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Ypsilanti fair Sept. 18-21. Saline ia to have a new coopcr shop. County fair ut Anu Arbor, Sept. 25- 28th. A big cueumber erop about Tiucknej and lots of pickles. The Chel8ea ReratÜ will have an orle inal poera this week. Geo. Asquith, of Stockbridge, is witnessing Dakota harvesting. Water in the lakes and rivers in thi county is vcry low tuig f all. The liveliest republicana in Waslite naw county live in Chelsea. Saline Metliodists held their lust ojiar terly conference lust Sundiiy. The Manchester people justly feel verj prouü of their excellent schools. Chas. Xims the Stockbridge postmaster has hail bis pension increased. If you want somc sport come to the county fair and see the fox chase. A new fruit drying establishment, on the Alden system, at Stockbridge. Moorville will present a candidate to the democratie county convención. .1. H. Brownell, near Mooreville, haO Iü7 busliels of wheai from four acres. The So. Lyon band are willing to be BUbsidized by the cltiieM of that place. Dr. Frederick and Henry Whipple, of Salem, are recoverlrig from a long sickness. Hev. L. S. TedflMtt, of the Stockbridge M. E. church recently baptized five cauclidates. Mis Ellen Welsh, of Sylvan, died Adg. 15. She was one of the old rekidellts ol the county. Weller Brower, of Stockbri.lge, ha :,', ;ons of cboice hay and Mine acres of bcans well secured says the Sun. The Mooreville I. O. O. F's will probibly surrender their charter and be nvvulowed by the Milan lodge. Several of our farmers who set out the Dayton hedge complain beemse t!ie company failed to attend to it. The Y. P. S. of the Saline M. E. cliureh ïeld a watermelon social at Benj. Smlth's n Pittsfleld, last Friday night. Geo. II. Mitchell, of Lima, wants to evapórate 10,000 busliels of applea iliis all in liis new fruit evaporator. A spiritual medium Op at Chelsca luis '¦ik; into poetry, and trrttea about 'Theni beautiful gnMun gatts." Tliere to jome atroné ut' a grand concert at Manchester soon, old war willes to constitute the program. The county fair at Ann Arbor this year will havo a grandor showing of stock, ilready promisc-d, than ever before. AwwiMBeni X'). -1 on the Btockbolden f Kecreation l'ark Association (Chelsea 'aii ) is uow due, so says the notice. J. T. HalFnrd had elght acres of Clawgon wbeat tliat yieMed 41 hushels to the ure. Who can beat that V - Milan Leader. Ili'iiry Rushman, of Stockbridge, tired )1 Jackson Hfe quick, will not trade hia iroperty bot return to hia farm to live. Woodward's fonndry and plow works, luw Ht Clinton, could bc coaxed to nnove to Manchester. Many $ $ $ would lo it. Tliere was a grand republican pule raising at. Pinokuey last öatur.lay, wilh i apeeon from Hon. Burton Parket, of Wonriie. Tliere will bu n teacher's examination n the Union School building, Saline, on August aist. Teachers will do well to ïote this f act. Mrs. Hender, of Doxter, an elderly ady, jtiinpcd dl the train while ir. moion at Ohelsea recently, and had her iciid badly cut. The Salem boys have beate n the Su)erior and South Lyon boys at b-ise ball ind are now preparad to tackle the I)eroit champions (V) The campers at Base L ike are said to e niaking it lively for the fUh, or the ish are making it lively for the campers, t is not exactly decided which yct. Kaces called promptly at 2 p. m. Enries must be made either in person or by etter wlth the President or Secretary, on or before 12 m. on the day of the races. The trip to Columbus on Wednesday, Sept. I3th, will take the plice of an enmpment this fall for the O. A. R. posts omposing the Southeasteru Assoeiation. Tliere is to be a "supervisor's picHic"at )rchard Lake to-moirow. Dtdn't know hat the supervisors ever Indulged in any on but their picnic on the eqnallzaUon xuioeM. The Saline P. Y. P. S. C. F. will have Q. L. ftlover for president; Miss Florence ieckman, vice president; Miss Minnie Jones, Secretary; Miss Carrie Wheeler, reasurer. The buckwheat erop is said not to be very prooalelng this fall. That makes ittle dift'crence - buokwheat isn't exaetly nece8sary to the making of buckwheat lour these days. The corner stone of the new M. E hurch at Milan is to be laid Friday with pproprlnte ceremonies. The ladies of hurch and congregation will serve ice ream and lunch. Rev. .1. Edward Reilly will deliver a ïemorial sermón on Oen. Sherldau Sun ay, Sept. 2, 1888, at the town hall, helsea. Service will cominence at Ü.-lfO ). in. shaip. - Ilerald. Mr. Herbert the Gregory harneas lakei who suddenly disappearcJ a short iinc time tttn, bas been heard from. lic iivs hc will return home shortly, and will explain everything satlsfactorily.- Stockbiiclge Sun. The band liad i dODKttoa of about $100 rom our cltlaefll on Monday evening to sist tin in in purclmsius: uniforms." It vas rathcr an agreeable surprise, and is hc lirst financial help ever rendered the and by the citizen?. - Milan Leader. L. C DriUc says be can show a sunower stalk in bis garden, with over sixly ilossoms. Can anyoiic beat It. - Saline )bserver. Don't know, but we beard a entleman telling about one in bis yard vitb 100 bloiaoma on. We have got one vith live ourself. Dr, Banfnrd, of Mooreville, bas orlginted a virlety of potato that e.xcol.s all ther varlctles as a yiolder. He culis liem the "Cadillac," and some he raised liis siison will yleld 400 bushcls per icre. He raised a nutnber ot other varetles that will yield from 200 to 300 )ushuls per acre. - Miluu Leader. The liridgewater Karnicrs Picnic soiety bas ehosen the followiog nffleen for he ensuing year: President- Oeo. ö. Rawson. SJecretary- H. C. Calhoun. Treasurcr- TIioh. Van Qlcsnn. Exeoutlvo Conimlttee-Arthur Lowery, Alurt Ureen, Jamea Weir, Wllbur öhort, James Kress, Knuik Uledel, Mr. Knlulit. It is rumored that one of the attractlons for the coming fdir of the Stockbridge Union Agrlculttiral Society next October will he the Iletiriptta Brass Bami, under the leadership of Mrs. Sbesrer. 'J'his feiuale orchestra, f engaged, will doubtless prove tiiemselves capable of filliní the bill. - Sun. The D., L. & N. Ky. will run theii aniiual excursión to Petoskey and northern Michigan next Tuesday, September 4th. Train leaves South Lyoa at 10 o'clock a. in and Mie fair i- as followg: A n y stations between Detroit and Howell $5 00, tickets good lo return on any regular train up to and nduding Sept. 13th. Ilernrin Rusel) met witli a painful ccllent at 1?. Teepe, west of tiuvn, Moncfay itternoon. He was on top of a tlireshing nachine, and in boeking it Intp ppgjUon t was run into an apple tree, Mr. R iseh i-ing tlirown into the gearing folf raislftg he straw carrier, liad his face liadly ent and one eye nearly gouged out. - Saline Ibserver. At Ypsilanti Ainsworth & Co., have bought 60,000 lhs. of wool; Mr. Bassen iü.OOO lbs; and Mr. Chidister :i7,000 lbs., uak ing a total of 127,000 lbs. The average price paid was 24 cents per Ib. agalnst 12 cents lust year, niaking a loss of $11,00 in cool cash in that vicinity alone, to e charged to the "policy" of Mr. Oleveand. Free trade is a grand thing genlemen - for England, perhapa. ThPtownship of Nortlidpld ha begun snit ifalnM Kdwurd Lavender for fencliiK In part ¦ i i ba lilul-wiiy In front of hls reiklence. The uil wflltake place In Ann Arlor tho next erm of the the circuit court and will be hotly contesud The (own runnot affbrd to glvc ip ita well truvelliMi blsbway md will work wlth au earnest eflbrt tor jusiice. -Ex. After they gain that snit pertiapi the luthorities of the city of Anti Albor may get uppluck enough to test a few c vhere portions of the streets have been tolen lïoni the city by greedy land grabers. The South Lyon Ticket glvtíí a pointer on cabbage heads: "A recent Innovatioo n the treatment of cabbage is to tie up lic heads. 'J'his p!an used tobefollowed considerably wlth cress, lettuco and the ame plan Is notv followed with cabhage. fter the headá begin to fonn wcll the outer leaves are gathered up and a cord led arouml them to hold in place. Those who have tried the plan claim that the abbage head up carller, while the qualty of the head is much better, being uore solid and are better to handle.'' The fall meeting of the Milan Drlvlög 'ark Association will be held on their ïew grounds, Saturday, Sept. Ist, '88, with the followlng attractions: Ist. a.'iOclaHStrottlnp;. 831.00 Mlle hents, n'st:iin.'i. Kn trance fee. $3.00. Jut premium, 15.00. 2d, ?T.üO. 3U, $4.00. 4tll,$Ü.0U. M. Named race.- Mlle heats, nest T in ". ntrnnce tree. Open to the followlng üorses: Uolden Belle: lucy L. ; .Surprise; Klora mitli; Kitty White Stocklng; orna U. Ist 'remliim, coollng sult. 2J, sweat blank'-t. d, coollng blanket. gd. Running race.- % mlle heatR, best 2 in . Kntrance Iree. Ist premium, cuollni; blanket. 2d, whlp. We often hear the remark, "Wliat will we 'lo with our boys?" Well, give hem a good schooling, and if they want o uiake their mark in the world, give hem all the education yon can. If they M-el'er to learn a trade, set them to a rood one, and have them learn it thormghly, so that they will make first-elass ïiclianics. A good many farmer boys re not contenteü with farm work, but u the tirst opportunity tnnke a break for lie city. to see wliat they eau do. Some btaiu good situations and hold them, vhile others failing to lind anything to heir liking drift back to the farm, or beoining reekless, wander about iu a hopeesa sort of a way until the habit of idleess has fastened itself upon them and hey WOU ld rathcr beg or steal than work. iui the boy tliat is righly reared seldom goes atray. His habits of industry and pri'htness secures liiin work, and his rages belnjt well invested soou enables iim to engage in busiuess and he becomes useful uiember of society. Be careful


Ann Arbor Courier
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