A hook, A book, A sandy Hook, A wish, A -11.1. i. 'II 8Wl8ll, A stgh. Butwlu? Nextday a lie. - Forest and Stream. Go to tbe rink tonight. Seeinterestlng poraological report on 4th pgcOur Art Bopplement will be found interestiiig this weck. Currie M, widow of Clement V. Stone, has been granted a pension. A rainbow In the northwest va? one ot the wondere lust Thu.rs.day a. in. V. G. Hnrclilield Is taking battu at Yiilanti, and thinks lie is beneflUd thereby. The interior of the Psi U. house is beins Imndsomely decorated this vacationby Randall. Tlie streel grass plat extensions will do niucli toward protectlnjt the roots and savias tlie shade trees. Robert K. Ailes is auotlier one of the solid Tippccanoe volers ot 1840, who is in ilie rauks again in 1888. The prohibitionists cali their county conveniion, to nomínate county offlcers, for Aug. 29th, at the court house. Everytliing bids fair for a big time toniffht at tbe rink. Mr. Plumley is one of the best orators in the country. The public schools open one week f rom next Mond}', Sopt. 2il. The scowl on tbe average boy's face is connnenciug to form. RepuMicans of the 3d ward will meet at the office of the Courier, ;it half past 7 o'clock S.iturday Dlght, to perfect their orsamz ution. They are evaporating sweet corn at the fruit evaporatiim works now. They will stuit ii] on fruit in a lew day, wht'ii it is a little riper. In John V. Sheehan's store on State t. the largest píate glass in Michigan, 13K y WM John always bat ¦ wtty ot üelting at the IkjiI. There is a current rumor afloat that Hon. Chas. K. Whitmau is to be nominated by the demócrata for congress in this district, but we don't believe it. Mi. Kyer teíls us that tliere is a greater diifireiKe in quality of wheat this year lha:i beloie lor many years, and the price puid ranjfes írom 77c to 84c per buitel. Diincin McMUlan expects to remove to CliiCHgo in the near future, where his ¦mis Newton and Lincoln are employed cm tlw Herald. Newton being assistant editor M i .-ilury of $3,000 per annuiu. Prnf E Baur, secretary, announces iniiiitlily meeting ut pomológica! society lir.-t uí Srit. Topics: Qrape rot by J. ti iiihiirn ; transpoi tation ; peachw and iwuis; shippers of fruit sliould protnptly utleml. Adi-nincritic lainbuill be placedon ezlïlbiiioD ut Deaii'a Opera Houe in A.lii.in, on Weduesday the iiitli Inst. It will i' lau({htered in Norember. For full particular see cali tor democratie cuuveutlon on that day. Joe B. Glimp, t'ormerly of this place, !ims been appointed freight cashier at Ann Arbor lor the T. & A. A. H. B.- Mil.n Leader. The T. & A. A. H. K. has alway.s been noted for its giunp-tion, umi now il wlll probably have more of it. Wli Ie I) ui Ainsden'.s boys were dfliveiina a load of wood at .1. T. Jacob's houM' Öaturday, ihey Httempted to turn xround liiu quick, tlms pc.iring the horses and tearing 1 1 j the .-nd. hreakiiiji au iron liftcliiug post, etc. Boys nol danmged - but b.idly scared. Mr. Thuis, llie florNt, lias InvitiMl the Wiuihd'b Chriftllan Tsuipermice Uuioa to huid iheir uiimial picnic on tiis roumls iiex t Mondiiy p. in., Aug. 27th, to celébrate I is seveiuy-í.eooii(l birtliday. All uieuibeis of the uniou ire cordially invit;il to be present. .hiincs Clancy of the lst ward, dicd Moiiday, Anjf. iiO, 1888, at the age of 74 jrvais, 1 iiiimih, cit old ajte. Mr. Clancy Mme lo lliis city about two years go trom l'aiv Paw, porcbaslac the elegant raaideooe ( i Kempf, on & Liberty st. He leaves a wife and elght chiidren. Kuncial seivices this nKiriiiny ftOOB St. Tlioniits Cnurch. The train on the T . A A It. ]. that s'iuiilil have been here at 'J-.ÚH 8alurday nigi.t froni Whitrauie Lake, did aot ie;ich Ihc city uu til 11:20. As tin-re is no station Imu-e al the Lake, and no trlegraph eoiiiiiiuiiic.ition to teil when the train wipuIü ariive, it made some tall talk by pi-oile who liad to sit arouml on the banks ind logs until the lx lited train arrivril. Adam Meuth who left tor (iennany on tlie Ui.anived in Europe all safe, being 'inly fiuiit days on the ocean. He wriles tg Mr. Mcuth that on the Uth he expecls In bc at liis old home iu Wiesbaden. Thto uiiki-s pretly Iively travelirijr. The uld fnlry ttoriea of wishmg you were in a place, and then bein; Immedlalsly iniusporled there, comes near beiog relizeil. Mr. Meuth expects to be absent until aliout Dec. Ut. Ou l'n k inl st. near Monroe st., on oa'nrliy whlle attempting ti turn out, Ir. Kv.ms gol ;i little too far in the putter and the onrrlage tlpped over throwiiig OJH Mrs Erani and Mrs. H. W. Hogers, llii! hi. io wi veiy docile i'c a serlous Klfiit might have occurred. A wasr wlh was Kandinjr near sald that the red Dudaniia tk-d on the whlp jrot too far utof balance and tlpped the load over. 'l'iMs probat.ly in error. 8. Knnk Alimemllnger has recelved a t" trom Gm. . Bmdr, "Secretory for u" '. Belle Isle & Windsor Ferry," s'ulM.sr tlmt "it was throngh a mistake "t collectloti ()f down fares was muc('lr I5-I!i:lsie u. Detroit, and we WW t exceedinifly. If you will muke ur''iton iisfnr the amnunt, and sign as ecretry (,t the ex-ursion Com., we will Wit tn$io." Mr. AlliiiPiuliner says Nd they w (lrilw oll Mr Hratiy for "timonntand turn it over to the LaCBariiableünlou. ,A Pernils f "ot fatal accident oeeuind JohnMi C;y&r(ii yesterday mornh.g. JiiiiiMillcr Jr, wiih two conipanions, racrowlDK 'I"' M. C. yards just as tbe wiy passenger was passing east. Stepl 'K iirk as It pussed they stenped upnn mlier track on which a freight train PprliHchinfr, a fact thcy did not ob" until it was upon them, and Miller ' Hm right ],.g cauxht and so miingled '¦" 'iipmatioii waa necessary. Miller ''";l;n "ged for som e time in dclivtrg iimlMT f.,r S Woodá Son, and was u'ra orklng young man. Mtunt ,y mornlng a couple of tnimps fcii o "Ï1 (l""r to tlle kitclien of Winw ri '"";-ici's '"'" SanamU ., :'l "w. and went in „„d raDaacked the '¦. Uklng a $5 gnld plece, ihree silver B fi'8,;""1 !K) ' 'n chanjre. Mr. 'w-W returnlnu to hls home discover. "' 11'fft.telephoned to Sheriff Walsh, '"1IH (l„Wn ,lt o,,,.,, an(1 n,(ling , Jiclou,feii„w about the lumber yard "'¦. viciDlly. arrwted hun, and on S Tt! l":cket fnund all the silver nl '!'""¦ '""'¦ edjtM bad been turn, '') eaitliig the wire, but another felÜJl'Pe:ired to have taken the $0 gold Pn"eTp""u'v (;"K "¦ Dean.acoomnd uiJa. 1)(;;l"' ntadaujthter Liwle Wliii, i "" (llOTe '"to the country. ooe,t ,i M,"'Jy PUpsi"g their jonrney Cl r' ' ""S'S kike] :it a (ly that was ni.jr !,„„_ all( íot hs f()o(. ()v.er thj "" r fon?"1 '"' k'Ckln "'" " "tr font over ,„„.,. ,,,„.,., an(1 soon Uien !!'' " ?Ul nnhooked. The horm SSwK H"11 riin lnto the fence "Ml r k " ')(c"lant8 out. Col. Dean itl(i n) Woken, which has develn„d h i, !'ly l):lll'ful wounil; Miss Dean knd..M? b,r"l8d about the face and fe While the others luffared more or I 'lie nwiii wImi doM nnt advertlse Displays as Uttle senae As lie wbo don hls Sunday pants To cllnib a barbed wlre feuce. The Alpha Delt's are painting and renovuting tfieir resldence. Tlie Climax Club announce a dance at the Hink for Fridny evening. Hon. Fratik Pluinley has few superiors as U orator. Al tlie rink to-niglit. Gov. Felch is making handsome luiprovements to hls residence on State st. Rev. Mills Gelston, of Pontlae, will preach at the Presbyterlan church next Sunday. Herbert the Infant son of John and Francés Brown, of the 5th ward, died Aug. 16th, "88. Frank Howard and Wm. Saunders are extendlnjí and soddiiiir the graas plat in front of their walks on Catharioe st. The infant son of Mr. Emily Leiter dled Aug. 18, 1888, aged 13 months, and funeral services were held Sunday, at the home of Mrs. Root, on E. Huron st. A. C. Qormley is doing local work now on the Arjrusfora time,- perhaps longer. He is a young man of energy and pluck and will inake a good newspaper scribe. What a deal of figurlng there is now adays. A trip to Ypsilanti last Friday divulged the fnct that there were no less than four politicians on the train, lookinr after pointers and fences. Whenever you greet Station Agent Paisley, he will reply very pleasantly, 'why certainly, the shortest, quickest and best route to the Clncinnati exposition, Is over the T. & A. A. and C. H. & D.1' He is sure of it. The trained horses of Prof. Bartholomew commenced a week's engagement at the grand opera house last Monday night. All that has been said of them is true. These animáis can do altnost everything but talk. They f urnisli an entertainment that is worth any person's time and money to go and see. A life-si.e photoarraph of Rev. Dr. Ryder, made by Kundall, has beeu purcliased by theladiesof the Congregational church aud plitced in the church parlón as a companion to Deacon Mills, whicli was also of Kandall's workmanship. Kcitli are excellent portraits, and look ae if they could speak almost. Mrs. J. F. Snow, of Kansas City, Mo., who liad beeu visiting at her olü lióme i ti Anu Arbor, cunie down Iiere Saturday for a short vislt at Frank Houston's. tílie wasaccompanied by her little daughter Florence, 16 mos. old, who was taken siek and died Wednesday. The remains of the little one were taken to Ann Arbor that day for burial. - Wayne Review. Robert Stoll, a lad some 14 or 15 years old, was caujjht by Mr. Miller, a tailor, at bout 5)4 o'clock thls a. m. while attcmpting to get into Bliss's jewelry store on Main st., and broujrht to jail by Chris, lirenner. Young Stoll liad a bunch of keys d hls possessior: which fitted some of the stores. Yesterdny he got into Charlie Gibson's barber shop and took a pair of slippers and it is thouglit some inoney, also. Horace Carpenter and wife, of this city have returned from a Miree month's visit to Groton, New York. Mr. Carpenter had not vUited tiis old home in 46 years, and fouud but few of his foruier matrs still living there, and hiuiself the heartiest and healthiest of all. By the way, Mr. Carpenter was among the hosts of putriots who went down to Fort Meigs in the Tijpecanoe c:impalgn, and Isjust as (trong a supporter of the grandson. Christian Walker, of the firm of Walker Bro., carriage makers, who had been III witli liver trouble for the past three months, was lound dead in bed this mornlng, having peicefully expired durIng the night. Mr. Walker was a man aluna 41 years of age, liad been a resident of tliis city since about 1865, and was one of our most enterprising and energetic business men. He was a nember of a number of Germán societies, and jreatly respected by everybody. Our genial new colored divine, and old p.-lawyer and pension claim agent, Right Rev. S. B. Thompson, P. D. Q., wbo la in the laudable business of raising f nucís with the expectación of erecting a grand temple of worship here sometiine "liimi by," has named the etheral visión "Grover Cleveland chapel," epecting to reeeive a handsome donation from his honor the President, - a sunstantial token from PoHmaster General Dickinson and iiiciilentally an overflow or two out of Burl's barrel. Oae gentleman of our auo.uaintance says that Cleveland is expected to pension S. B. for life, Dickinson pay his salary for a lew years, Burt keep liim in clothes, and ihe democratie coiuity nominees fiirnish (team for Steainboat'a whist Ie. Under these circumstances the presiding eider could have some considerable time to devote to the chapel himM-ll. .Mrs. Minerva Adams Lovejoy, wldow of Dr. Isaac Lovejoy, eutercd into rest kt Bergen, N. Y., Thursday forenoon, Auk. 9lb, ii t 11:15, agtd 82 years. Mrs Lovejoy was born in Hinsdule, Mas?. Twenty-flve years of her married life were spent In Higa, N. Y., where her husband practiced medii-ine in partnership tli Dr. Smitta. In 1858 slie removed wielt her husband to Ann Arbor, Muli , where he dibd in 1865. About two inonths ago slie cme to Bergen for medical treatnient. Duri';g her last 111ness she waa a great sufferer, hut her ik'uth was peaceful. Krom her girlliood she was a meniber of the Congregatlonal chureh. öhe leaves three sous, Willlam A., of Detroit, Mich., D.ivid II., an Episcopal minister of Philadelphia, and Geo. Newell, who since liis father's death whs lier constant companion, and who during lier last illness tenderly cared for her. Mrs. Lovejoy leaves many triemls to speak of her virtues and cherlsh her inemory. The funeral was held from the resldence of the late Thos. Adams, at Kíí. Sunday afternoon. The farmer's picnic at Whitiuore Lake last Satuid-iy was a perfect success in every way. The day was one of the most beautiful the season has ofiered, just about hiiinid enough for picnic purposes. The crowds commenced arrlving at the Lake quite early in the inorningand kept it up until afternoon, good judsres placing the numbers present at 10,000 people. The iittendance was not as large, however, as upon the year previous, but there were enough to make things lively. The ;reat epeech of the occasion whs delivered by Hor. Edwin Willits, president of the Agricultural College, and ab' mded in Rood sense and practical sujigestions. "It was as full of agricultura pointers as ¦ thornapple is of thorn?," U the way we heard one man express it. Kcmarks were made by other gentlemen abo, among them beinff G"o. A. Peters, of öcio, and Rev. Samuel H. Adams of Ann Arbor. Il was rumored about the crowd that two boys had been drownel over on the west side of the Lake duriiiK the afternoon but the rumor was proved to be unfoiinded, and nolhiiijr of an iinpleasant nature occum-d to mar the ;eneral festivities. In a recent Ittae of the Detroit Courier was a letter from Hreckenridge, Col., ¦tgDed by Chas. 8. 8taik, sayinx sodiö pretty hard things of the 8tar Mountain HinloK Co., and of E. O. Htiles kmpag wliiih are these: "I am told by partles who are in a position lo know that all tlie minina properties repiesented by this company did not cost E. G. Stiles to ex ceeil $700;" and: "I would not give a $" note lor all the company owus here." Also : "It. has been represented by those Intereated In wlllng stock that there was a vein of ore in tbc Star Mountain tunnel two leet wide of hiifh jrnu'0 ore. Now I have examinad the same and will tiike my o Ui that there Is not fiye inches of mineral, and tliat perfectly worthleas.'1 Wlietber lliis letter is spite woik, Rfaarp praoliotl to ffet the stock cheap, or the truth, this aper does not pretend to know, but as there are so miny hereaboata Of oar reputable and excellent citizens, intere8ted in this mine, it inij;lit be well for thein to llnd out about it. fSince the above was in type a director of the company iufonns us that Chas. S. Stark is a clischarjíed employé of the company and is taking this raethod for reveuge. Th.it John B. Price and Geo. H. Scripps, ut' Detroit, both members of the Star Mountain Co, are at the mines, and appear to be eatlstled with the prospects. A quiirtz nuil has been erected and laBOW in operation, and everythinjr, thouh working radually, appears to be la excellent conditlon.]