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Mrs. Dr. Haven Isvisltlngat Evanston, Theo. Hussof East Saginaw, is In the Mis. Anna North is at the Lake this week. Mrs. Gott and daugliters are at Whitmore Lake. Prot. Van Slyke and wife have arrlved from Honolulú Dr. Huber and Will Neumann left Tuesday for Búrlalo. Mr. J. R. Bnch has returned from a week's stay at Howell. Capt. R. M. Barker, of Flint, is vislting irlends in the city. Mrs. Seth Otis is visiting at Mra. Warden s, on 8. DivUion st. Geo. Whyte takes Fred Steven's place et the Beta Theta house. Mrs. D. Duval, of Xortliainpton, Masa is visiting Mrs. Prof. Alorris. Miss Lizzie Seymour has been visitine friends in Byron and vicinity. Miss R ie Stowell luis returned from a three ujonths visit in the east. Mrs. A. Bell and daughter expect to leave next week for New York. .nis. a. J. butherland has returned froin her visit to Grand Hapids. George Leykauff, of Detroit, spent Tuesday with friends in the city. Dr. Artliur Coe Las retumed trom h vlsit to Dr. Hatcli at Plynioutli. Misa Mary McCuIlougli, of Ypsilauti spent Suuday in tlie city witu friends. Rev. C. S. Ciidy lias gold liis homo on Church st. to Mrs. Taylor, of Ann st. Miss H.'len T. Wilsey, of New York is visiting her sister Mrs. Prof. de Pont. Dr S. B. Stowell, of New York, is viíting bis brother Dr. Stoweü, of this cily. H. Ittndall and wife were detained in their depai ture for tlie eaat nntil to-day. Mrs. J. M. Hale and dau'glitcr, of Dexter, is visitiiig Mis. Hoot, on E. Uuruu st. Martin F. Lantz, of D. F. Schairer's, started this a. m. for a trip around the lakes. D. F. Sohnlrer returned laat eTenlns from a trip to NuplerviUe, III , uad other places. H. K. White, lit. '88, kom to IVatofl this sítliool year as Mipeiinlendent oí schools. Krnest F. Neulu.fl" and .í. Slogel, of Detroit were t Whitmore Lakc over Suaday. Mrs. Frank Paul and family, of Montreal, occupy Dr. Wilsou's house, on S. División st. Mr. Rentacbler, of ffathlngtoo st., accompaiiled Uy her son liave Ihis wtek for PUihuKlphia. Mrs. LouisaLohr, of Marshall is In the city vUituijr her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sobultz. Mrs. Nettie Ames lias returneil frorn an extended siay in Ditroit much improved in liealtli. Prof. E. Lohr, who has been nwndlng the v.ication liere has relumed to hls school at South Bend, Ind. Miss Katie Jacobs had a tirrup strnn break while out riding yerterdny mornlui, but no serious retults. Fred W. Sleveos, accompanied ly Mrs Steven?, k-ft Tuesday for llyde I'aik, III., where he is to teach next yeur. Miss Flora Storms, of the 5th ward, returned Snturday niglit trom a tliieê weeks' visit with friends in Iovva. H. M. Taber retiirncd from the ent yt-sterday, but left on the eveniüff train for Dakota t coiiinifuce haivestiug. George W. Muynard and fainily, of WaSliiniftiiii, I). C., are visitin; Mr. and iMrs. J. VV MuyuHrd, on X. División st. Clias. Shultz got quite badly hurt wliikworkinir on :t school house at Dlxboro, by the lalling of a scatlold last Wednesday. Miss Constaiicer, of Crawforsville, Ind., is visitiug Mrs Keeves, of S. División st.,' having returned from a visit to Petoskey. Loren Henion, of Luising. one of the oíd Aun Arbor boys bas heen yisiting liis futber O, M. H'iiion, duriug the week. KaiiC and Georjfe Haupt, of Owosso. who have been visitinu their uncle, John Haupt, on Miller ive., returned home yesterday. Prof. Calvin Thomas, wife and child, of Aon Arbor, are ïtiests at the residence of bis father Capt. S. V. Thomas.- West Branch Times. Kussell Palmer, of Brooklyn, Micli., a former photographer la-ie, is in the city under Dr. Frotliingham's treatment for tumor of the eye. Miss hmma Hayley, left Saturday for Detroit, from whrre she me to St. Thomas, Out., for vaeation of two weeks, visitinsf a sisler. Mrs. Dr. Wile lus rerturneri t lier home in Lu Porie, Ind., nftem few wwk'd visit witti In-r father, Aldennan A. F. Hammond, of tlie Stil ward. Jas M Stafi'ord rent to Akron, Oliio Saturday nijjlit. He will return to-riay, accompnied hjr bi irlfeand llttle ÜHUghter, who h.ive been visitinjf there lome weeks. Evart Scott returned from Old Mission Mondiiy, wheie, be saya, the ieiulliean8 raised a pole ns crooked as a rum's liorn and surmounted by tour bandannas and a free trade lian n er. Rev. Dr. Eitrp prtached In Gmce ctmrcli, Detroit, last Sunday, tnkinji Dr. McCarrolI's place who went to Eng. with Mrs. Bishop Harria. Prof. Morris conducted the service here. Mrs. Qnincy A. Turner went to Chicago lait Thnrsday evening for a two weeks' vi-it with lier purents in Ohiciin. Thls Is the flrst time in ten years Mis. T. bas seeu her father and mother. Mr. Hpauldinjr, of Jackson, fornierly an Ann Arbor resident, was rteltlng bu old home last week for the tirst time in many years. He was jjreatly surprised at the growtb and iinproveinent of the place. Judge C. A. O. McClellan, a resident nn S. University Ave. a few years ago, has been nnminated for congres at bis home in the XI li h Indiana district. If bis election did not involve thedefeatol a repu'nlicun, we wisb be would jfet tbere, fur he is a thorouh and able Lentleinan.