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REPUBLICAN RALLY WEDNESDAY EVE. AÜG, 22Ö AT TUK RINK .A-ÜTIT ARBOE HOK. FRANK FLUMLEY ! OF VEBMOITT Will discuss the Issues of the Day. Wtien pretty, poutlng Ups say "no," Don't go And blow Vuur Dralus all out to slmply show How deep you're phiDged In mental woe Aad pain; Bat bid la Cupid's ambusbjlle, Nor cry, Nor Nlgh, Nor say all Joy has passiM you by; And wtaen a chance Is oflered, try Agaln. - [Merchant Traveler. 'l'he farmer'9 picnic occur? at Whitmore Lake Saturday. All aboard. Mrs. Edwin Hadley of this city is the p09se8sor of a Hurrison and Ty Ier badge of 1840. Farmers can now pet the premium Hst of our county fair at several of our busiiifss places. Jolin Walker, of this city will make an pxhlbit at the bench show of doga, at Toledo, Oliio, this fall. Bills lor the Soutliwestern Soldiers' and Sailors' Reunión at Allegan, August 21st to 24tli, are posted in the city. The front of the slx new stores on State street, is now up, and the block is really an ornament to the street. lt looks fine. Wlien the West Huron st. folks fret street care woti't they put thelr thumbs untler their vest sleeves, and strut? Wbat! The Detroit Conference of the M. E. cliurch meets In the Central M. E. church Detroit, Sept. 12th, wlth Bishop Merrill presiding. Morgan J. O'Brien, of this city, was elected Orand Quard of the State Mutual Üatholic Benetil Association, in sesslon at Orand Uapids last week. It Is understood that the Congroxatioiml cliurch have given a cali to Kev. A. R. Merrian, pastor of the Pnrk Congregatioiml clmrcli, of Grand Rapids. Ihere will be a meeting of the Board of Director of the Washteuaw Mutual Kirt' Insurance Co., at Secretary Child's office, to-morrow, lo adjust recent losses. As Alderman Wines suggested Monday nlght, if there are to be my iniportant change erlected in onr city charter, it is high time the cointuittee connueuced work. Tlie T. & A. A. R. R. runs a train to Whitinore Lake Au;;. 19t.l), leaving this city at 1 p. in., and ri'turiiinj; leave the Lakt :it 8:30 p. ra. Fare 50 ets. for the round trip. The Hon. Frank Plumley, who Is to speak here next Wrdnesday eveniug is a former student of the university, and is one of the boy lo wliom the institution points with pride. The Sunday school of St. A.ndrew' chiirch aftbit city. of St. Jnhn's Dexter, and the Geddes MUsion, are to have a picnic t(-lay wilh the Delhi Mistión Banda; School at Delhi. Anoihor bistnilmeat of fourcar load of the Kaudolph Rnfrers colleetion of mudéis liave arrived and Si'cretary Wade in Imsy unpacking tin; same, and plBclng iheia in the library building at the utiiversity. The Baptist Congregntinnul Methodist and Presbyteriari Sunday Schools will eaeli realize $30 out of the late excursión, beMdes ii f25 balance, whicli haR been triven to the Charitable Union Smul iv School. The appointnientof Dr. Foley as pisliop "f Michigan, Is very neceptable to the Catuolies of this section. He was rtne of Rev. Fr. Reilley's teachers, and a very cordial feeling is said to exist between theni. Co. A., advertises lts annunl excursión for next Tliuiadny, Aug. 83S, to Detroit, etc. The boys always give a popular excursión and have a good time, and' this will be no exception. Wnit for the soldier boys. There s to be a meeting of the department superintendente and managers of the Washtenaw county agricultuial and liorticultural society, uext Monday, Aug. 20, in the agricultural room, court house. There should be a full attendance. Miss Jane Morse has anotlier fine modern house encloscd, on North st., oppoite St. Thomas' school grounds. She is oe of the most enterprisinif women in the state, ana has done more to build np tliat feclion of the city than nny half tlozen other people. Messrs. l.chman, Whitinan and Cramer, all labor men, spoke at a meeting at Fíremans' Hall, last Monday evenng. takinif the place of W. H. Kliver, the 'liicugo gentleman who was unexpect(Hy detained at borne. Lehman and 'riuner were said tohaveben somewhat embarrassetl upon the occasion. The campaijjn will be opened here on fne part of the reptiblicans next Wedneslay evening, by a speech from that eloquent and sllver-tongued Vennont orator, the Hon. Frank Plumley. The securlngof Mr. Plumley will be good news to our people who know what an excellent speaker he is. The issues of the y will be frankly dlscussed by him. The will of Allee M. Klídon has been ö'ed in the probate court and Col. H. S. Uean has been appointed special adminisin,'ior- Genrge Kingsley. nee Ella ""I, of Paola, Kansas, ig giyen $20,000 na Miss Ellen Davls, of Kivington, unn., Is gi?en $lG,000. H. S. Dean and ¦f-orge Klngsley are named ns executors. ere are 17 legatees mentioned in the H. Wirt Newkirk, of Dover, who has "een employed upon the local departraent of the Register for turne weeks, '8 gone to Luther, Lake Co., tocarry on "e Luther Enterprise, owned by a company of enterptising citizens of that i l'ice. Mr. Newklrk is a good newspaper man, a gentleman, and one who will ;ive ie people of that village and county a "Te paper. We wish him the best of wccess and believe he will attain it. C. 8. Mlllen teil us that a travellng mtn was in his store last Saturday who wants to bet $1,500 that Harrlson and -lorU)u will carry Indiana, and $500 ore that thcy will carry New York also. Hie agent says that it Is all the money he ' Kot, hut that he is willing to risk it in "¦at way. It is a fact worthy of note "latjust after the nominations bets were "ttered in the pool rooms in New York , !t' ' 5 to f 1 in Cleveland' favor, but !?u . l]Zurea have changed t.tG to $5 n Hanisou's favor. Last Frlday Arthur Browr., the deputy wmnty clerk, received notice of his apuunitment as route ageut or. the M. C. R. ,ïfi "m letroit to Chicago. This is one " "ie most Important and best routes In J"e service. Mr. Urown twlnc youtiir, "Jenerselic, will without any "uubt nil the place acceptably, in which uuny Have failed. He U to be conK-tulated upon his success. He leaves lo-Uay for Detroit to be sworn iu and to yport for duty. Oood luck to you Jerome IkfiiinU, of this city bus receivcd an increase ot pension. Reinember the opening jfun next Wednesday evening, at the Hink. Miss Mltutle A. Drake has been appointed as teacher ia the 2d ward school. ltev. Dr. S. Graves, of Atlanta, Ga., preached in the Baptist church Sunday. The County Agricultural and Horticultura! Society has its uew premium list ready for deiivery. Will Taylor paid $5.30 before Justlce Frueaufl' Mouday, on charge of carryiiii; concealed weapons. A resident of E. Aun st. says that cats upin his neighborhood talk politics nearly all night so m e times. Geo. Feiner sold more tickets for the Sunday School excursión than any other man. Which shows thut he Is a hustler. Mannger Sawyer has commenced the good work ot laying a stone walk In front of the opera house property, on N. Main st. The exhibition given by Prof. B.irtholemew, is equaled by nothing of the kind in the world, so said by those who have seen it. Miss Clara Hangsterfer, of ilus city, is to be married uext Wednesday, Aug. 22d, at 5 o'clock p. in., to W'm. J. Luyeles, of Detroit. Iraprovements in and about the city are constantly beinj; made. and many streets are considerably blocked with building material. Preparations are now bclnjf made for our County Fair and our ofticers intend to have a good one if push aDd energy will do it. The suinmer iinprovemeuts on the campus are being pushecl wlth vigor, aml 3ecretary Wade ís one of the busiest men in the city. The democratie county convention, to nomínate county olticors, htis been called tor Sept. 5th, at Ann Arbor, and now, ye Gods, how the merry work oes on. Rey. G. B. Pope, of this city assisted in conductiug a basket camp meeting at Chatham, Out., last Sunday, many of our colored brethren attending the eame. S. B. Thompson announces that the Evangelist MlsSion of this city will be nown as Grover Cleveland Chapel. That'a right, S. B., make 'cm come down. Among the candidates mentioned by the democrats for reptesentative in tliis district are Patrick S. Purtell, and (eorjre Button, both of Northtield, and John V. ÍÍ. Gregory, of I.ima. E. II. Flagg, a tonner Ann Arbor boy s now editor of a prosperous country weekly, publislmd at St. Helens, Oregon, called the Oregon Mist. He is married and evidently doing well. The 7th anniial concdave of tbe Grand 3ommandery Knights Templar (colored) 'or the state of Michigan and Province ol Ontario, is to convene at Kalamano Wednesday, Aug. 22d. K. Baur, Secretary, announces n special neeting of the Pomological Society next Saturday, Aug. 18th, at 4 p. na., sliarp. All who' intend to shlp peaches and other fruit in the car to be fitted up for tlmt pui pose Bhould attend promptly. During the fore pait of laat week a ïeifer belonging to Richard Jewell, of his city, was stolen from a pasture near F. J. Parshall's in Aun Albor town. The uiimal w:is valucd at $50, and is a great oss to Mr. Jewt'll who can ill alïbrd it. 'l'he horses for the great show at the opera house next weck, leave Chicago Sunday night, and come to this city via lie M. C. K. Il-, arriving liere at 0:0ö a. 11., Mmiday. Tliey will go from here to 5ay City on tlic saine rond by the way of )etroit. Tliey didn't have very good sueres In aising tlieir pole down at Azalia last Satunlay, but tlioy had a couple of gooi) peiches just the same. One trom Hun. A. J. Sitwyer, of tliis city, and one from Ion. Hnrton Parker, of Monroe. Thoy will try the pole raising agaln. W'ould you believe Ihat there is a man n town mean encujih to take a basket of roceries his wife had got for the family, out of the house and go aixl pawn them or naoney to get whisky with? Wel!, liere ig just such a fellow, and he ca:ne wfnl near being shown up this week. We learn that Mrs. Dr Lovejoy, tlie linthor of Geortre Newell Lovejoy, and lo of Win. Lovejfty, fonwerly of this ity, died in Xew Vork on Tliuisday of ast week. Her hushand was a proinilent physician of this city at one time, nd difd la 1866. Mrs. Lovejoy is well tnown by our oldercitizens. Yesteidny morniiifi as a lady attcmpted o gvt into a eariiHjfe in front of Oscar Sor 's n Main st., her horse started to un. She pluckily clung to the lines, and wns dragged some feet, but flnally let go, nd the horse continued down Main and urned on to Packard st , but was tinally topped by Alex M. Huil, of Hamburg. Miss I,ouisa A. Shadford, formerly of liis city, but for the past three or four 'ears a stenographer in D. Appleton & O's. branch house in Chicago, 111., is to e married to-day at the home of her nother, in the "th ward, to Mr. George I. Breckler, of Chicago. The bride is a ster of Miss Jennie Shadford, of the Argus office. We claim that there is no wool prouced in any country In the world that an Dot be produced in this country. We ave all cliuiates and condition?, and by protective duty on the class of wool eeded for "mixlng'1 purposes, that class f wool would be grown by our ranchien on the plains. as well as by ranchlen in Soutli America and Australia. Last evening a stack of whent and one f oatí, together witli a seperator, were iininl on the farm of Jacob Reath, near )elhi. M. Slabler, of this place, owned ie seperator, but partios liad rcnted and were running it. The water tank was !i-cnt after water when the stacks took re. There was an Insurance of $300 on ie burned property. It is said that wood was being used for fuel. One week ago last Sunday Mrs. Alice f. Hisdon, widow of the late Lewis C. iisdon was taken violently sick with bolera morbus. She died on the Friday ollowing, and last Stmday, at 5 'clock p. in., her funeral was held from t. Andrew's church. Mrs. Kisdon was 1 years of age, and had been a resident f this city slnce 1801, living fora number f years with her sister, Mrs. Thos. F. [UI. Mrs. Kisdon was well known and lighly reapcctfd. Slie was building an k' new residence at the corner of "ourth and Liberty stg., and bad considrable mean. O. L. Matthews has been engaged In ettlinjr up his affairsin this city forsome ittle time preparatory to reine-ving to ,ansing, wliere he hopes to enUrge his )rr.ctice, and secure a better field In the . elisión claim business. Mr. Matlhews bas worked hls way up in this city, beginning at the bottom round, and he lias been very successful. He is a man wlio attends to business promptly, and is thorough in whateyer he undertakes. The people ot Lansitifr will find hlm a valuable aequisitlon. He expects to remove witli his fumily next week, we understand. The Board of Health of this city and township, and the city council are evldently In earnest about the necessity oi' pure water being furnisbed our citlzens by the Water On. The good lienHh of so many of our citi.ens is at stake In this miitter, that it would seem as thougli the Water Co, would take it upon tliemselves to comply with their contract with the city without being forced to do it. No one wishes to nek anytliiiiii unreasonable of the Water Co., but citlzens have a right to demand that they shall not be given foul or poisonous water to drink or to wsf. for household purposes. It seems tbal thN inisht be done at a tlight expense. It la only aquestlon of time wlien urtesian wells will have to be funk to se(¦ure the necessary water supply, and then tliere can be no fault found. It should be understood that a communiciiiioii w ;ih sttMt to the Aun Arbor Water Co. from the Board of Health as fur back as Muy 30tb, asking that an effi.rt bc iimile to rectify the faults in the water suply without brlnging it into public piominence, but that the company neglected to attend to it, and tliat nothing is asked if the company whlch is unreasonable. Oood, clean water la all the people want.