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1 PAINT i iij BTirr roiT a con oxr.fOATnnxv tmttt "?- PiM l-riday, run it to Church Sunday. Eight ? = 2 3g FaJuonablc Shanes: I:Uck. Marooa. VeniüTion , 3 . TtUav, Miva I-ake. Brewster Snd Wagon -. T-í 'T) ¦ r na. No VaisfthfBf iiecessary. Dr- kard v.: wiih e "hinr." Une Coc and job ii done. í "-A 5 YOUR BUCCY rtl I Ip tnp fir Chairs. Lawn Sí-ats. S.itfi, Flow-r " - - TTÍ ¦;-, i; .'¦ Cyrí#a% i urtain Pcácl. 1 urmtuic, „y ¦¦¦ I n.i,t Uoctr, Store fron!. Screen Doom. lto.tts, o ÍSK M.HI les, Uon Fenecí, tu f..t cvcrythuig. Jom e"o " tiie Utílig for the Udic to use Uut ihe houvc ;:L . L FOR ONE DOLLAR i 2 GOiT'S HONEST p m ''"y .i pcWHl COiitAininf w.itrr oí bcoifaie #Im r fuf s.iintí niOFicy (or Uf.iriy w) youuiíi prOCUff 7 " f UMV A t lS 'l KK I' tl NT (hal is ¦rrnlrH to ií " d - I..-..I UiKT, UKSUXI l.lSKkU01l. I'AISY : J 3 and frre from water aml benzine l.iil ihu t „ W t ni t.iLr u ili r, Marchan haiidOáfí a W it are oor apents and aiiihorizcd br V. Ín writing, Hí 3 lo wftrmul IL loMrtU&l[Swilh 3 OA'IN t XS CJK X UUIV ith S COATS. Uur SIiulcs tlu gc'S w 1 h-st Srylei nsrd in thc Eust n.w becoudiig _ J LU w in the Wt, and ut wiiU díe titues L # H a Iry tlm br md oí IIONKST PAIM fcnd yon wUi J " ncver Rgtet ií. Tfala to the wiM i suthtient "j,%j " o HOUSE PAINT jl Ï COIT'S FIOOR PAINTS d Patnt that nc-vrr dric.1 beyond the stlcky point. 2B i w.isre a wei-k, ¦ ., .il the job. and Vu-n sweart f "1 5 Ne time c.ill (jr COIT A 4 ON KIMIK PAWT SS aC ' "5rti J'"l iuüahle sh-ulci, warraalt-d lu dry L_ bmi hrit ¦ a rwrk uur oiybt. No truuble Nu __ g :ewont dry sticky s Jiotlce to Credltors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County or Waslilemw 88. Notice lx lierehy (fiven, that by au ordr of the ProlMte Coiirt for the Connty of Wuhtunaw madeoutheBeyenteinib day orjuly, A.D. 1888, 1i iimiiths from that date were allowed for credltorB to prcuent theirclaira aainst theeatateof JenBla N. Vandeventer, late of unid couoty, deceased and that all creditora of naid dereaned are required to ir-tient their claims to gaid Frobale Court, &t the HrobateOflice, In the cityof Ann Arbor, forexamlnatlon ant1 allowance. oit or beton; the neventeenth day of .laniiuiy next, and that inch claims will be heanl bciore sald court, on Wednewlay, the ieventeentb day ol October, and ou Thuritday the evenleentb day ol Junuary next, at ten o'clock lu the forenoou ol uach of aald days. Dated. Ann Arbor, July 17, A. D. 1888. WILLIAM D. UAKKIMAN, 1412-1411) Judie of Probate. RfRIIf M Rïwardfd are thuse who read Hl IH .Ythl" ttnd then act they w)1 flnd élfUMU I li"iiarable pmploy munt that will iwi tak tin-m from their homes and famtllea. The proOts are large and ure for every lndustrloux person, nuny have made and are now mnklng üfveral hnndred dollurs a inonth. It Is easy for any one to make 85 and upwardg per day, who is wllllng to work, Klther sex, younir oroldj capital notueeded; start yim. Ëverythlng uew Noüpeolal ablllty requlred, you, reader can do It a well au any one. Wrlte to ns at once for fuil partlculars, whlch we mail free. Addresa stlnson & Ck).. Portland, Malne. POR Jams, Coactas and Preserves Manufactured by the Anu Arbor Preserving Co., go to f-BROWN 3c CADT, ja Sole AgenM for Ann Arbor, or to the factorr Plttafleld raad. South. flTIHfl,''' w"e" exlm lu thousanda of bnt are urpasaed by the mar MUMt velB of inventlon. Thoge who are In need of profltable work that can be douewtiile living at home sliould at once Bend their addresa to Mallet 4 Co., Portland Matne, and receive free, full Information how elther sex, of all agen, can earn from $5 to $45 per day and upwards, wherever they live. Yod are starU-d free. Capital not requlred Rome have made over $50 In a single day at lulu work. All aucceed. MACKINAC. Summer Tours. Palace Steamera. Low Ratea. Pour Tripa por Wak Betwean DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Orooda. 8ud Beoh, Port Hurou, BI. Olair, Oaklind Hou, Marín City, ¦wit Wwk Day Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Bpoil 8undai Trip. during July and Au.t. OUR ILLU8FRATCD PAMPHLETS aatea and ¦xour.lon Tlokau wiU b furnlaiid by your Tlokt Ag.nt, or üürw E. B. WHITC0M8, G.„'l P.„. Ag.„ Detroit &. Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. ', DETROIT, MICH. 1 JET, T_ ¦ Piso's Cure for Con B sumpüon is also the best Cough Medicine. B , If you have a Couith H ö without di8oa8e of tf,e H L3 Lungs, a fow doses are all El H youueed. ButifyouneH glect this easy mían of B , fety the Blfght Cough Ei l & Z become a „erious H ï niatter and several botB m tles wiil be required. M í J. J. GOODYEAR. o


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News