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POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thls powder rover varice. A m irvei f pnrltr treDKth Hud wboIasomeneM. More económica ! han M1Q ontiniiry kind, niid cannt bc soM i competiti 11 wiih tbe maltlrnde nf low ti t. shoi wt L,'ht nlnin or ih aphate p lern, 5 ' l 'tlj ir aan. l.iivAi. U KiNü I'nn'iiKi: Ó 1 108 VI liiMMñM" Skin cilicly rune. Flota a masn at 1Imphn% Lea limlnilii-l on 'lilrrt in le. 4'olKlltion Ir iiiIrsH. luid l the nli mu 1Cciii-iI1-s. ['.ir ¦ ,-ir-i 1 tui ii'm t crtpuled wiih an awlulsore leg frurii iny k ,w ilnivn to my aokle the kill o eutlrelj gane, and the fletó wan om 1I1U8B of dlneaae. s, pbyrlclaDa .remounerd It incurable. It had dhniolabed abont ono thlrd the lh iihcr, niid i w:is in ii hnpelera condltlon. Aftertryirg 11 ktnda ol remed es and apwdii hUQdreda ot dlars, fr n vrbicb I gol no rellel wlijii'vr, I W44 peraaaded to try your Cuticüba 1kif.!1ks ai d the reanlt fti rh follotta: After three daye] uotlced a dectded change ftr tbfl bï ter. aii't ut the end of two mnnlha I wat complete) cured. My fli-ih wi iiuriü.d, and (he booe (which had been azpoei d fo over a yf.ti ; got soand The Btb ii g m tc grov. ai,d to-day, and f. r nearl; Iwo yeara paat, mj ¦; li at v 1! a ever it sound to everji ree et. an 1 nol i - en i the d' mee to be Mea. !S. t;. AHhBK, Dnboi, Dodge Co., Ba. Terrible Siiir,rlng froin Skin l)lv:i.r, I bave beoB a terrible anfftf rerar tVir years fr. m dlaeaaea of the skin and blood, and have beeu 1 to chun p'bbllc pi tcej by riwsoD of mv diaflgunng hlimors. Have h ld th' lient Of lihysician-" and (pent hundredn ol do'lar-", but g it do relief nnt'l I caed ihe Cüticüra RffXKDiiat, which hav cured my, and left iny bkm ns t'l")!r .hikI my lilood as pure as a cliil.l. -IDA MAY BAS, Olive Hnmch P. O., Mi-K. Froni I 15 to 174 1'ouikTh. i b#ve taken wverAl bottlLn ol Oüticóba UksolVKNTwUh uil the rejulta I cuuld w-h tor. About ihls time 1 ist yenr, whcii ecmmenctng itn u-e, I re'g d i i'i poaDd,and to dy i releh 172ponnda. Utio. C'iMPBBLL. WasMiig un, D.C. Votk-TIi" ('ni.'iiu lU:-oi.vKNr i beyond all doubt the greatet-t blod puritier Over cotn[ iiui' . CiiTiriUA, the graat kin cure, and CuncuKA Soap, an rxqntolte kln lii'auMiier, externally. and JUIIOURA KKaOLVBNT. the new Blood Purifler, internally, are i potltlve en e lor every form of Skin and Jilood Diaeagea froiu I'impled to Scrofnla. Saldeverywhere. Prtoe: CrjnoDA,No. Soap, 25 c: IlKsoi.VF.NT, il. I'nparcd by the Pottbb DRUG & ('HKHK'.M. CO., liOKton, M.1B1. HÊTaeail for "Ilow to Cure Skin DUeases," 61 pagee, 50 illuxtratiori", and 1(W D A RV'Q skinandSiMli]ireered and beau UI JllJ I O fted hy CUTICL'RA MkII ATKIjSoac. Constitutional Catarrh IVo Binóle di[CHc?e has entallecí more PuflVrlut: or hüteocd the breaking up of the constitutlon tlian Catarrh. The fense oí" Bmell, of toste, of slght, of hearing, the human voice, tho mind- one or more, and Homettmeé all.yield to itn dettxncÜTe iuflaence. The poUon it dlftributcs throtmhout the pysiem attacks every vital forcé, mid breaktt ud the most robuwt of ooDttUatlo&s, Jirnorud, beraute I) ,i litDe andentood, by most iliysicíanf, liQpotently astalled by quacko and charlatans. tboM nullering from it have liitle hope to be rclieved of it thiH elde of the grave. It in time, then. tbat t'ie popular trea'ment ol thiy terrible dieeape by remedie within the rench of all paccüd Into handt at once competent nnd trnstwortbjr, Th' and hitherto iiutrled metbod adopted ty Dr. Sandrord in tbe preparation of hls Radical CUBE has won (he hearty approval of thoiidaiid. It is in-tantaneoag in affording relief in all head colda, sneeJng. puufllint; and ubstrncted brtatbÍDgtanü rapidly removeti the moatoppredxivtB.vmptomfl, cteariug the hfad, swcetenlng the breith, restoring the aeoecs of smell, taati? and hearing, and ncutralfing the constitutional tend encyofthe dieease tuwarda the lungí, Uver and kidneye. Bavdfokd'I Radical Cure consista of one bottle of the Radical Cuke, one boi of Cataiirhal, and one Impkove Iniialeu; price, SI. Potter Drug and Cuexical Co,, Boston. KIDNEY PAINS, Stralns and TTfUtlHailM. jm BeUevad in oce nr nut by that marvelWK i oub Antidote to Pain. Infl.tmtnation and VBf WoikDw, the uticinu Anllf fM l'.iin Planter. The flrst and only l %nk palB-külïng atwngthaniiiff ptoater. Keï JkJr pecialtar adaptad to loa'antly ralleve acd apeetJIly cure Klducy and L'terine PainH and Weakiie,. Warranted vaMly tiperlor to all other pinatero. At all druggiat, SS cents; 5 for $1.00; 'r, DoHta'je free, of FoTfEIt UKUo and Chkhical Co., Boton. Mass. S VThe Best and Purest Medicine L EVER MADE. I , f].ItwlllilrlvetlieHumorfromyourl I 4, TtLsyHti-in, and make your eklnlll III % a? klcleun and Binootll. Tlioml II I 'i. T .Pimples and Blotchef H', % 'daVwhi.h mar your leaut.yrl I'?y 't '-Í, tiLbloiMl, and can bc III '¦¦,% V , 'VÍL""'i'. lf you arel ¦'.. '„%, r 'J ZJfcL wlse and hm II 'ÁV Wí ivbloo.lpu.lJ UW! Tho Pone iiJV % "-rj% III mnall-only a tca%.. eg? II spoonful. It lb thtTXÊ.''1. % ¦ , I best umi chai.ÍVx ' y. ri I medicine. Try ft, "JW' ';, III rouwUlbeaaÜBfiea. . % % 's, Vi _ Uct It of your DruKKlHt. '% ( SS If you are eufferinfr from Kidk. ? I I I nev hiscise and wish tO live tokv I olí age uae sÜu'HlU BllTEUS I III Tuey uever fail to cure. III Send 3 2 rent Mkmpa to A. 1'. ( Irdway Co., Bostou.Maue., for Ijcat medical work pufiliahed?


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