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Of Interest To Women

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The VVomen's National Republican cnintnittee, wliicli lias lts headquarters at Xd. :4 west 14th street, Jíew York city, ur)(e3 the oigan ization of wnmcn'g republii-n.ii clubs in cities mihI townships. In a circular reeently prepared the committee quote f rom the republican platform the following paragraph: "The llrst concern of all good government Is the vlrtue and sobrlety or the people and the purlty of the home. The repnbllcan party cordlally sympathlzes wilh all wlse and well directed efforts for the promotion of temperanceand morallty." Cotnmvnting upon this the committee say : 'Theachlevements ofthls party have made hnnlnous thls century's hlslory. Under Uod's blesslng It rescued the lmperllled natlon, suved tae govemmeut our fatbers left iih, and malntalned tbe lu-tltutlons wblcb iisiiiiv to American women the exalted posltlon tliey now enjoy. The republlcan party lias aiways been the party of protectlon; protectlon 10 the cltlzen, protectlon to the negro, protectlon to the ballot box, protectlon to the wage-earner, protectlon to the wage-payer, and now In line wlth past proIt'ssumx and performances It declares for protectioo for the ' home.' Can American wom. ii ruil to respond ? 11 American women, thts is the party to whose services we cali you. What poslüon will you talceand tiold during the month of the coming campalgn ? Do you reallze the moral slde. the beart slde of tbe economie questlons whlch are being discussed In tbe catnpatgn? I you reraember that when labor Is degraded woman Is degraded ? Toe shop glrl, the faclory operatlve, Hir sewlng woman, Indeed every worklng woman, whether she toll In home, or shop, or school, 1h Interested In the malntenance of the Americau Standard of values In labor, and Hh return to home. Ia November next, twelve mllllonsof voters wlll go to the pollH aud deiermine who hall have the hlghest honor In the gift of the people. Is thls anythtngloyou? Uoes It make auy dlfference to yoci who thls man II, and for what set of principies he stands? ' Would not the choleo of Benjamin Harrifinn and Levl I'. Morton, as clilef execuilves . f 1 1 1 1 .- great natlou, tend to establlüh a popu!ar standard of private moráis and public Bervlce whlch any mother mlght present to the aspirailons of her soos? Do not thelr livi's mustíate that purlty in personal clmracler Is consonant wlth the hlghest worldlv Muccess? That the deallngs In the hearloftraile, tlio court of Justlce, the leglslatlve chamber, or the camp of war iii-cil oever cause a blush in the home ? I it nol vital lo the natlon'l Ufe tliat these truths be emphaslzed In the charactera of the people's chlef representativos? " To promote the orgsnlzHtlon of clubs it i (UjTfreited that cnnferenci'8 of irimblican women b called In parlors or halls, witli au nvitation cxtundcd to all. At UCb QlPetlnjf organi.:itions can be effected, and to ald in dolne this the cnmmittüe will, on application, furniili the form of a constitutivo. The den is a good onc, anei we hope it m:iy bc acted upon in Ann Arbor and throu;hiut the counli'y.


Ann Arbor Courier
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