slnpinan for (Jovernor and H. W. ('handlcr (colored) for Secretary of Ktato. CnmsToriiER Mkyeu, millionaire and leading rubber manufacturar of tho United States, died in iNew York on the 31st uit., aged seventy years. The Presidont returned to Washington on the ülst uit. from his fishing tour off Handy Hook. The Prohibitionists of West Virginia met in State convention at Parkersburg OU the 31st Uit. and minimal cd a full ticket, witli Thomas R. Carskadon, of Keyser, for Governor. Dr. Robeut Moiikis, tho most distintruisfied Mason in tho world, and past prand master and poet lauréate of Masonry, died on tho Sist uit. at La (irange, Ky., of pai alysis, aged seveuty years. John Kiihsdn-, the famous inventor, celcbrated his eighty-Iifth birthday on tho lst in New York. In California on the lst tho Republicana made the following Congressional nominations: First district, J. J. l)e Haven; Second, John A. Engon; Sixth, William Van Dover (renominated). In the First Mississippi district the Democrats renominated John M. Allen. In Indiana the Kcpublicans renominated Thomas C. Chandler in the Seventh district, James T. Johnson in the Eiprhth, and James B. White in the TwelftU. Fifth Kansas district Democrats nominated Dr. N. D. Tobey, and the Union Labor party of the Ninth Iowa district nominatod J. L. Sovoreign. In tho Second Florida district Fred S. Goodrick (Kep.) was nominated. Tuk Connccticut Prohibitionists met at Hartford on tha lat and nominated a State ticket, witli Hir.un Camp, of New Haven, for Governor. Du. O'Iti:ii.i.v on the lst rosumed his poition as attendin:; phvsieiau to General Sheridan. He state 1 that tho General had been stuud ly LmproviAg sinco July 7. Isaac N. Philps, a well-known Wall ttreet operator, worth from tl5,0O0,03O to $20,000,(KK). died in New York on the 2d. '1 in: remiiins of Bartley Campbell, the dcad plaj wrlght, were buried at Pittsburh, Pa., on the ad. Tuk followlng Owigresslonal nomina. tioiis ware made on the-:i: oh ui. Slxteento district, E. L Tjrbarker (Rp.); Illinois, Twentieth district, A. T. Roblnaon (Uem ) ; Nebraska, Seeoiïd district, Hov. George Scott (Pro.); Maryland (uil Prohibitlonists), First district, W. N. Harmun; Beoond, J. L. Benaoa; Third, J. I. Dowlingr; Fourth, He. N II. Kecd; bixth. W W. Mooro. Mits. LKOTrr, w 'm is ut Long Hranch, N. J., said on theiid thatthli vrould be har lust season on the stage. Mus. Josktm Cx KOWI1 died on the ;)d in Chicago, aged oue hundrcd and three yoars. She was a native ui Pol.ind. FOREIGN. It was announced on thn. 30th uit. that tho Canadlan government would remedy existing discriminiition against American vesaels passing througli Canadian canals. A CABLIORAM of tho Rist uit. says the Frenen erop had boon greatl; damaged by tho bad weatlier. and the yield would probably be One million busliols short. Advices of the Sist uit. suy that tho ro cent extensivo inoeiidiary flroa in au - Prlnce. Huyti, destroyed eight hundred and flfty buildings, i-áuiin a Iom n Í2,000,000. Dubiwg the oelebratlon at Munich on tho lst of the mie trondredtb annhrenary of the birthi Ludwlg I. three elaphanti became frlf atened and tramped a man, two wonicn and achild todcath. At h meeting of thp shareholdera of tho Panama ('anal Company in l'aris on tho lst M. de IjCsscjis promlfted n bchalf oí tho director! that the canal would ba oponed in 1880 Tm: neiv Inman Line st.-anier City of New York left Liverpool on her tirst voyage for New Vork on tho lst with one thousand passengen n board, amonü uhom wore Janics (. Blutne, hls wifo and daughter, nnd the Earl and Countess of Donougtimore. A tibí on the U1 at Blrchton, Ont, destro.ved E. il. E ldyi Lamber Hiill, togothor with the entire kOMon't cut, valued at f4J0,0(X). Total loss, 1600,000. A man and boy per is lied in the Osases. LiKt -tenant Wissmvw, the notod German explorer, stated at lïrussels on tho 2d that he did not believe tliat Stanlc' WM lost, and said thut he hopod to hear good news of tlie exiilm-er at an early date. A Hi --.m iv orulser vw prdered to Bahrlnff Hea on tho -M to prevent Knglllb and Ameriem vcmscIs fyom üshiiiR in Russian waters. Advices of the U 1 say that the Govornment of Peru had oonflsoatéd the railroads built by foreijrners in tlmt country. ExMayor (irace. of Xiuv York, and othor capitalists were larelv interented. ïerkibi.e forest lires were raming on tho 2d in tho country aurrouadtng üttawa, Ont. Many famili.'s liad been rendered homeless, and the loss to property had l-eache 1 over Í50 l.OOO. ïnn Dominion Government decided on the 3d not to allow Mormon settlers to practice polygamy in the Northwest territory. As explosión on the lid in a London fireworks factory killed several women. Fokest fires in the vicinity of Ottawa, Ont. on the 3d had destroyed large tracts of valuable timbor land. Eureka, a village containing some flfty houses and stores and several milis had been swept out of existenco. The residents lest every thing, many of them barely escaping with their lives. White, Joski.ïn & Co, Wholesale laca and ribbon dealers at Toronto, Out., failed on thed for iftOd 000. The discoverr was made on the :d tliat theyoiing namel Millmaii, u-hu was hanged at Charlottotown, Prinoe Bdward'i lsland. early laat iprlng, for the morder of bis sweetheart, was innocent of tho crime. (KitMiNV has anñezed Pleasant lsland, in the Pacific Oi-ean. and EUlnounced ou the Jid the proh. bition of the introductiou of arm or ammunitlon. advice-i of the 3d say that Silesia bad been devástate i by terrible doods, tho worst kiiown in the city for yaara. Along the rivera Rober and Zacken the damage was ospccially great, the crops haviug been ruiued. LATER NEWS. Genkhai. Pfui.ii' H. Bhbhidas, Commander-in Clüef of the United States armies, died suddenl.v at 10:80 o'cloek on tho night of the 5th at Nonquitt, Mass, from an attaek of his oid heart failure trouble. The end camo suddenly and unexpcctcdly, u there had been no proinoniof any unfavoruble -hange in his eonditions until within a few hours of his death. General Bhtfrldan was bom In Bomenet, O., Mareli (i, 1381. He leavos a wife, the daugbter of General liuoker, of Chicago, and four small ohildren- three girls and ono boy. Fi.ooim were dotng snormoua damage to bridgos and railways throughout Bwitzerland on the 4th. Lake Lueerne was over - flowed. Dukiso a thunder-Htorin on tho 4th the home of Martin Olstcd. near 1 anesboro, Minn., waa truck by ligbtning, and Olsted and rlve of his children were killed by the stroke. Eli (eolored) w is lynched on the 4th in Winslow Coanty, Miss., for a9saultIng a white woinan. r The veteran showman, John Robinson, died at CincimiaU on the 4th, aged eighty years. He leavei an estáte valued at $1,000,000. Ur to the 4th twenty dead bodies had been taken from tho ruins of tho recent Bowery lire in New Vork. Tkeasi reu Ueokok L. Perkiks, of the Norwich & Worcestor railroad, colebrated his one hundredth birtliday on the 5th at his homo in Wurcester, Mass. Tbe Vístula, in ïtussia, and the Moldau, In Bohemia, overtlowed thelr banks on the 4th, causing great destructlon of lifo and property. Rei-ohts of the 4th show that the recent warm weather lias brought corn on rapidly, and a heavy erop was the prospect in every WeRtern State. A uwihq-qibl attendlng a concert on the 4th in Webster, Mass., crented a sensation by recoíínizing in the audienco the man who had mucdored her brother eight years ago. At twenty-six leading clearing-houses in the United States tho exchanges during the week endod on tbe 4th aggregated 1612,837,408, a-ainst í818,OÍ25,087the previous week. As eompared with the corresponding week of 1SS7 the deerease amounted to 12.3 per cent. An inoendiary fire on tho 5th at New borne, Tenn., destrO3-ed tho ontiro eastern part of the town. Below will be found the percentage of the baseball clubs in the National League for the week emdèd on the 4th New York, .650; Chicago, .600; Detroit. .SU', Philadelphia, .498; Boston, ,451; Pittsburgb, .445; lndianapolis,.:tj, Washington,. SliT. American Association; St L.uis. .080; lirooklyn, .34; Philadelphia, .80; Ciiicinniiti,o.öO7; lialtimore, . 4 r l : (Ucvekmd. .888; Louisville, . ;itir ; Kansas City. lüQt Western Association: 8t. Puul, .ti:; Des Moines, .609; Omaha, .584; BIOUX City, .481; Kansas City, .476; Chicago, . 4.V: Milwaukee, .451); Minnoapolis, .884.


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