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li in txpected that Hon. Henry Cabot Lod'e of M.iss., wlll speak here dnring the campalgn. Mr. Stearns aya lie will have 2,000 inajority in WusliUnaw countv. DÓn't oount jour chickcns before they are batanea. Willard. Representativo Guenther of Wisconsin will speak at Manchester the afternoon of October4th. He is one of the totemost Germán república orators. Vermont returns the boom froni Oiejioii and {roes it two or three booms better! aml Mainegives n thundcrous roai I The tlde rolls on to a grand victory in November. Mr. Stoarni bounds into the arena with bluff, bragadida and a big I. Telling republicans to "go to the d - woods," he " don't ask any odds of 'em." All right, Willard. It is cruel to oompel Mr. Thunnan, as feeble ns he ia, to go about the country in an endeavor to bolster up a f:ist waning cause. Mr. Cleveland shotild tuke the stump himself. If we are not mistaken. Mr. S'earns wlll glve Mr. Allen plenty of Jaw-work durtug the campalgu.- Ypsllantl Beullnel. Yes, that's just about the size of it- "JHv-vork." This has been the most extravagant administration, so far, In the history of the rjnltd States. Not only all the revemies of the governnient will be used up, but over $100,000,000 of the surplus at the end of this year. The Adrián Press howls teniuly about foreignera coming over here tb labor and make for thenwelvea homes, claiming tbat the tariff is to blame for their coming "from high taritf Germany" etc. V hut countryman are you, Uro. Stearns ? Willard Stearns said wliile in Ann Aror the otlier üay "I don't waotany republican votes; I woiilcln't give a d- il Por them; what I want is the democratie rotes." 8o i f any of our republican friends feel inclineil to vote for liiui they will not be thauked tlierefor. The Evenlng News says emphatlcnlly that Ford should stay la congres, and that tho Jlstrkt Bhould re-elect hlm. Thls Is a compliment to Mr. Ford, but It la certaiuly deserved.- Adrián Press. And the News says tlie same thing about Capt. Alien, and "it a certainly deterred. Isn't it, Bro Stearns? There is usually 1 reason for a nian'a madneu, and there must have been one (or the unmerciful poundins tlie Adrián Press has given Ex-Gov. Uegole ever since Willard Stearns was not given tu appointment. Perhaps tl.e good natured Begole will teil the people of the district his side of the story. EL Wirt Newkirk's new paper, the Luther Enterprise, is a neat, tauty journal, and republican to the core. It is full of pithy, brlght political iteins, and entertainiíig lucals. Here's two to one that Wirt carnes Lake county by a blg majority wlth his paper. Wliy dldu't the Detroit Free Presa publish the flssociated press dlspatchen giving the election retarm f rom Vertnont? it merely stated that Vermont had held an election and given the usual republican majority, when in fact the state never gave such a majoiity. It was nnt the son of news the F. P. wantod. Even ia Arkansas the idea of democratie f ree trade isn't very popular. Two years ago Arkansas gave 36,585 majority for thut party. At its state electloB a few days since the democratie majority was less than 15,000 ! The people everywhere prefer to let well enough alone rnther than enter iuto evils they know not of. Tlie easy answer is that Eus;ll?h eapitallsts are not paylng out thousands of dollars to effect free trade In this country, and jron know it, or you are an Infernal lgnormus. You have never Reen oneoflnose ftll6g6d dollarB, nor a man that has seen one. You kDOW the charge Is astupld Ypsüantl Sentlnei. Yes, that w an "easy answer," bul One as far trom the trutli as it is from ienticmanly instincts. Think of it, citi.ens of Ohio! Allen O. Myers, under indictment tor the worst election crime in the history of tliis state, making etutnp speeches in connectiOD with the democrat Dominee for vice-president, who is also one of counsel engraged to prosecute Myers. A nice mixture that is, to ask the endorsfinent and TOtoa of the people -Cleveland Leader. Ilon. Wm. Buil, of Hamburg, bas been nominated lor state senator by the republicana of the senatori;il district comprimí of Livingston and Genesee counties. Mr. Ball is oue ot the prominent farmers of the state. He is an excellent republican and a sound man every way. He will without doubt be elected and if so will not only be an honor to the district, but to the party and the state. The Adrián Press is at present engaged 11 the very sweet business of taffying up Washtenaw democrats and Washtenaw democracy. It is truly wouderful what an acute interest that paper has in Washteiiaw just now. It is "Major General Manly," and "Hon. E. B. Pond," and "General Schnh," and "What a strong ticket the Washtenaw democrats have put in the field," and "how enthusiastic" they are, and "My dear Mr. Hichmoinl," and so on. Dead sea fruit, Willard. Willard Stearns is a great talker. He openg his mouth and words flow like sausage meat out of a taumire grinder. He said in his remarksthe other day tliat all trusts and all monopolies belonged to the republican party. He liasn't ever heard of the petroleum monopoly you know ; of the coal monopoly manipnlated by Congressmen and Democratie Campaign Chairman Scott; and other monopolies snd monopolists composed entirely of democrats. He only hears with one ear. The editor of the Ypsilantl Sentinel is a sllppery dodjrer. He says the "coffee trust" is not a "trust" at all, but simply a "corner." What a distinction without a difference! Wonderful isn't It? Now will the editor of the Sentinel teil us about the free trade petroleum monopoly, a monopoly that has dictated the democratie policy for the past few years and wliieli placed Mr. Payne in the United States Senate, Mr. Whitney in Mr. Cleveland's cablnet, and given the cue to western democratie journals througb Mr. McLean, the owner of the Cinclnnati Enquirer. Is that a " corner " lso? or what is it? The tariffisa tax you know- (accordng to the Arjrus.) We pay enormous taxes on our blaukets, on our clothes, on lumber, sall, wool, in fact evervtliing we eat, drink and wear, yet 40.000 people came from free trade Grent Britatn - not counting those from Irdand - last year and swore allegiance to this Kovernment. They came to stay and make for tlieinselves homes, and beconie citizens. Now in the name of comtnon sense, if this is such a tax cursed country, why did they come? Why don't they stay at home and enjoy the full beauty and grandeur of free trade? The democratie campáis') fund continúes to grow in a significant way that bears no promlse of an honest election. The list now stands: Roswell P. Flower $ 25,000 Dr Norvin Green, President of Jay Gould'sTelegraph (Jompany 10,000 Grover Cleveland 10,000 Calvin Brice ÏjO.OOO W. L. Scott, the " Coal Hurón," 250,001) Secretary Whitney and the Utanilard Oll Company 25OOIIO PoHtmaeter General Dlcklnson 10.0110 J. F. ones 50 000 Jay Oould Blank Check. Secretary Endicott 1,000 Expeoted from Federal offlceho'ders under pressure 1,000,001 Total to date 1,858,000 The understanding is that there are other subscriptions promised which will swell the amount to two and a half milIlon dollars, which will bc the most prodlgioui camiairn fund ever raiseil in this or any other country. Five hundred thousand dollars will pay the legitímate expenses ot the campaign. What do the demócrata expect to do with the remaining two million?


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News