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Ten weeks lo 'lection. Timvellog by ruil is cheap these days. j M. Wllcoxson s taking the census of thi school diítrict. John Sheehan lias reoeired thut immense píate glass all O. X. It is hard to teil where College block leaves off and (Jniversity block begins. tlie weather grows cooler politics („romes Fiotter. Nature lias its compensa! ions, yu seeJolin Llndenschmldt ha9 bou:ht E. A. Philllp'a hnuse on S. Main gt. for $3,500, tlirouuti Wliedon's agency. Thos. Hirkelt. of Dexter township, hnd ci)lt killed by lir litniiijr Aug. llith, wblch Was iDiured in t lie Washtenaw Alutua). The Argus will have a bi; snuke story toadilto iU big polrt Btory, tliis week. Qalle appropriate!; indeed it is very proper. The democrats n tlie second represenlalive district talk of uoniiuating N. Schmi 1, of M itichester, for tlie legislature. Services will be resumed iu tlie UniUriun chiirch noxt Sunday inorning, gept 2J. Preaching by tlie pastor, Rey. Mr. Bunderland. New erossingr of several different combinations on División st., from John I.awreiu'e's corner to tlie Miases Clark's school buililing. At tlie annuil meeting of Ziou's cliurcli Ifonday evening, Cliristian Mack w;is elected deacon, and F red Sclimld aiul Henry Waesch trustees. The county fair aiitborities are maknsan effort to secure Prof. S. Johnson, iifthc Auricultiiral College to judge the livt' itock exhibited al tlie fair. Mr. B. St. James, of Ypgilanti, has rented the store recently oceupied by Douglass A Co., and will open a stock oí dry goods there in a short time. The democratie caucuscs n this city wlll be held Monday evening. It Is thouglit bygooil judges tliat there wlll a compartlvely tull attendance of the faithtul ! About the raisinj; of those poles on the Saline rond it hts lately Ueveloped tbftt t was a scheme of Albert Bluess to get au Independent telcphone line to hU house. The repubücAiis at Raiflnrille have a hiimlsomc pole wblch they propose risng n a short time, and have secured Hon. A. J. Bawyer for a speech when It is rtised. In the Argus article of lart reek lo tplliufr of men who are changlng and K"Dg to vote the democratie ticket tliis Tall tliey omittcil to mentlon John J. Robtson and C. H. Ricbroond, St. Thomas' parochial school opens nest Mondiiy, nnd everythhig hns beVn put In reaillness therefor. Kcv. ft Fierlc leils ns tliat tbe aiueionl depsrtment is in a vciv llnurisliing conditlon. Ki-v. J. C. Cinnm, brother of the paslor, held fort It at the liaptist church last Buoday, and another brother Master Darle Cnrman, ganj; three solos, and tbe conjcrt'c;:ilioii present are loud in pralse tluTeof. Last Saturday evening witnessed the marriage of Miss Anna Otto to Lewd Kurlz at the residence of the bride's parmis on S. 5th st. The event was n htppy one and muny f rienda gathered to wisli tlicni God speed on llfe's journer. To the gratification of tnany parents whci end their cliildren to tohool ir the fiist wurd, the yinl ha been graded com-ed witli eartli and aeeded. This ss ?ratid Imprnvement over the eoul einden ihat formerly torc the clothes and cutióle of chiUlrtn. A bnrnlnp hruii pile baek of Prof, D'Ooge's residence la-'t Thuraday took s part of the lire deaartmenl way over te the Michigan K urn llore Go. fiictory, and inother to Ibe eapternmosl limit of the town. 'l'liey liad Iota of finí, und 110 rtterto throw to dampen t. Oherved liy tlic Saline Oboenrer: 'We naderstand that Hou. E. 1'. Harpei i not a candidute for reoomtnation as n meinber of the state leglalatnre, and is content to retire witli hia feooá repatation asafnitlifiil kvMatur acquired by earnest ;uid bard WOR in tWO terms at Linsing." The democratie njrnny wlll míame its most ezcrnclatfng forin ni'xt Wedncsday at the court house. Only one can be eliogen for cmcIi poaitinn. The tnany wili fiill by the wayslde. It wili hurt onieawrully luid t fall- othi-rs wlll be ¦tuoned for a while l)iit wili recover in time to vote alrifílit probably. The atinu:il Bchoo] meeting ooours at [Jnn'8 Hall in tbiacity nexl Monday, Sfpt. 3d, the polls openinsr at 10 o'clock a. ni., and closinfr at 2o'elock p. m., looal me. J'he business meeting occurs at 2 o doek p. m , immediately after oonntiii"' tlievtites. TheUrmi of Wm. I) llurriman, Pbilip BücIi, and A. M. Doty aPire, as trustees. We pnbllth to-day a letter f rom W ¦Uavenny, who ii travclins; in Europe. Hs special aim is to look up the condionof the laborlng masses over there, and he writes it just as he finds it. Our ln wlmtever industry, II find "ich intuís lettor that is instructive. ii rfiXpPct to I'ubli91' from time to time ie ü senptions he gives of the country and the peoplc. Tl. . i . iu nvestock men of the county will ' greatly plea,] .,, ]e!irn that J'rol. muel Johnson uil] be here on WedSySept. 26th, to pass judjiraent on 'lieirexlnbiu at the country fair. He is , m?" wlio haa no interest in anv '"'cis or In any Pales; is n thoroagfb ge ot a g.od animal, and to receive 'ie blue ribbon trom bis hands will mean sometljiní. The work of the Bngligh Cobüen clubs '' be see.i in thls city. Valuable book8 "J Mlng dlstributed gratis to voters con2 treO doubtful. Where does the money me froni to buy thein ? It comes frorn epocketsof the English manufacturar frnnf Lortl ]ir88ey, perhap?. Is it 'rn pure philaothropic motive, or selmnnJ , f tllat tlley 'l"-'"'1 8O milcb sw4yv- cate the i)ei'le of the ünlted Mi'in Ca!:n meeting "f the Evatifrellst Ckwl MC'"ty of Nortli Amerio, at ttS aV . Pr8ram promisel. The .ml i fUr tllfi eterprige, In which are C W ÍS rt"nes of Grover Cleveland tiint. 'i', " Arbor' "let wilh a misforBe"Ln ey, collected four dollars at hW.,'.ubut,were entrapped by the ' w '?' place aml f'led to t out lanC Wltl' u"-v "f the money.-Ypsi1 '"¦ PuWlcani ut Azalia who were anI I their tirsl to raise a ' I l'-'-'T' laM ' ' -!-- 'rheyralwd JJ T& feet high, and had speechen a.llé.1 ;-'ll; fuhermore the wind Z.. i Mri:l""-r hearlnu Barrtaon'i J" oj pointed it toward Washington ,.„ "¦"'"¦¦¦'t II ra in place. Bpeecbea ,„,"¦.'¦ "¦ Ty. 'd Hon B. Parker, of Monroe. nSïieXr'OWd Pre9eDt' ""la" -I'S'', ''"st(; A' u"f tllia ¦it' h" me,,u'r, ' ""¦ Naoa" Encampn, ,.,,'". l" procure h new banner tor :;„ ,,; ;¦""""' "'"I tr future use. A heit pecare on the ligt who will go ar,,:'"""1"1' lr"" Dexter tod Saline ¦ a,,.";.''1;; '!jii"tliis mMn" a Aifcri-ii , ! "l Hftv' Tle Botdieri' "to'SonihÈiiernMIchlK.ii, - ushtenaw County. will bave 111 1:''1""1'"1 ' 'all In ilM.Maf. bul I'H S.,', ',',"' '''¦''"Iliccr. Tu,-dayeven""¦N '.„,,''¦"" ""¦ """ K""""1 ''¦ (ididi,. ' "'" Kl"'1""ll"H'in, at Ooluiiibua. the ',"'" '(i"-stt-il by the offloenol M tional Eiicampment to briog He f,,..-;; , tW, wood and water madetft ' reft Arrginènti are ue 'o aecommodate 50,000 ,nen.


Ann Arbor Courier
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