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[The following letters will explain hemselves. They are taken from the "ontiac Gazette. Fenno Bros. & Childs are among the heaviest wool merchants f Boston, and Mr. Kiug Í8 an Oakland county farmer in Rearen of the trutli Fenno Chilri. Wool Commitsion Merchants, 117 Federal St„ Boston, Ma. August 2, 1888. Geo. W. King, Clarkston, Mich. l)i ak Sir:- Your valued favor of July tOth, Is at hand, md we note coutents wlth interest. We are sending you tolay by mail as you request samples of oreign wools; "ampie No. I reprc Australian wool upon which there Is a duty of ten cents per pound ; sample No. 2 Is "ring waste" which is imported very larjrely, and is mnde of Australian wool, and also comes in iinder a duty of ten cents a pound. The Australlan wool comes in direct competition with our Oblo and Michigan tleeces, and with the duties taken ott" there would of course be a corresponding decline in our domestlc wools, perhaps not to the full extent of the duty taken oft", as wools would doubtless appreciate upon the otlier side, owing to the detnand which tliere would be tor them at the reduced cost, which would of course lar;:ely inocüfy the deniitud for our own wools. We believe with you tliat it would be dolng a serums Injustice to the American wool grower to take off" the duty upon foreign wools, and we huve no confidence whatever in tho democratie party in power to-day, for the roason of all their views towards the placinj} of wool upnn the free list. While we, however, do not believe tièid they will accouipllsh tlicir purioses, as we nu hardly briug our niimls to thlnk that the senu'.e will approve the Mills bill, there is no countinje on the action of OODgreH, aml we tuerefore thiuk our market will be more or Iess unsettled until thls nmtter of the taritl is definitely decided. Should there be a republlcan admir.istration elected in the fall, we believe there would be a general revival of business and confidences would be restored. Always glad to serve you bere, wa rciimin very truly yours, Fenno Bros. & Chh.ds. Dictated by J. M C. The above was received ia nnswer to a letter I wrote them askinjr if the statements being made by democrat?, that imported wools were of a kind thiit did no come in competition with ours, were true. I have shown the samples to sevcral of our wool growera, among w hom is Win. Holcomb, probably one of the best judjtes of wool in the country, uil who has spent a lurge amount of money and time in Improvluu his flook, and al tgrea that they would no doubt come in Competltlon wilh our bet wools. I wil send you i sample of the wool so tha fnrmers may íee by clling at the Gnzette office wlmt they have jot to compete with. Rcsiiectfullv.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News