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A Duel On The Stump

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Washington, Bept. 4.- Capí. Allen, f fptllantl, the república" con:ressm'in rom the second district, bas made Httle lort of a sensation among the swarthyaced ex-brigadier Virginians of the Shcnndoüli valley. H is now nearly ' jreari nee tlic captain tramped through that lltork valley wil li a niuskct on lus liouldcr, looking for Virginia heads to iioot. But liis mission of late lias been o make campaign speeches, and In doing his he has unexpectedly come in contact wlth that moit brilliant orator of conress, Col. Brecklurtdge, ol Kentuoky. t li;.s reanlted in : challenge, a Joint dealr, :iik1 a ilncl on Ihe sliinip u liich has et all Virginia to talking. "Breoklnrldjte vs. Allen" was the nlonncement at Harrisonburg, Va., tlic entral pointof the Sheiiandoah IPOtlon. t is a fayorite COttom wltb these Virgiuani to bave joint debutes, and liardly h oeetlng occurs that both tides are not ïeard. Tliis debate was a star one, howver, forBreckinridgeis known througli mt the soutli as a most gifted speaker. Ie is nominally next to Mills on the aiiil' committee of the boace, but is MCtually the democratie leader. II lome Ypsilantian liad looked In on tlie scène lie mijibt have telt fcarfiil of the result, for here was the most brilliant orator of congress pltted agalntt the unknown firsttormei trom YpallanÜ. Breckinridge, too, was among thoae otber follower of Lee and Stonewall Jackson, while Allen wus an ex-Unlon aolltier among I1Í3 fornier enemies. Breckinrldge was of course tlie hero of the hour. Over 10,000 people had agsiiiililcd, and turough this immense crowd tlie Kentucklan was escorted by two bra?s bands, tlie local autliorities and genera] bazza. But Allen bad no bands. He elbowed li is way through the crowd ut itrangeri aud climbed to the stand, onetcorted and unberalded. In the meeting, however, was a liberal sprinkling of Mahnne republieans, ready to see fair play for the young unknown froiu Ypsilanti. The sound of Breckinridjrc's two brass bands liad just died away in u familiar old Kiifilisli air they had been playlng, wben the chairmnn annnunced tbat Allen was to biive the first say. The captain stepped forward. "I wish to ask you boys only one favor,1' sald lie, "before I begin. You fee, I have no brass bands, no escort. My friend Col. Breckinridge, comes here to tlie t it ix; of trompet and sound of drum, wbllfl 1 came on my own hook. Tlie baad Ims just played for liim that old Enjrlish nir; now I want them to play my refrain, 'America, America.' " Tliis was unexpectedly audacious for tlie unknown, but they at once ppreci ateil liis hit of America vs. Kugland. "Hooray for TptilaHtl!" come trom one of the Mahonhes. Capt. Allen paused while the band, tbus unexpectedly called on, fumbled over Ilieir mosic, "Anienca" is ra,tlier a Yankee tune for Virginians, and the truth was the band did not have the piece. But the leader hit on a compromiso, and as Allen listened for "America" lie was amazed to liear the strains of "Way Down South in üixie." There was a shout of approval from the crowd and Allen joincd in the. laagfc, lic had captared Breeklnridge'a bands, but he COUldn't niake them play "America." The incident served, however, t put the captain at easc wlth the Virgin lana The debate whlcti followed lasted thre hotirs, and the papers of Virginia pro nounoed t a remarkable one. It is com pared wlth tho debate of Stuart anc O'Donmll, who used to hold Viiginian enraptured. One leading paper says: Whodldnot feel better and irrander tha the day had at lust come when a Union goldle from Michigan aud a confedérate HolUie from Kentucky, could stuud on one of th balile tlelds of the war In Virginia, and di OOM graat nationul issues? C'ome agalu M IirecklnridKe. come agalu Mr. Allen, in th languac ol luw greHl Keuluuky urulor, w bid you welcome as the advance guard of th rt'publican stafesmen, who come for you country'suood, aud uot to flll your carpe baRs. What seems to have most interestec the Virginiam is the chivalric man dpi I which the ex-Uniun soldier spoke of th confederateB he had once foughtagaius The Hockinghaiii, Va., Kegister say o this: He said that they had afier the war ad iiiUti'lus to a place In the Union, had give lis cltlzenshlp and access to places of trus and had adinitted us to congfSss, etc, an that we had been trusted os loyal citieen and that In every way we had proved worth; of the cnutldeuce and irusi, reposed in u [This is the tirst declaration of the kind o record, which shows the colonel far to gooi ror hls party, and when hia utterances ge nurth oït'willgo hls head.] Tbat Capt. Allen could thus stand u before the eloquent üreckiuridge, shouK be a source of satisfactiou to the secoiu district, for deniocrats as well as republi cans ure conceding that the Ypsilantla fully maintained bis side, and that h style of i;norin; "bloody shirt1' and "nij; frer-kllllng" opens a new era of politics i


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