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Dr. W. W. Ramsay and wlfc are visltlng n Ohlo. Louis Hall has returned from a short stay at Grosse Isle. Miss Lu ra Tozer starts to day for her school in Teimessee. Mrs. Wm, Noble hits returtied home from her eastern visit; Miss Alta Brotherton, of Flint, is visiting Miss Sarah Wrlght, on Ann st. Prof. Calvin B. Cady leaves thls week for permanent residence In Chicago. Dr. C. V. Wooldridge is going to Ionia 80on to euter upon his prolesslou. Cashier Belser, of the Farmer's and Mechanic? Bank spent Sunday in Detroit. E. A. Phillips, of Toledo, O., was in the city yesterday, greetinj? oíd f rienda. Kdward Seyler is spending a few days In Detroit with friends - especially one Griend. S. B. Lee left Saturduy to resume his position as principal of the Flint High School. F. .1. Muir, lit. '88, is going to Battle ('ri-ek as principal ot the high school, to-niorrow. The Prohibltion Convention Is In session to-day with about lialf the usual attctulance. Mr. and Mrs. Prof. Lewis A. Rhoades huve returned to their home, on E. Liberty st. Mrs. Susan L. Jenkins leaves this week for Laneing to reside pennaneutly with her sou Will. Mrs. Q. Josenhans and sister, Miss Sophia Bross, went to Detroit Monday for a tea days' vislt. Miss Pauline and Miss Lizzie Schmid spent a few weeks with frieuds la Detroit aud CJross Point. Mrs. Peter Tuite, of Detroit has been callinR upon her old frieuds in this city durini; the week. John V. Sheehan went up to Port Huron last week to see the old Roman, and help swell the crowd. Will R. Payne has concluded to reside pennanently n Kalauiazoo, and will remove thereto at once. Elmer Howe, of Owosso, and Miss Mellie Meail, of Nile, are visitlng friends and relaüves in the city. J. ,1. Goodyear and wife, who have been visiting in Tompkins Co., X. Y., returueü home last evening. Kev. Dr. Steele and fainily returned yesterday to their home on Kifth st. , after a two uionth's stay In Detroit. S. B. Howell's faraily, who have been - with him since July lat. return to their home in Ypsilantl to-day. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Newcombe, of E i Hu ron st., have returned from a vlsit ' with relalives and friends in Flint:. Rev. C. S. Cudy and son. Prof. Orin Cudy, llave moved into the house 10' , ö State st., just south of Washington. Mrs. J. W. Stimson, wuo has been visiting J. D. Stimson aud other friends, returns home to-morrow, to Toledo. Miss Cariïe E. Krltten, of North st , ha9 accepted a situution as teacher ut Fon du Lac, Wis., at an $800 salary. Mr-. W. S. Childs and sou Fred, of Fort Dodgr, Iown, Who have been vititing L. 1). Grose, return homo to day. Mr?. D. H. Martin and daughter Lottie are the guest of Mrs. C. V. .Mellor, who li;is been very ill for the last two months. Min M:iry l,. Wood, who is well known here will undoubtedly teach In the Clltokgo Conscrvatory of Music, this year. Leonhard Gruner retornad from a week's visit to West Brunch last Thursday night. He enjoyed the trip verv much. C. Douovan chief engineer of the government works at Port Eids, Lh., is at home viiithig hU fatlier P. Donovan of the 5lh ward. Miss Margie and her cousin Maree Bennett, of Jackson, are spending the week uitli the funner's graiulm.-i, Mrs. Tiipp, on E. Hurou st. Miss Etta Hankin, who lias been in the city a couple of weeks with her fatlier, Capí. S. B. Kowell, retaroed to her home in Dandee yetterday. Quite an accession to the raaki of musiciii pople in the city will be Mrs. Prof. ti. L. Van Slyke, who has an excellent troica highly oulúired, Geo. E. Breek, of Pnw Paw, has been in the city duriiifi the week on business conoected with the settling up of the estáte of James Clancy. Frederick Lohrstorfer, medie, '87, has arrived at his home in Port Huron, from a ycar's stay In Gcrinany, where he has been pursuing his studies. Miss Emtna linntield, who has been a teacher in the 3,1 ward school fora nuinberofyean, will teach the young idea at Matkegon the coming ye:ir. li. S. Lercli was in town over Sunday Mr. L. and tuniily who have been apendlng several áñfé in the city return borne to Detroit to-morrow. Wil] Kennedy passed to hls majorlty - 21 - yesterday, and last evening his y ou Dg friends irave hitn a joyful surprise, at liis liome on ttli st. l'rof. '1'. F. Moran, of Manchester has been in tliecity, visiting old friends thlu week. He returns to Elk River, Minn., to resume school duties next week. Prof. Hairington has received letiers patent on an iiigenious lítele Invention of bil supporting books in au uprilit poaltloii upon ltbrary shelves. IMiss Bertha Baur of the Cincinnuti conservatory of musió, has been visitinj; her parenta Prof. Emil Baur and wife on West Huron st. for a couple of days. Henry Ií. Cocker, a former Ann Arbor boy; is secretary and general manager of a large coal company at What Clieer, Iowa, wlth offices In St. I'aul, MlllB. Hun. John T. Rlcli, State liailroad Comnilfsioner, of Elba, Lapeer Co., was In the city Monday, on business. He takes a roseate yiew of the politioal situalluli. County Clerk Howlett, Justice K. B. Pond, and Assistant Postmaster John L. IJuffy are at Adrián to-day putting in nouiination a democratie congressional candidate. Mrs. l'resident W. II. Payne and daughters leave the city Friday permanently. They go from here to Adrián and othet places to visit for a time before going to Nashville. D. A. Wliedon, D. D., 'of Providence, Ii. I , accoiiipittiii'cl by bis bride, wliom lic married lecently Ht Denver, Col., Is stopping witb his brother, VV. VV. Whedon for a few day?. Miss Elisha Jones wlll reside in lier home on S State st. Mrs. McMorran and family who expected to occupy It, have rented a house or Monroe st. next west of Mr?. Jone9. Deputy 'li'tk Biown is on duty ajjmiu thU week. 11e is to {rive the postal service one inore trial, and if it doesn't imprnve in his estiinntion he will lenve the coast cli'ar for sonio othi-r :ipplic:int who llkec it better than he doe. Julius Warner, who Is itudylng tor the ïninistry at A f ton. Minn., will oceupy the pulpit of Zlon'n church nextSu'nday .i . in. Mrs. HuiiiKili Orare, who bu (I drcssniiking ettkblithmant on Saulli Mun sin-cl, 'had n stinkt: of p;iralysl8 ncently, but is botter now. " Kodi milk " is what thcy rail it. Dcraon who was out at the poll raleinjji Friilay can bclieve tliat, the demócrata object vt-ry strennoiislv toa "froe whisky" platform. Hut the boys all lnaist tliat Uicy luid a good time. 'J'he altar of St. Andrew's cliurch reniains draped In moarnlDfr :0 daya lu memory of BUhop Harria. No ileath iu church oircle8 for :i long time, has been o clcvpiy deplored by Michigan people as thal "1 Bishop Harris. Mis. .Icnny B. Fisher, cor. ppc'y., unnouocM Ihat the V. U. T. U. resume ilicir meetlnyi at Hoburt Hall parlón Wtclncsilay, Scpt. ït at '.i p. in. Meetings lirst Wi-dnesday of each month, all ladies invlted. New raemben made welcome.


Ann Arbor Courier
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