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BIGREDUCTION SALÍ AT D. SCHAIRER'S Io order to reduce otir Summer 'stoel rapidly aud to makc room for Fall (.'texis, wc wlll offer our cn.tlre Stock at a GREAT REDÜCTM ! Low prlces are winners and we are always THE OHEAPEST! Sale Wash Dress Goods at unheard of low priecs. 15 pieces "White India Linens at lOc per yard. 25 pieces White India Linens at 12 l-2c and 15c a yd. 20 pieces Victoria Lawn.s at 10c, 12 l-2c and 15c per yard. 10 pieces Dottcd and Figured Swiss at 25c per yard, worth 40c. 30 pieces FIgured Lawns at 5c per yard. 10 pieces Black Organdy Muslins at 12 1-ücper yard. 8 pieces French striped Chambrays wcre 25c, non il, a yard. One case choice 12 l-2c (Jinghams now 8c per yard. 25 pieces l'laid and Check (Jinghams were 10c, now 6c a yard. 18 pieces 15c Crinkles now 10c per yard. One case ark Prints at 3 l-2c per yard. 10 pieces White Plaid 10c. Nalnsooks ".. i u ju. mg unyes in hiic White Plaid Dress (Joods at IOc and ia 1.2c per yard. 100 pieces Embroideries at 5c and 10c per yard. Closing out Swiss Flouncingrs at 50c and 75c a yard. hig mark down in Black Chautilly and Spanish Giiipure Flouncings and Skirthiffsat $1, $1.25 and $1.50 per yard. Over 200 pieces French Lace Edgcs at 5c per yard. 38 pairs flue Lace Ciirtains at $1.50 and #2.00 a pair. 15 pieces Lace Stripe Curtain Scrim at 6c and Sc per yard. 5 pieces 25c Fancy and Lace Scriiu at 15c per yard. 8 pieces Xotting-hara Curtain Lace at IOc, 12 l-2c, lCc, ISc and 25c per yard. 10 pozen 25c Bustles at 15c cacli. Lovely White Aprons 25c and 50c acü. Silk Umbrellas aud Parasols to be closed out tliis month at cost. 150 Ibs. ' Odorless Geese Feathers at 50c a Ib. 200 Ibs. best selected Prime Liye Geese Feathers at 65c a Ib. We can save you ïnoney on Feathers. Decided Bargains in Silks & Ercss Goods During this Sale. One lot $1.00 Colored Dress Silks at 75c por yard. One lot Black and Colored Khadames at 85c per yard. One lot ÍI.00 Surah Sllks at 75c per yard. One lot fl.25 Fallle Francalses at $1.OO per yard. 4 pleces 40 inch heavy 75c Black Cashmeres at 50c per jard. S pieces Black 42 inch all Wool Dress (Joods wore 75c, now 50c per yard. 1 1 pieces Silk Warp Henriettas at SI. O, $1. -25 and $1.50 per yard. 7 pieces 50e qualily Pink and Light Ulue Albatross at 25c per yard. 35 single Wool Shawls worth $l.5, $1.50 aud $1.75, all at $I.OOeach. Thls is a sale every eronomionl lady in the City shoiild atttend. Arñ yon Bconomical ? D. F. SCHAIRER


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