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Frca trade for Michigan industries, but protection for Louislana industries. Nice, isu't t? Will Grover go to Canada hlmself as commander in chief of the army and navy, or will he send a substituto? Grover is going to Bhoot'. Honest Inj u ii I Diiln't y mi read what he said? The Canucks better hunt their biding places ijuirk. Out of 15 items in a recent issue of the Free Pres?, 10 were about Mr. Blaine. The F. P. evideutly doesn't like the M iiiiii' statesman. The New Yoik Mail and Express has :he record of 25 Harrison and Morton Clubs composed of 3,000 metnbers each of wkom voted for Cleveland in 1884. If the doctrine of protection found chainpions in such men as Thomas Jellerson, Andrew Jnckson, Henry Clay, and others, it ought to be good enough for the average American of to-day. And still tliey come, and still there's room for more : Gen. Ben. B. F. Butler, who recelved 41,000 votes for president in 18Ö4, la Michigan alone, lms declarcd for lliiinscui and Morton, and will go on the stump for the ticket. The south wants free trade - for the north- and cheap labor for all. The north wants protection and well paid labor for the north and south alike. That's the dill'erence between the two parties to-dny, whicli will you vote for ? There has been no tarlfT on collee for over 13 years, and yet a few months ago a coffee trust was formed and the price put up fully ten cents per pound to consumers. Xow how will our democratie frii-mls account for this free trade trust? In factthe tarlff tax must be reduced- Argus. And the reduction will come out oi your pockets my laboring man friend ; and yours my farmer friend; for whose benclit ? The foreign m mufacturer, every time. If it be true that free trade will reduce the price of everything from 25 to 50 per cent., a great many of our business men wl.o have their money invested in large stocks of goods will naturally think twice before casting a vote to deprecíate their own property. There is a rumor afloat, (but of coursc it is only a rumor) that the reason Mr Cleveland has not accepted the noruinatlon is that he inteuds to withdraw il favor of Mr. Harrison, thus making the thing unaulmous and saving his party from a crushing defeat. An nnswer is never given to this ques tion: "If It is for our benefit, why is i that the English manufacturero and Eng li.-h capitulists are paying out thousand upon thousand8 of dollars to effect free trade in this country? Is it really fo our benefit, or their own?" Mr. Voorhees does not indulge in personal abuse of General Harrison in Indiana for two reasons- one that the people know Harrison's character too well to raake such a course safe, and the other that they know Voorbres to wel to believe hini. - Indlanapolis Juurnal. The poor oíd Detroit Free Prees ha bee i talking vehemently right agains the proposeil retaliation in the Pres ident's fishery proclamation, and now i has to Hop around and talk the uthe way. It is as bad a shuttlecock is lïurt to-day one thing, to-morrow another. It will be a sad day for this country gentlemen, f the oíd southern doctrine o free trade is suecessful. It means idle ness for thousands, and starvation wages for millions. Things will doubtless be eheap - but what good are rich meáis a 5 cents when a man lias not the 5 cent? Our intensely economical democratie free trade administration has turned ou to be the most extravagant In the Mrtor of the country. The expenses for thi year are footed up at $423,0O0,00O! Four years more of such an administra tion and there would be no cry over a surplus. The Shiawassee American, publishet at Corunna, has come over trom the daik depthg of democratie dispair Into the broad light of republicanism and wil now do service for the cause of HarrUon and Morton. The ranks are thtakenhl] up gentlemen, and the victory is sure fm protection and the right. The domocmt should not be blame for the fact that Mr. Thurman didn't cal out a rousing meeting at Port Iluron las week. The fact Is there are not ver; many left In that party in this state, and the Port Hu ron meeting was a very ere ditable one considering the nunibcrs the democrats have to draw from. " Say! What party does that Kegiste paper belong to, anyway 't " was the query of one of our prominent citizens o another on the Street yesterday. " I have been reading the thing for a few week and have given up the oonundrum, un less it belongs to the Anarchists or Com munists," continued thespejiker. "What' the use of bothering one's head oversucl a trifle," was the reply, and the con ver satiou ended. General Hovey, the republiean candidate for Governor of Indiana, was a dem ocrat, but he was a loyal man, and he left hls democracy on tho field of battle, where so many of the brave and honorable men both served thelr country and changed their politics. John A. Logan was n democrat when General Hovey was. Did that fact iujure Black Eagle in the estimatiou of the republican party or of the people? The UtrlflTenables trusts to exlst, because It enables them to charge the consumer more for what he needs. - Argus. Now will the Argus please explain to lts readers how the "coffee trust" exists without a tariff; how the "petroleum trust" exists without a tariff; how the "anthracitecoal trust" exists without a tariff. All these things are necessities in every household. Please answer. Don't be basliful about It and pass it by iu sileut contempt, as usual. The Detroit Free Press had an extended jubilatlon a few days -ince, over the conversión of Marshal Field, of Chicago, the great dry goods merchant, to democracy. The truth turns out to be that Mr. Field has always been a democrat up to this year, and now he sayg he wlll subscribe $40.000 if necessary, to a fund to defeat Mr. Cleveland, on the ground that the proposed free trade policy will destroy the business interests of the country. Potter Palmer, another great Chicago democrat wül contribute even more to the 8ame end on the same grounds. When you ask a democrat why the people from other nations come here to make a home for tlN-mselves and their families, they invariably answer "because we have got such a great expanse of land to make homes of." Xow we believe it is because we have such a prosperóos and free government, and our economie pollcies are such as to builil up and elévate the comuion people. If it is not so why do DOt Uie 'inijíiauts go to, or Africa or Australia where land is even freer and cheaper than It is here? Uut change the policy of this nation under wbich it bas prospered ro greally, and the tkle will soon turn. Prohibition in a state constitution gives no power to the people of any locality to jovern themselves. For instance, n VVnshtenaw county Che prevailing public sentiment IftVOri liljth liccnse; the people voted t by upwards of 1,000 iniijoiity. L 'mier a prohibitory amendinent to tlie ¦onslitution wliich tlie green back-democmtic combinatiou platform calis for, tlie jeople of Washtenaw county would have 10 power to govern themselves iiccordinj; -otheir own díctate. Under a local opion hiw tliey huye tbnt power; therefore we believe in a luw tliat allows comuninties the right to govern themselves. If our "tittering" coiiternporiiry can niake oppo9ltlon to the republloan platform out of thnt, fire away.


Ann Arbor Courier
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