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A Woiuaii's Dlscovery. "Another wundirtul liscovery has been niade and tliat too hy a lady 11 ihis CQQiity. Disease f.islened l clutctics II pon her mid l'or seven years ghe itli8tiM)d iis severeít tets, but lier vital urgans were undermined and death seeined imminent. For three months ehecoughed inccssantly and could not sleep. She bniifílit ot us a bol lie of Dr. King's New Dlaooverr for Cousumption imd was eo iniicli relieved upon taking the tlrst dose tliat she slept all niprht and witb one bottle has heen iniraciilously cured. Her lUiniP i Mis. Lutlier Lutz.'1 Tlms write W. C. Hainrick & Co., of Sh-lby, N. C- Get a frw? trinl botlle at Eberbach & Soii's. Wliat the dcmoptacy neeris s work, for t IiubiiI got a wnlk-Over by any iiieim-. 'l'lie place íorevny demociat now ie in thr lii Id. - Atlanta Conftilutioii. Tecu lar ín tbe coiublnatlim, pmporllrwi, nnd pre par ition of its Ingi. d ents, Hood'8 Sarsaparilla ncconi lislies cures wliere other prepuiations ei.tirely fail. Peculiar in good name at home, hch is a '-tower of stieiifrih abroad," peculiar in tlie phenomemil Ml-i it attained, Hood's Sarsap i ril la. Is the most sueces-ful medicine for piirifying the blood, ving strength and cieating an appetite. Pity the soirowg ol a pnor olil city wliose jf..r-je(ius and costly baaebuU club iIii.mi'i play buil- Itostou tui lustance.- tjpiingtield Union. Happy and Hiinry. Kor iver tive years I was a contant sutferer with tl at most terrible and annoying diseai-e dyspepsia. After payliijj out hundreds of dollars, the only inedi('ine I t'oiind t hal wonhl do me any good was Siilphur Uitters. Six bottles cured me. Now I can eat well and am happy and hniiíírj-.- [Kditou. The dcatli warrant ot' Ihe democratie mrty WM sifrncd hen the Mills bill MHWd ihe hoiisf. - Ilawkeyi'. If panfie8 are for thoughts wliat a pop. llar flnwcr the pansy sliould bn in B„8. on.- Puck. Itinkliii'-. mica Salre. The Kesl Salve in the world for Ciits iiuiscs, Hoies, Ulcers, Salt Kheuin, Fever 'riai.TetU-r, Cliapped Hand.. Clillblains, Joiiir. and all iikiii Krnptions, and poslvely cures Piles, or no pay requlred. It s fiuarantwd t Llve perfect satisfaction, r moiicy refuuded. I'rice 25 cents per ox. For Sale by Eberbacli & Son.


Ann Arbor Courier
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