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9-25-28-88. W. C. A. & II. S. 40 A.' F. The buildings on the fair grounde are tieing tixwl up tor tho coming fair. ( _M I-Vllows, of Sliaron, is the prohibftlón candidate for congress in tbis district. Josepli B. YVilllaras calis blmself fatber ot a ni'w boy. The kid truck a fjood faniilyTobias Sutlierland, of Pittffleld, lias boufílit ?140 Columbla light roadsier for lus -"ii. The Chelwa Hcrald ipeaks of "Sheriff Walll" of Ann Arbor. He is not from thst pait t Kn ropo. It must he awful dull. for not even a iflToroe uit haa been conuuenced in the past six or elght weeks. 'IV Junior ciass of the high school met yesterday at 1 o'clock and elected president and vice president. R.-V. Win Galpiu will rve the eveninj; pryer witli sermón at Delhi, Sundny afteruoon next, at 3:30 o'clock. Bon. A. J. Sawyer is doinjr excellent service tor the party this fxll, and bis speeches are belng well reoeived. Wlieat is on the upgrade, and went s high as 93 cents on a snuit Monday, Uut hassettled down to 91 cents iiow. The Cliequimegon orebestra will furnish miisic tbr the opera house this seasoii, and i' will be guod inusic too. TheM. E. pulpit will be supplied iiext Budaybysnine memberof the conference who will be sent trom Detroit. Hons. Andrew J. Sawyer atu! Jolm F. Lawrence will speak at .Superior town ballon Frlday even ing, Sept. I4tb. Prof. E. Buur went to the state fair Kooday, taking with bim nn exhibit of 15 mieties of pear, and a special assortment of 12 difierent pears. FriJay evt-ninjr at Gemianía liall the Schwuebischer (Jnterstuetzaogs, vpmm c in will give a social and dance to wvrch a public invitstiou i extended. On iiccount of tlie serious lluess of Mrs. Pattengill, Prof. PatteDgill'a brother Prof. A. H. Pattengill bas been teaching tlie liigh school classes this weflk. The fire alarm Saturday p in. at about Tü'clock, wascaased by the burning oí some loose papers u the Reirlster bindei y. Itwiisacluse c.ill, but the damage doue wassliglii. lliclmtl KUise, of Scio, waa run In to jail last night for driring off nuotlier lunu's teuin by mistaket but is it was purely a niistuke be was let off by payngjail f ees. The 1-year oíd sou of Morris Qalpln, tí Dixburo, died Friday ol cholera mor bus. The day before the little on waa mi playing in the Held, where hla Gither wurkiug. "uur presiilenl ba v. leed SS8 loldler'a pwaion bilis," bmgged one of the j.;i kers Prlday evening. Juat wuil until the soldiers veto the vetoer. Tüey'll üo it II rirlit enouyli. The new dedlcatlon of the new masonic temple in the new bank block at YpsiIj ii tt occurs on Tlnir.-dav even log, to which some of the Ann Arbor brothera li.ive been Invlted. irs. E. J. M ;i i 1 1 s has moved to Ann Arbur. Her chlldren, Mlaa Eva and Elnier Mal na, will enter the L'niversity. Elmer baa been in attendance there one yi-ar.- Di'xu-r Leader. ándrew .1 Sutlierland, of tbis city, bihI H. Swlnderman, of Northfleld, have bten dntwo as 1'uitc-d State grand juryÉn frora t ii is coun'y. Mr. Butherlaod i! now a resiilenl ol Grand Rápida. The 6th wurd republicins have nrganized a idii of alout 60 memHiwlthA. F. Marau as pregldeDt, and Dhanning Sinlth, Btcretary. Another meeting was held last evening at the enL'ini- house. "Sayl Mr. Reporter, wbat haa beoome f our natural ga company Í " called a luerclmnt to na yeaterday. "Don't know, ¦eaa the politidaDa have lenocked it out. rbeir oppoaitlon i.s ton stron; for the natural nroduct." Both the M. C. Iï. II. and tlie Toledo & A. A. R. E. liiive granteri excureion rales for the fair, one iind one-tliird f are for round tri. Tbe M. C . be tween Det'oit and Jaekson, mid tlie T. ifc A A from Toledo and Howell. Andrew J. Sawyer la spoken of by republicana from rurioua partí of the county for Repreaentittlve in the State LegbUtnre. We do not know of a better muil for the place na every one knows what a power he was there i'i 1877-1879. The 3il ward residente are wide awafce In tlieir attempu to secure the location of tbenewT. A A. A. R J{ depot. Beaidea eivinjf them a roomy site for buildings tbey propose to ive $200 bonus. Wlicn ynncatcli ii 3d warder sleeping it will be long time after to-day. Tbe plans for the new T. & A. A ]. E. depot are not vt-ry elabórate, and the juildinjr wonld befar from ornamental, out it would be sucb an improveincnt ver the present concern tlmt the change woiHd be balled with delight by neonle obliged to travel on tbat road. . Henderson Keijihob, colored, was run "i last niglit for belng drank and disorderly on the strects. He had on hls Person a loaded shotRun, a bottle of pow"", a bottle of whisky, a bag of CO pen"lesaiid some beer checks, and a pocket oooii ; with $1 In silver, and a lot of other ..?'¦ Lerle telh lis tliat the enrollment l. 1 hoiiias' Durocliial schoolll almut W several of the children being kept B atten.liníí by whooplng coufih, "cli ís quite i.revalent Id uome portions wh In ttle musical department, SSp„mpïï B S1"-'cialty' " are h J .¦feport U Cllrrcnt fíat Mr. Ilerrick, Z !ff a,Dd UKbter all wcre 8mit. f!!„ , f 'at torrble dUease, spotted fform' i Jarck3onville, where Mr. Herrick '"lyofthefirn.of Holmes & Herye ' gI:ocers f tliis place) went lome tive SSS5M3ÏÏÏ from pulmonarï cownL00 f U'e old I)ioneers of this tliethr k f,reportt!d "s haylng crossed tkta c? lv 1' llf't"at the meeting in citv T i?fflcers: Conrad Krapf of this urer n,fr ,T)i0" of Yptllmtl, treas%i8t ' iy ol' Vi'1""'1, neorolAU BMeUng of the school board Monwifiïïf.1 S11?0" Mack wa9 -'lüct(;" OrdneV .,' BeaI' secretary; and L. The tolowag (Und"nmiHeeinrereappoiiitt-d: an1 iflob,.er" aHd Text-Hooks-Smltü, Muck ""¦,iUi'cdonKS nd Orada. -Jacobs, Uruner fSSSTrIVSheeh!! and Whedon. SüfS?,,"? Jo Uw house of Geo. 5 t ui " lat 8stly d broke Pfoviiinn. i lhe cattered t'' : o .i881',?1 t''fl'or, Hnd the meanc" V b irV Cl' tÜe ' out of a m]K Ti,,.,,; ')lr ' wl'ose cage was in the room. htto ïttorof"taoontemptlWewort way v e 8ev-'ily pnolthed In tona one. '8ll8P'cioD8 are Utached to any dornp(iw(7e "4 t":"-"'ii. bandiomely lth G '!' .raw" by three entfinei, tilled Coumhii' y"' " thelr Wttv t0 the '"¦"¦ j ,enoamPMnt1 pawed 'through b"le8 w' 'i'i "' T unei of the bu"ilns „y , u'nc'(l wi!l' everifwem and PfoudivVr ü"!Klir's ill'l rtrlpe floated ill'(iver fiiüt IWI' )m' P"8' left ""i" I i y " Dnmber of the boyi from "'edth. ,'? ounty, It „eed not be And still the people wouhl rcjoicc over more wet. t The colors on our filend Lulck's streamer don't stand the wet. In other word it runs. The death of Miss Lucy E. Whitinjr transpirad Sept 7th, 1888, after a long and painful illr.css. Dr. S. H. Douglass was attacked by a second stroke of paralyeis Saturday night, we understand, and Is quite feeble tlierefrom. (¦¦i). O. L. Spalding, of Mouroe, one of the linest orators in thls district will ipeak in Ann Arbor next Tuesday, after the republican conveution. Mr. Yale, of the postofflce news depot, is to extend his business to State st., also, and la, we andentaod, to put in a complete stock of school and text-books. Hons. J. V. Donovan, of Detroit, and A. J. Sawyer of this city, will speak at Silfin station Satuiday evening, Sept. lö. Fred Schmitt was brouglit before Justi ¦(¦ I'ond Monday for being ürunk on Sunday, and was Üned $5.95 includlng costs, or go to jail ten days. He paid the fine. People charltably inclined can do a humane act and a kindness to the public by seeing tbat the present school law is enforced, and the idle boys kept off the streets. It is from their ranks that the criminal classes are recruited. You can go to the Cincinnati expositiou on the Uth and 15tti, for f5.40, tickets good to return until the 19th, over the T. & A. A. and C. H. &. D. R. Rv. This will give an oportunity to view the Lnbor Day (17th) deuionstration. "The npnbUoan party is rotten to core, ' siilti Michael J. Lehman in his pole raising speech Frlilay (the same unlucky day) at Luick's planlng mili. Now Michael tliat's a pretty hard assertion, and cspccially from you. You ' twiir " don't you ? Threeofa kim)- the man who plants a tree and leaves itentirely to Providence to water; the man who is willing for his nelghbor to pay for sprinkling the streets; the inerchant who allows his oompetilon to do all the advertisiug and draw trade to his village. A bet of $100 even money was made ut the T. & A. A. depot Mondny, on the presidencial outcome, between E. M. Lewis, of Azulia, and our genial county slerk, J. T. Jacobs baring the interest on - "' ¦¦v vivvbl i'ii o ¦' V vJl ijl] rry to see y ou lose your nioaey, Fred. 'I'hcre was a fine meeting at Lyndon Center lust Wednesday evening, at which speeches were made by Hon. Burt Parker, of Monroe, and Hon. A. J. Sawyer, Of tliis city, after whicli a good working club was orgiinizcd, sometuing almost unheard of befoie in that towusliip. The ladies can add fully 100 per cent. to tlie attruetivenesj of our county fair If they will do so. The pretty qullu, and spreads, and tabla scarfs, and ctishions and the thousand and one tliings thal tbey make for use md ornament; always cali the crowd in the Moral hall Will they not help along the extiibilion this year? The delivery horse of John Goetz & S.ri xot scaied at the rattliur of some empty luirnls in the wagon whlle going down West llur.m street yesterdav foreDOon, ancl run nw.iv ilnniping the driver Oeo. Bnozi, und M. Noli who was riding with hiin, outon the ground and Injurlng tin-m cooslderably. The horse eacapëd with sliifht scratches. The Arjrus recently spoke of a 11 lh. hny haviiif? arrived at the home of 8. I}! Thompson, the proprielor of " Grover Cleveland chnpel " and ' presiding eider ol the wnrld.'1 The records at the COUDtT clerk's office show a inarriage license ssiicd bnt nn return Ims ever been made of a marrlagp. Is it possible that the " ircsidinr eider" is introducing with hta Grover Cleveland chapel a practicc tlmt is feverely punishable nnder our luws? Curds are out aunounciiir the mar rlatfe of Oeorn W. Milieu, of this city, and Mi?s JeMie C. Wetmore, of Concord, Mlch., on Tlmrsday, bept. 20th, at thé bom of the lirlde's parents. Mr. Millen and bride will commence house keeping ;it once, for whloh purpose the handaome new residence of Miss Alicc Porter, on East Ann st., is heli)}; ::icely furnished. The extent of Geirge's friendo is only limlted by the extent of hls nquaintance, and if everany onestarted offin ]fe with nn abundanea of gonl wishes, George is tlmt one. In the Sennte yesterday an araeiidinent by Senator Stockbrldjte to the deficiency bill was reportad favorably by the coanoUtee, allowlng ex-Postmaster J. C. Knowlton of this city $245 25, whicli aniount Mr. Knowlton paid for furniture and hxlures, by order of the government, ii short time previous to his being bounced lcir "offensive partisanship." It ia to be lioped that oongren v:ll see to it tliat .Mr. Knowlton U reimbursed. It is a just claim agalnit the government, ïf there ever was one. A very good little boy trving to do t bad tlilng got IntO trouble Monday. He wnnted to learn to smoke, and didn't want bis folks to know it. 8o as lie went liome from school he sometimes climbed up into a large willow tree on Liberty st., near the T. & A. A crossing, and had h ijiiiet smoke all by himself. Monday he attempted to repeat the trick, but in ¦ome way lost bis footing, and feil to the ffroand. He was picked up and taken to Dr. Kupp's office wlio found the bone of on arm broken, and other injuries sustained. He wou't repeat the operation again very soon. The proposition brouglit up in the councll Monday night by Aid. Ware, of opening up a ftreet, commencing on the brow of the hill on Broadway, between the pi ices of Spencer Lemon and either Mr. House or Mr. Week, running thence i-a.-t over the beautiful hills and winding tliiough the dales to au intersection with the river road uear the third railroad bidge eat of Cedar bend, is one that ought to be investigated. It would niake one of the most picturesque and beautiful drives to be found anywhere in Michigan, and we are told could be opvoed up at a comparatively slight cost. Il practiable, by all means let it be done. There is 011 exhibition at this office a tusar bowl and cream pitcher which have 1 liistory. The dishes are handsomely decorated with 11 scène which includes a log cabin, a barrel labeled "hard eider," two hiinters coming home to the cabin with coons swinging over their backs, umi quite a pretty landscape. On the cover of the sugar bowl are four portraits - one on each side - of Oen. Win. Heury Harrisoii. The dishes are the property "i Mr. L. R. Lee of Webster, and were given to hini by Uis mother who bought 1 h 1 tu during the famous campaign of 1840. They are in excellent condition tllOHgb liaving been in constant use in the lamily for nearly 50 years. The election of Mr. George Mcl).ugall of Superior, as 6ecretary of the county board of school examiners last Thur.-ilay place a good man as far as ;ood character and good attainments are concerued, in the positlon. Hut there was no reason why Mr. War ner thould not retain the offle. He had fulfilled its duties in 11 remarkably effleient inanner, and had given general satisfaction. This changing every year Is a detriment to our school-'. It can't be anv tblng clse. II' Mr. UcDougkll accept the place and glves satisfuction it is to be boped lic. ill not huve to give place to a liew man within a year at least. Politics has no business it) our schools. yesterday the superintendent! of the poor, together with Juclge Hurriman and I). B. Green county agent of the State Board of Correctlon and Charitle?, made au exatninatlon ot the jail, and reported that within the past six months 14S persons have been incarcerated, of wlnch two were women, one for drunkenness and one for vajrratiey. The statistics are: Ilrunk hiuI dlsonlerly 57 Dr uu k 85 Larceny U VaKraney 2 Ini-ane 2 As-nil I alul I j : 1 1 I 1 y ' Burslary : 7 Thero are now eight in jail. Everyt h i i(í U rei(irted found kept in good condlttoa, aud no evllt were diecovered by the examiners. The only recommenda tlon made Is for n cement bottom for the entire cellar.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News