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Salt Rheum The agonles of thosc who suffer from severo salt rheum aro indescrlbable. The cleanslng, heallng, purllying Influences oí Dood's SarsaIKirilhi are UDequalled by any other medicine. " I take pleasure in recommending liood's Sarsaparllla, for it has done wonders íor me. I had salt rheum very soverely, aílecting nio over ncarly my cutiré body. Only tiloso who have suffered írom tliis discaso ín ts worst forra can imagino tlie extentof niy affllcüon. I tried many medicines, but íalled to receive benefit untll I took Ilood's Sarsapaiilla. Thca the diseas bogan to subside, Ble Agonizing Itch and Pain disappeared, and now I am entuely Iree from the disease. My blood seems to be thoroughly purifled, and my general heallli la greatly benefited." Lyman Ali.en, Sexton N. E. Church, Nortli Chicago, 111. "My son had salt rheum on hja batoh Itod the calve of lns lega, so bad that thcy wuuld crack open and bleed. lo took Hood's Sursaparilla and is cntlrely cured." J. B. Sta.nton, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. From 108 to 135 "I was seriously troubled w i 1 1 1 salt num for three years, and receivlng no benefit from medical treatmtnt I decided to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. I am now entlrely enred if salt rheum; my welght has Increascd (rom 108 lbs. to 135." Mit8. Alice Smitii, Stamford, Comí. If you suffer írom salt rhetim, or any blood disease, try Hood's Sarsaparllb. It has oured many others, and will eurc you. Hood's Sarsaparilla SoldbyallrtruKfrlsta. gl;lxfor?8. Prepared only by C. I. 11OOD & CO., A]KtliHCiiriua. Lowull, JIiiKí. IOO Doses Orto Dollar


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