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POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thio powder nover varice. A ra ir ve] of purlty, PtrenEftn and vholeiomene{i. More economlcal ilian the onliti'iry kindn, and rannot be ttold in competitl'ii witb the multitud' of luw ttst. short weigbt alum or ti aphate pwder. Sold only in cans. Roy al B kino Powdkr Co , 106 Wall St N. Y. A FRIGHTFULSKIN DISEASE. HnflferinsB Intrimp. Ilend nrarly run . Body overeet wilh Nore. ('iired by I Uw iHiiiirii Remedies. Mesera. Stkvkns & Brunkr, Monroe, N. C. Dear SKrjf - Abmit two months sgo, on your reroinmendallnii, 1 nooght a botlte of rrnrUHA ÜKSOl.VKNT, ![i' box t'ltTICCRA SaI.VK, and ODe cake 01 Cütii i:n .s,ii', lor my wil, aged Ililrteen years, who has been iiiHictrd lth eczem i lor a ïovg time, and I Hm plfased to say thtt I belfeve th.-'r. medirá have iiirrri hun. HisBnnVringa rere intense liif hend beini' ncarly rttw, bl ears hein; ;;iinc ezoapt the grlstle,and Sla imdy was cvrtvd witti lores. 11 íh roudiliou was frifíhlful I i behold. TUe Boren have Duw at! dlsappeared. hls skin itaenlihy, eje brij; t, cheerful in diepoultlon, aud Ín workinp every duy. My iielhbnrn are vltin'rHen U tilín n markable CDKi unil tb! doubtii % ones ar! reqiM'sted to cali or writt; mu, or any ot my neíhbori-. WM, S. STKI'llKNSüN. W1NCHK6TKR P. O., LTNION Co., N. C. Monkok, N. C, Oct. Ï9, 1887. TlIK PoTTÏR DKl'u ANII ClIKMICAI. Co. Urntlemen, -Mr. Wni. 6. Slepheuüoo of Ihls county brooght hl bud to tovvn to-day to let ut see li'lin. and to ehuiv us what Cuticuka Rexidiks bad done íor him. 1'bie i Un; case referred to in our letter to you tome time ago. To look at the boy now, one would puppose that tbero bad never been auythiop the matter with him, - eeenie to be In prlect bealtb. We have written and herewtth Inclose what bl fattier haa to ay about the matter,- wrote 1t jtuc au hedtctated. We me eellint; quite a quantity of CunruRA Hkmkdikh and hear uothing bat praleeB for ttn'in. We recaní the t utkuka HBMBDlKsthe best in the mirk.'t, iiud xhall do all we can to proraote tluir ¦ole. Yourn tmly, STEVENS BKINKK. DruL'ífÍHts and PharinacÍ!tt, CiiTicr ka, the Krent kin euro, and CUTIOUIU Sou' prepared frmn it, uxtcriially, and Cuiict'RA Kksoi.vknt. the new blood pnriller lulernally. re a iKwitive cu e for every form of ekln and blood dlseaseH from plmpleé to acrofula. Sold everywhere. Price: CuTirxjBA,50c. ; Soap, 2Tic; Rksoi.vknt, (I. Prepared by the 1'ottek Uruo Sl Cukmicai. Co., Boston, Mubb. e'Send for "How to ure Skin Dlieases," 61 pageu, öU illiiitr:itiii. and 1U0 testimontalü. n I A PLES, blackheads, red, ronih, chapped and I IVI oily ekln pruveuted by Cuticuka mui1. Sneezing Catarrh. The dlatreBalnü aueeze, sneene, aneeze, the acrid watery dlwliwijes irom the eyes and noBe, the pslnful Inflamtnatlon extuding to the throat, the Bwelllng of the mucou llnlng, causlnp choking sensaüons, coagh, rlntln? nolses In the head and splittlnK headachca -how familiar thexe Bymptoms are to thouands who nu ff er porlodical from head colds or Influenzi, and who live In ignorance of the fact that a single appllcatlon of Sanford'b Radical Cuni tok Catarkh will affird inttuntaneous relie. Bul rhU trealment in caset of Bimple Catarrh Ifives but a lalnt Idea of what this remedy wlll do In the chrciulc forms, where the breathing ie ob,-trmti-d hy choklng pntrid mucons accumulations. the hearing effected, sniell and taste (,'one, throat ulcerUed aud hacklne couph gradunlly fasteuinj.' ItBi-lf apon the debilitated ¦ystent. Then It 1b that the marvelloua curatlvc power of S.VNroKD'B Hauhal Cukk manlfesU ltaelf in instantaneous and gratelal relief. Oare beirlns from the flret appliciticiii. lt Is rapid, radical, permanent, economlcal. afe. Sandkokd'h RADrrAL Curb consistí of ons bottle of the Kauical Ouke. one box of Catabrhal Solvknt, andona Ixpkovid Iniialek; prlcc, tl. Potter Dbuo and Chemical Co.. Boston. PAINS ani WEAKNESSES OF I t.M l.l L, Inslantly relleved by the ('utieurn Mn i,il l-alu Pla-ter, new. n .. .- l ÈUKr HLTfiib!-1. iiiHtatitant'OMK aud infallible H'K paln-kllllng plaslnr, esprcially adapted Btail t relieve Female PaitiB aud Weaku nesecg. Warranted vaetly superior to all othcr piasters, and the most perfect Antidote to Paln.Inflammationand WeaknesB yetcompounded. At all druuRlHls, töoentn; flve for $1.00; or potiKe free of Potter Dhiio & Uiiemicai. Co., Boston, Mass. THE ANN ARBOR SAYINGS BANK, ANN AKBOK, MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business. CAPITAL, $6O,OOO. Oreanized nnder the Oeneral Banking Law of this State, tbe atockholdore re Individualljr Hable for an addltlonal amouut equal to the stock held bj them, thereby creatlng a Unarantee Kund for the benefit of Deposltore of $100,000.00. Three per cent. Interest Is allowed on all Savings Deposito of one dollar and upwarde, acrordlng to the rules of the Bank and interest compoundod emi-annaally. Moaey to Loan on unincumbered roal estáte and other good security. DIRKCTOHS: CHR18TIAN MACK, W. D. HAKKIMAN, ff W WINKH DANIEL II ISCOCK, WILUAM DKDBEL, WII.LARU B. SMITU. UAVIÜ HINSKY. OFFICKR8: C. MACK, Pre.. W. W. WINE8, Vlce-PrM. C. Jt. HISCOCK.Cashler. ¦uauillll liaa revolutionlzed the world TIJ ïïpHTTnB iuriii(s the last half cenlury. Il Vuil 1UU Nut lenst among the wonder IHlllliln;{ inventivo progresa Is a metluxl nncl yHtem of work tliat can be performed all over the country without separatIdk the workerH from thelr home. Pay liberal ¦ any one cando the work; ellheriex, youiiB or olü; no npeclal ablllty requlred. Capital not needed ; you are tórtod frre. Uit this out and return to uk and we wlll eend you free, Bometlilng of great value and imoortance to you, that wlll start you In buslnes, whlch wlll brlng you In more inonev rlghtaway than nnythlug else In tbo world. Uratui outfit free. Addreaa Xrue 4 Co„ Augusta, Malne.


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