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IIIMIMI 1111(11 TOK I . S! ABBOR OOMHANDKRY, No. IS MHM'tK flrRt Tuemlay of each month, C. E. Hlscock, E. C; John K. Miner, Recorder. SVashtkwaw CHAPriB, No. 6, R. A. M.- Met'tó flrat Monilay eaeh, month. J. L. Slons H P.; Z. Roiith, Hecretary. BUSINESS CARDS. W. W. NICHOLS, Booms Over Ann Arbor Savings Bank, Opp. Cotirt House Square. 7ITALIZED AIR Adrainletered. It is agreenble and easy to take, ind no proBirallng effect follow. while tecth are extr:n-ic 1 without pain. "chas. l. allen, Contacto and Builder, Plans and Speclflcatlons carefully drawn. Reside nee, 46 E. Catherine St., Ann Arbor, Mich. DR. C. HOWELL, PHYSICIAN Office, Room 4, Masonic Bi.ock. Office hours : to 12; 2 to (! p. m. DR. H. R. ARNDT, PHLYSICIISr OrricK (Jvkk Kibst Natiosal Bank. Bouu OrricK: IO:8OM i i. m ; 2:31 to 3:ti) i. in. Can tte reaohed :it restdence (Ved Hurón sireet, the "l'ror. Nlehol plae") by tnlftpliori-', Nu 97, and wlll reply to eallM In the evenlng. WILLI4.H HBBZ, Houso, Sign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paperlni, Glazinir, Ollding, nnd fatclmlnlne, and work or cvt-ry ii'"orio!ioii rtone in the heet ï-lyh'.and warranted to give rtatisfaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washineton St., Ann Arbor. o. m:. :m:.:r,t:e:n-7 DEALK1Í IN CLQTH CASKETS, METALIC And (Joinraon 0:llns. Calis attented to Day yt Ntght. Kmhrtlrning a speclalty. Sto'eroom on K. Washintiton street. Residence i!or. Liberty and Flftli. W. II. JACKSOX, DÍI3E3I1 rllTIIIIISIITlL OKIT1CE : Orer Bach & el's Iry (Jood Store. Entrance next to National Bank. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 Soul h Main Si., Aun Arbor. The oldest agency In the city. Establtahed over a quarter of acentury ago. Kepresentlng tbe foflowlng Ilrist-class coiupauiufi, with over 60,000,000 Capilul anl v, l. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO, of New York. NIÁGARA IN3. CO., of New York. QIRARD INS. CO., of Pblladelphia. ORIËNT IN8. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON FIRE and MARINE, of Bostou. Ktttf Lovr as the Lowest, Losse Liber ally Adjusted and promptly l'aid. C. H. MILLEN. Jerome Preeman ! Moves from his present staml over Watts' Ie the POSTOFFICE, BIER SHOP i BATH Rooms, Monday, March 1!). MT1 aai HOT Ml ! THE iNN ARBOR SATINGS BANK, ANN AKBOR, MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business, capitalT$8O,ooo. Organlzod ander the General Bankin Law ol Ïiif Ï'i,"16 "'ockuoldors are indivldanllv jUhlc thm i?0"'0"' amount equal to the stock held by Ei, cretinK Uuarantee Pund for the Woelt of Depoiltnre of $100,000.00. oJ!re peï la"!r;Bl Ib allowed on all Suvingu tíenfi onedollar and npwards, accordineto mii " .'he Cink Dd interest compounded jml-nnuHlly Vaney to Uan on unlncnmbered "' e"t'e and other good eecurity. DIRECTORS: CHKI8TIAN MACK. Wm. I). HARUIMAN,. wiiT' WINE8' DANIEL UISCOCK, "1UJAM DEÜBKL, WTLLARU B. SMITH. DAVID RINHEY. ÜFFÍCER8: ' "AUK, Pre,. W. W. WINKH, Vlco-Pre C H. HISCOCK.C.ishler. ThTT uHTTflff llfl" revolutlonlzed the world Illllill N'lllrln8 tlle )asl half ceutury. "" IMI ityM Ni.t Irasi among Ihe wonders "lethodon! '"ventlve progresa Is a '¦TinpM Í? 8yBteIn of work tlmt pau be per'nthï, (iver the country without nepiirat. anv n frum U";lr bom i'ay llboui„ ï? " do Ihe work; eltheriex, '"Pltii ,,„,' ' ,"" Pe(-al ablllty requirrd. thU ?,!, ".Iwl ; y are lUrted fne. Cut ou frL Bn ret"rn to us and we wlll Btinl P"riar ,8otnethlng of great value and lra"eLwM you' '"al wlll start you In bU8lhir. m '" br'n yu '" raore money ÍO.U y'W Aw. Addre. True at Co.,


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