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Washtenaw Pomological Society

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The mnntlily meeting of the society, President Baldwiu presidlng, was well attended. The grape rot was diseussed. Mr. L. Gruner Kmsted the rot by usrnfc one ounce of citrbolic acid witli live gallons of rain-water. Sprinkle all over the vines. J J. Parehall reported on transpnrtati W. F. BIrd gave a most interesting account of hls visit amoiiii the prominent fruit growers of western New York. The vineyards about Penn Yan on Keuka Lake. near Séneca Lake, the orcharils and Niágara and otlier grapevine plantations at Iockport and Rochester were ffrapbically described Mr. Bird went through acatechism of nquirics in regard to the most prornUIng grapcs, pears, ploma, and general fruit culture and fruit houw. Those wlio wcre acquainted with those parts of the country, wlio had (pent their yontli there, were especiallv interested. AH were beneíitted. No wonder that these men of the ea8t tuéeeed. Ellwanger & Barry are a=sociated witb thelr sous. Moody & Sons at Lockport are successful men. If our sous take the same interest in fruit culture we will and must succeed In Washtenttw and Michigan generally. The peaeh growers reported that penches will te shipped in eight or ten days. Prof. B. E Nichola arrived at tlie elóaa of the meeting from his visit to Detroit, where he had conferred with therailroad authorities and fruit dealers eonoernlng transportation. Sliippers of fruit will do well to conform to the rules of the committeeon transportation. EXHIBIT OF FKUIT. Mrs. L. Gruner exhibited fine peelmens of Clapp's Favorito peur. Eniil Baur exhibited Rostiezer, Clapp's, Kirtland, Flemish Beauty, Dearborn SoedlliiSf, Doyenne Bousaock, B-lle Lucrative, Shehlon, Snpertlne, and Bartlett pears, and E Crawford peacht'8. THE 8TATE AND COUNTY I'AIK. The State Fair will ba held from the lOtli to 14th of September. Mr. L. D. Watkins of Manchester, who ha? charge of the Hortlcultural Department, is anxious that Waslitenaw's fruit should be well rt'presented and rcquested the writer of this report to make an ezhlblt of pears and other fruit. Fruit growers will do me a great favor if they bring to my house on West Hnron street, durinir this week, fruit which is well labelld with proper name and time of ripcnlng. A pinte of fruit must contain five specimens with a stem and, if posslble, without insect mark. Mr. John Almand, Supt. of fruit at the County Fair, to be held Spt. 25111 to 28th, asked the society tor the appointment of judges. The chair appointed the two secretarles to pelect judges. It is desirable that we make our own County Fair a success and have all the departments fllled with the bles-ings of field and household, as well as with the accon - plishraents of art and fcienee. Emii, Baur. We dld not reoeive tlio last issue of the Adrián Press. Why ? Was it becaue of Editor Stcarn's plea of guilty in advance to all Hocusations of corniption, immorallty, murder, etc, which we are told was made therelnï J. T. Jacobs has been nppointe'l Aide de Camp at the Columlius G. A. R. encampmeut, representlns this post. Arraneements have been mde to ocoinrdate 75,000 people, and 50,000 of the boys are expected in line. The followine stewards were elected at the M. E. chutch meeting la-t evening, for the comlnsr year: Dr. C. G Darline, Prof. Levi D. Wines, J. E. Beul, Prof. J B. Steere, J. J. Goodvear, Chas. II. Worden, A. H. Roys, Mr. Day, Mrs. Johnson, Mts. Neal, and Mrs. Hendrickton.


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