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Detroit's Art Interests

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rj WAT back in 1853 an art loan exhil bition was beid under the auspices of the old Fire Department iu Firemen's W, and then for 30 jears art ia Detroit fjj'fractically dead. la 189 Mr. W. H. Brearley concelved the Idea oí holding an art loan exhibition, the outcorae oí which was to be the establishment of a permanent museum of art in this city. The liret meeting to oonsider the subject was held in December at the reiidence of Mrs. James F. Joy. Mr. Brearley then outlined his plan, which was Yt!l received, and it was decided to hold a lon exuibition in September and October In January, 1SS3, it was deflnltely deeiaed to hold sucb an exhibition, and a juarantee fuiui of $50,000 was pledged by SO persons, eaca 6ubscribing $1000, as followi: James McMIllan, John B.Newberry, Henry p Baldwto, Moses W. Field, t.hristian H. Buil, William A. Butler, Phüo Parsons, Junes L. Bdaon, Richard Macaulay, ClarnA. Black, Wells W. Legitett, James E. Scripps, Christopher R. Mabley, Mrs. C. R. Mabley, William H. llrearley, iamjd K. Muniford, James F. Joy, C. A. Kewcomb, Dexter M. Ferry. George Pret, David Preston, Alian Shelden, Einll ;id, George V. N. Lothrop, Edward Kanter, Kussell A. Alger, Maik S. Bmlth, Charles C. Hoáges, Thomas S. gprague, Ctorge H. Scripps, E. W. Meddaugh, C. C. Bandall, Hugh McMiUan, A. H. Dey. David WUmey, Jr., William A. Moore. Henry B. Brovn, William H. Tefft. Jessle Willis lirodbad, Richard Storrs Willis, Simón J. Mur,ncis Palms, George H. Hammond, Thomas W. Palmer, ïhorndiko Nourse. Willis E. Walker, Wilhelm Boeing, Thomas Pitu,George B. Remick, Edwnrd Swift. With this substautial backing the work jf organizing the commlttees was soon ittomiHshed, and on April 5 a general ion meeting was held In Music iill. Addresses were made by prominent pntlemen, and a letter was read from Senator Thomas VV. Palmer, stating thai hebad placed securities to the amount of $10,000 in the hands of William A. Moore, Itt interest from Jan. 1, 1883, "lor the parpose of aidlng In the purchase of a lot ud the erection of an art gallery ihereon." This action of Senator Palmer' was a complete surprise, ud had an effect accordingly. Knsic h-.ill was at first selected for the ion, but one of the owners ol valuorks of art pO6itively reí using to ;s pictures in a buiding not firedecided to build a temporCptllery. Mr. Brearley ad vaneed the feeessary money to construct the gallery tlie lot now occupied by tUe Detroit ïlans for the building were prepared by i Kortimer L. Smith aud on Aug. 24 the kilding was ready for occupancy, the ork haviug been done in 7C days. The exhlbition opened promptly on i rly, Sept. 1, coutinued till Nov. 12, and , u 6ucce88, finaucially as well as from & artistic standpoint. The memory of the old Art Loan of 1683 Is too fresh in the tninds of the peoI ichigan to cali for a recital of lts necees. No fewer than 134.U24 persons ralted the Art Loan, and of the thousitd! of articlcs handled not one was lost. The loan closed with a brilliant fancy irwelevee,Monday, Nov. 12, and then the 'ork of raising money íor a permanent raseum began. It was proposed to raise ?),M0 to buy a site, in 40 subscriptions olilOOOeach, and to have the subscribers tem & corporation. On Jan. 27, 18S4, ïr. Hiram Walker subscribed the last 8001), and the 40 subscribers who have snee tormed the corporation are as f ollows: A. Aleer, H. P. Baldwin, Jose[ih Dlack, H. Brearley, C. H. Buhl, James L. Edson, Charles Endicott, Fred E. Farnsworth, D. M. rTj, Geore H. Hammond, John L. HarW. Mrs. E. G. Holdeu, Bela Hubbard, ColHubbard, L. T. Ivés, G. V. N. lethrop, C. K. Mabley. James McMillan, F. Mwire, William A. Moore, Samuel iMuniford, T. A. N ewcomb, T. W . Talmer, fnncis Palms, James E. Scripps, George H.Scrippa, Alian Shelden, Mrs. E. C. Skintr.Mrs. H. H. H. Crapo Smith, M. S. Smith, mierick Stearns, Mrs. J. T. Sterling, Mre. Imví Su-wart, Mrs. tl. P. Toms,' E. W. Hlram Walker, E. Chandler Walker. E. Walker, John L. Warren, Mrs. K. WIUU. 0! the ahove number, Mrs. H. II. H. Smith, Mrs. E. G. Holden, Mrs. E. -ner, MrB. J. T. Stcrlinc, the late "¦ Morse Stewart, Mrs. R. I. Messrs. L. T. I ves, Kred E. Farns¦lohn L. Warren were named as v Senator Palmer, his gift of l)lng UMd u this wav, t of the board to lili 'Kanctes are Josepli Pcrrien, David JMtney, Jr., Mrs. W. H. Brearley, Don RrWckteson, 8. J. Murpljy and Misa ll"A. Avcry. y' hework of raiKinijSlOO,M carrml to a snccesuful I ''Mges to the number of 1039 "10? 2400 peron6, were received, and "ïaned from oue cent to $13,000. I rxliiliit.ii .ii was opened J"1 hall May 39 and elosi d Jui L 27' I8S4 the nnlvereary lh i TCXlJCUtiVK coinmittee mr, .. ion, tbe 4U sub! „ , mct uil apjii miei ,t ,.,„„, Tv!le' ; uilüiiijf. ¦WiKnoUwundcrwhirl, i!,. lt.„"c,,"ki Pecolo inoorporated, a lull Tlbv Hon. G.V.N. Uthrop was S" Y the legislaturo of Hv'th,2n, AP" 1(1' of 'im of Art llle.l ite . . V . N . , William H. law, the mayor of [. Mtllan. W illiiun " w tic amount of 50U0 wtre ceived from the Art Loan association, beeiacs the paintiii); "CEnone," by Frank D. MlHet and the paintimr sent by Pope Leo XIII. On Oct. 15, 1886, certain resldents of Jefterson avenue proposed to give to the association íor a site the Brady pruperty on the corner of Jetïerson avenue and Harst njis street. The ofTer was gladly accepti'd. In response to arecjiii designa 53 sketches were sent In; those of James Balfour of Hamlltoo, Ont., were Mlected. A. O. Elzner of Cincinnali, was awarded second prize, and Macomb, Diill .V llannan of l'luladelphia third prize, lawMjn ife Andersou of Toledo were the nontractors. Died.


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