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Cbairm m W. L. Scott, of the nationa dem...

Cbairm m W. L. Scott, of the nationa dem... image
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Cbairm m W. L. Scott, of the nationa democratie commltlee, practical'.v con trols tlie coal markets of tlio U S , an( he is such a great frlend of the laborlni man thnt coal keeps ralsinjr in price al Uietlint! Tlie demócrata are rreedy fdlows Not being satisfied witti Burt's barre tliey wanted to aret at Barnes' barrel, so they iioininatcd his sou, O. F. Barnes for congress in the üth district. This put the nld inan's liundred-' of thousands a tlie disposal of the demócrata ]foan liirncs II a tine boy, a gradúalo of the univeraity, and a I u t i f u 1 son of an excel leut and wealiliy father. TIn' penpLe of Michigan, mnrdtoM o creeds, will deeplv sympathize vvitli tlie fninilv of BUhop Harria in tiieir Rrtof The Bishop ilteü at Lotidon last evening He as 47 years oíd, a native of Genrjria and one of the most ietiv: and Bloquea divine in the country. He was the sec ond bishop of Michigan, having suc ceded Bishop MeCoskry. To have brei Btrlckeii down while yct so young is sai indeed. Tbe average price of wool in tbi county last year, before the Mills bil was thought of, was 33 cents a poiind Tliia yeir it is 24 cents a pound on a clip of 979,000 pound". Here Is the problem in simple mtiltipliCHtion, gentlemen 979.000x9 equals $88,110.00, astheamoun af which vour party has robbed the far mers of Genesee county. Now run your heada iiL'ninst it as much as you please It won't hurt the flgnrea and t will af ford lotsof fun for the spectaters. - Flint Globe. We notice by our state exchanros tha Hon. D. P. Markey, of Ojreniaw. is be ng boomed for congress In the lOth conorressiimal distiict, now represented by Mr Fisher. Mr. Markey commenced his ca reer in this section of country, and wi now look upon liim wilh a sort of pa rental pride. Tlie republicana of tha district could not bitter themselves, aiu with so alile a leudar tliey ought to re deern the district. Should Mr. Markey be elected be would make an rzoellenl M. C. with few superiors. Afteran excitinir eieetiim the Michigan wheelmeii niet at Grand Etapid Satiinlay and the following ollicers were elected Clitef Consul, A. li. Kichmond, Gram Hapids; Vice Consul, Win. Seyffu clt Kast Saginaw; Sec-Trea8., C. A. G'onover, Coldwater; Representatives, J. E Beal of Ann Arbor, H. M. Snow of De troit. Tbere was a parade of over 10( wbeels, some good races and an elejrant b&nquet given by the eitizens of "iht Second City" in honor of their visitors Nolhing was spared to make the occasloi a pleasant one. The United Labor Party niet in state conventiou ai Detroit last WedneRday and lifter " settinjr down on " and throwin' out all of the " straw " delegates who had frot in to turn the convention over to the democratie party (or repiibücan eitber) prooeedcd to nomínate a straight oiit-riii.l out labor ticket, r -gardless of elther or any otlier party. Bartley Breen w;is there with about 150 or 200 proxies, luit could nol control the convention, and so ike a little school boy got mad and went out with five or six folliwers and iittiniiited to oriranize a side show all by liiniNclf. But it was puch an absurd little concern thatit made everybody gi;gle. Here is the straight labor ticket, and it is u good one, too: ForGovefnor- WIklinan Mills, of Sanllac. Lteut. (iovernor- Paul Marrln, of Midland, Sec'y of State- Qeo. Mclllsler, of Alleman. Auditor Oen.- Abel N. Howe, of Jackson. Alt'y Gen.- John O Znbel, of Monroe. stuteSuDt - Mrs. 8.K.V. Emory, of Laiislni;. linard of Educatlon- Johu Kairden, of Uerolt. l.nnd Offlce-Melvllle W. Scott, of Newago. Klertors at Larje. -Ben Colvin, of 8HlDaw and Valentino A. Haph of Marine City. First Dlstrlct-John Heffron, Detroit. Second District - Chas. S. Southerland , Adrián. 'I'hird District- Alonzo 15 Allen, ('oldwater. Kourth District -Win. IIull,Tliree Klvers Fiftli I)lstrlct-Vin. T. Aiiliut, [onl. Bixtb Dlitrlot- J. M. Dewltt, Ht, Jolina Seventh District Ueorn' lrury. Port Hope Blghth DiHtrlet- Diivid Qeddaa, ttaglnaw Nlnth District- Dr. Luminereuux, Muskegon. Tanth Dlutrlct- Art.hnr H Wells. Shinton. Eleveuth UUtrlct- Ju. E. (i. Allea. The platfonn wants tlie jrovenimeut to issue ciirrenC3r ilin-ctly lo tlie peoplu 1111til mouey sinill l)e plenty as it in 1860 - wiiiits fice coiuaue of silver arnl gold - wants the governtnent to Icml money to borrowers on real cstalc sciuiity and low Interest - all means of traiisportation nel all mines to be owneil by gOTornnMüt - every citi.en to iiave a home of ni"iirrati' cost ex-nipt fiom t;ix atlcu) and execution - all fOTCrament, atatc, fonnty and iniinicipuJ exprn-c pid by a grudUHted inconiu lax - l S Sen .lurs to be clected directly by the people - passenaer ratea on railmads n-duoed to two cents per mile and f reijrlits in pioportion - unimproved and im)roved land to be equ.illy taxt-d to preent monopoly - the foimation of trnths o be dci'lari'il n Mony - the pioliiliUion f the impoit itinn (if toiclgn 1iborers lid tbe abolition of conviot labor conracts - the abnlition of all useless state oaids and coinnnsstions, the tqualiz ion of bountleg and the p:tssugu ot a serice pension bilí.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News