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For Sale. The fol lo win K described propcrty, nvni'il by the Ann Arbor Improveinent }o. will be offered for sale to the higliest asli bidder on Mouday ntternoon, Sept. Oth, '88, at 2 o'clork. Sale tn tuke place on the premisos: Lots No. U and ló In )liu;k No 5 range one east in Maynard's ddltlon to the second warJ of the city of Anti Arbor, knowo as the "Capsule railding property." By order of the Board of Directora. Chas. E. Hiscock, Suc'y. HeinzmHnn & Laubengayer Laving conipleted their elavator are now piwlaifil to handle all kinds of grain and scfds. Thpy miike a sperialty of Barley and Kyc. Office No. 9 W. Washlneton Street. 20 Home Evidence No other preparation has won snecess at home equal to Hood's Sarsaparllla. In Lowell, Mass., whcre it is made, it is now, as lt has been ior years, the lcadlng medicine íor purlíying tlio blood, and toning and 8trengthening the system. This " good name at liome" is "a tower of strengtb. abroad." It would require a volume PeoplO to print all Lowell peoplo have sald In favor of Hood's OT sarsaparilla. Mr. Albert I Auiat Estes, living at 28 East Pino 1_ O W O I I strcct( Lowell, for 15 years employcd as boss carpenter by J. W. Bennctt, president of tho Erlo Telcphono Company, had a largo running soie como on bis leg, which troubled him a year, wlien he bcgan to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. The sore soon grew less in slze, and in a short time disappearcd. Jos. Dunphy, 214 Central Street, Lowell, had P ra 1 80 swclllngs and lumps t o O d ' S on hls face and neck, n " 9 which Hood's Sarsaparilla lilla completely cnred. Mrs. C. W. Marriott, wife of the First AsBistant Fire Engineer of Lowell, says that for 10 years she was troubled with stomacb. disorder and sick headache, which nothing relieved. The attacks camo on evcry fortnlght, when she was obliged to take her bed, and was unable to enduro any noisc. She took Ilood's Sarsaparilla, and after a time the attacks ceascd cntirely. Many moro might bo gtven had we room. On the rccommendatlon of people of Lowell, who know us, we ask you to try Hood's Sarsaparilla Soldbyalldruggists. gl ; sijcfor$5. Proparcdoniy byC. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mas. IOO Doses One Dollar


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News