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Washtenaw Pomological Fruit Exhibit--our Dying Maples

Washtenaw Pomological Fruit Exhibit--our Dying Maples image
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At the special session of the pomologieal society last Saturday, Prof. B E. Nichols was requested to see fo theJHtlnsr up of a car lor the triiimporlatiun ol peaches, pears and other fruit and to tinproper labelinji of sui.l o ir co that evervone can see even trom a dist anee the Ann Arbor Fruit Car. The necessity of employing a proper person fo see to t!n' accesnibilitv of sid car in Detroit and the notilieution of parties to bun) truit is shipped was readily ¦ven. It was considered necessary to piy the small tax of one penny per hushel to pay expenses. Some shlpperg lost enoiigh inoney throujfh herry eaaon hy two failures of the fruit to be opened and placed In position tor distribution to defray expensas roí transportaron throiijrh the whole year. Prof. Nicho'g and J. J. l'urshall were requeated to timl the proper man, elther here or at Detroit. As not much fruit will he shipped bcfnre the next montlilv meeting of the society on September li-t, all shippers of fruit slmulj meet promptly at thut t ï m". FRUIT KMIim I J. D. Baldwin: LeConte peur f roui Holton, Mississippi, trom trees he had planted tin re himself siniir years ugo. It was tliun the laraest sfonse eif?. The fltfnh was mcltlnt;, jnicy und delicioiis but it lacked tlmt tiavor which diatingnishes our nortliern fruit. Al-o a LeConte pear frnm hik fruit farm was shown by Mr. Bal.lwin. It was a piüiiij' Ixsiile the MlMJMippl nianl and denionstriilcd t lint thN peur is e-pco(al1y adupted to thesouth. Whnt it 11 be hrie hen fnlly rlpe reni-in to bc secn. J J. Piiiíli ill showed a Brnd.slliw plnm neurly rlpe, nlso au emly Crawford pcacli. wiilch wns Hinall umi hard. The plnm was a dirk purple of 1 ru'i' size with a pliiii división line. The Crawfonls will letwnwteis 1 ilei tlian last year. Mr. Schenk rsiiinites lii peacb cioji 800 Im-hels. K. Bünf cx'iib ited the Unstiij-r, Clapp's Favorita and H irili-tt pcars. The !list is t Sllir of Germán oiiin, cntirily free fiom Insect márlip. lts qualtty is ln-st in the Mlchljriin fruit c'.italoxue It will lic difflcult to proluce a pear inore pipular toan the Bnllctt, tlioujrli 01 ipp aml Flemish B-aut.v and other p ai'8 uu in BOme resiectn iis superior. OIIK DT1N0 MXPI.ES. The citizens of Ann Ath'.r utay Ur sad over thcir iljili slrnlc The Ariiiia n lts last sue di'VotHil n nteresting arricie on ita llrsl pasre to this calaniity. The Ditnocrat enllöd lor inforiBHtlon soine time ugo. I do in .t wish to i ild to tl e .liff.r. nt theorics and pructics nlreuoy recohlimiulcd, yct I may ,-u' init gene ul principies. A wcll wukIkh!, weM feil li.ilv r-sists and rejects (ligeage e ii-ier iln'ii n poorly feil, un'cfean iKxly. Tuis rule is uppliciible to tlie iiüim .1 is wi.ll us vi-irftHOM kinjjdom. In ,,icst tlie trees are annually led by the fallhiü leaves, which nutonly furnish iiutrlruént butalbo keeps up molture. Our trees on the strect are not only robbed ot this muloh. but every year the street scraper gets nearer the trees ard robs them of mutlier earth. Thu re-ult is visll)]e. 'I'he rémejy is pluln. On west Huron street. Win. Hens, E Oesterlin, Win. Stimson, Crookstone, but especiully C. B. Duvison have set a rod example. About six or seven feet trom the trees on the street side they lilled up with eurth, which Is luid by two or tliree Inch plank or by stone. The late Prof. J. F. Nicholp, who was a man ol the tiuest tustes, bulk a stonc wal! uI.hil' the road to keep the eurth f rom washing awuy from his (hade trees. As won as a lar;;e tree is impoverishcd, tlie insect tribes, the funfji and mosges prey npon it. Bul t ees should not only be well fed but well washed. We scrape off all the loope bark and inoss from our fruit trees in June or at any time when necessury. This is followed by a wash consisting ot one part soft soap dissolved In hot rain water to which we add ten purts soft water. To tea gallons ot the wush we udd two oiinces of carbolic acid or more. Lel stand over night or longcr to com bine. The odor ia go lastinjr thut nóejga will be cleposited. Scrape with gUar p hoe and applv the wash with n st.ff broom ora Iniish with a long handle, takiu piiins to wet iüside of all crevices. 1 have seen maplc tri es that were killed by mosse8. Ulilizu your dish and wash water to feed your trees. If you ciinnot jtet the utmvc w ish, use your wash winter on Tnesday and keep yoi r trees cleui. The trimininfi ofl of uny iliseasul part of u tree and iu deítruction by tire is neces8 rv t.i keep the cuise trom spreadin. You do nol ueed a man from Adrián to ave voiir I rees. I)i ir vnnru-lt nr li, IV..


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