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"nearly Everybody Reads It."

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III Mfc- M The Mechanicreads the Chicago Daily News because he mu know whafs Ko.nK on in .he great " fa ke ¦ ü tod 0D . „rlations fe jnore renera] intemgrac a man ha. the mor. ' T!" i in! Moü.errculs the Chicago Dally News becawe Grandmother reads e Chicago Daily News Gr-mdfalher reads the Chicago Daily News (q fc her husbmd j, punl bccatue he ill wanu to know what going on. bccauseugivwalllhenews, and y so condenKtl nfotTOaton and ülea she particulary enj0y5 the And it'i a comfort totee a daily paper in the family thai it docsn't tire him out to read it. And then, hoiaehold hint5 and things of special interat to that't clean and pure,- ooe she'j not fraid to havt the print h so clear. vQmea whih m u ey.ry day ¦¦ the children sec." The Boyi uil want the Chicago Newj 11lc Plitici:ln alwaysrradS the Chicago Daily Th( GirU aI, „ the Chice0 Daily New, because il giv Üie base bal] newS so fully.-to say New. becauje ts an .mpartial paper, and whrther talM sp(.cil,ly n.erested in it, cha.ty nothing of all the other thing. boys enjoy. And e llkes ." independent view. or not he want to e0MipJ about fa,hion, and home mattcra ,„ this year even the boys don't skip the political know the rM He supports ha particular noth about .j,,, excelIent „U „ory a,w y party "organ," but when he wants coldrij he „3,., new ' rcads the Chicago Daily News. . """" 7%i 'öx. Office Review, says : " Nearly everybody who reads the Knglish language in, around and about Chicago, reads the Chicago Daily News." De you t ltsa"short and to the point paper," - made particutarty for busy people, and It costs one cent a day. All newsdealers scll it, and all potmasters forward subscriptions for it at $3.00 a year, or L1,00 for four months. Address A VÍCTOR F. LAWSON. Publisher The Chicago Daily News, Chicago.


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