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Five Harvest Excursión. The BurHofton Hout-, c., IJ. & Q. H. R., wlll seil on Tuesdays, Aujf. Ülst, Sept. 11 th and 2f(h, und üct. itth tfed 23l, Harvest Excursión Tickets at Half liates to the Farminir Iiegions of the West, Southwest auil Northwest. Limit tliirty dayi. For circular trivinir details concerniiig tickets, rates, tune of train, etc, and for descriptivo land folder, cali oa Yon r Ticket Agent, or addresg F. & Eustis, Gen'l Pass. and Ticket Aeent C, B. & Q B. R., Chicago. "I ara told, Daniel, tliat this man llarrison has soinething of a record as a soldier and statesman." "Yes, sire." "Ah, well, men count for nothing in this campaign; It fs tlie principies, me boy, the principies wliich are atstake." And D.miel went out and knocked with hls heiul against the Wliite House door. - Kochester.Deuiocrat. D spepsia Mikes tlie lives of niany people niiseiable, und often leuds to self-destructior. We know of no reinedy tor dyspepsia more successful than Uood's Sarsaparilla. It acts sciitly, vet surely and eliiciently, tlie stomach and other organs, removes the faint feeling, créales a gom' appetite, cures headaclie, and refreshes the burdened miod. Give Hood's Sar aparilla a fair trial. It wlll do you good. Wife (tenderly)- George do you still loye me ? Husbiml (wlio is hu-v)- Yi-s. I lovc you still. -'Hi Ci urlei. Hucklrn's Árnica Salve. The IJest Salve iu the world tor Ciits, Bruisen Sores, LTlcers, Salt Hhcuin, févél Sores, Tetter, Cimpped Hamls, Cliillilaiiis, Corns. and all Skin Kinptione, and ¦-'(- tlvely cures l'ilcs, or no pay rMjrofrei). Il Is guaranteed to L'lve perfeot s;itislHCtioi., or money relnndiHl. l'rice 2." cent per box. For 8nle bv Eberb.ich & Non.


Ann Arbor Courier
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