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tiisoii' iiKii( roitv. x v V ft bou i'hhm wiiKitv, No. 13 meets flrst riit'lftv -'f ';icti raouth:. C. K. Hlscook, E. C; John R. Mlner. Recorder. #As'irB v" (IKAITKH, No. 6, R A. M.- fnets flrsi Moii'lav eaeh lúonth. J. L. Hione H P : ¦ Ronth. Secretary. BÜíliESS CARDS. w7 XV. NICBOL.M, DENTIST. Kooms Over un Arlor Sniinïs Bank, Opp. Cinrt H"nsp Square. VITALIZBD AIR Aiminletcw1. I' !h nc-.-.M,h'e ad cay lo take, md do pr.mtralirg ¦tt 'oHow. w:ille tceth are extraen; ( without pain, CHAS. lTaLLEÑ Bontractor and Builder. Plans and Speclflcutlons farefully drawn. Kesldenoe, 46 E, Catherine St., Ann Arbor, Mich. DR. C. H3WELL, PHTSICIAN OrFiCB. Room 4, Masonic Block. Ollloe hours : 8 to 14; 2 to 6 p. m. DR. H R. ARNDT, PtlYSICIAN Office Ovf.k Fikst Nationai. 3ank. Hodrs at Orrios: 0:30 to 2 a. m 2:3' to 3W D. ra. Can he renched at resldence (West Hur.m sireet, tile '-Prof. Nichol plane") by leleplione, No vl, and wlll reply to cali tn tbe eveutng. WILIillV HERZ, Houho, Sigo. Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paperlog, Glazlne, Qildlog, and Calciminlnu, and worlc or every qMCrtptiOfl done in the beet style.and warranted to give uatiefactloD. Shop, No. 4 W. Washinaion St., Ann Arbor. O. ML. 'ZLJttTTU, DKALKK IN CLOTH CASKET3, METALIC A.nd Cioinmon Cotflns. Calis attented to Day or Nlglit. Kmlmlmlng a Rpceialty. Sto eroom on E. Washington Street. Kesidence Cor. Liberty nd H'lfth. u . II. MCKIOH, XIIEHITIITilIIISIiTIL (J.F'F'ICrc : Over ach & AbeI's Dry Good Store. Entrunce nexr to National Bank. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldest agency in tbe city. Establlshed over a quarter of a century ago. Representing tbe followlng flrst-class companies, wlth over 60,000,000 Capital and A8Ctft. ROME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO., of New York. GIRARD INS. CO., of Phlladelpbla. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON FIRE and MARINE, of Boston. Rates Lt as tlie Lowest, Losses Llberallf Adjnstcd and promptly Paid. C. H. MILLEN. Jerome Freeman ! Moves from bis present stand over Watts' to the POSTOFFICE, BARBER SHOP ! BATH Rooms, Mouday, Marcli 10. ïï' mm mi W BATHS ! THE ANN ÁRBOR SAVINGS BANK, ANN ARBOK, MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business, capitalT$6O,ooo. Oreanlzed ander the General Banking Law ol thi State, the stockholdor Indivldnally liable h tn add't'onl amimit eqnal to theBtock held by Uem, therehy creatina a Uuitraatee Fund lor Ibf benellt of DeiWBltors or $100,000.00. Three per cont. interest ie allowed on all SjivIiiw Uepoiltj of one dollar and upwardn, accordinK te tne roles ol the bnk and interei"t comp nn.dcd eml-annnally. Kauey to Loan on unincumtx-n-d rtl estáte and other ifood security. DIRBCTORS: CHR18TIAN MACK, Wm. D. IIAKRIMAN, W-W. WINE.S. DANIEL HISCOCK, WILLIAM DKDBEL, WILLAKU B. SMITQ. DAVID RIN8EY. OFFICKR8: MACK, Pres. W. W. WIN E8, Vlce-Pro C. i. HISCOCK. O.ishier. TflWfllfBf ñW '"ia revolutlonlzed the world lMUr N N 'UI"K tlie liiNt half .-¦iilury. HlMnUUti Nol least among tlie wonder of inventivo procrea Ik a meinod and system of work tlmt ciin be per'rmed all over tbe country without Hepnral15J ltle workiTB frora thetr homes. Pay lib""¦any ene cando the work; either sex, fL"pg or old; no spei-lal ablllty rcqulred. Jpllal not needrd ; you are ¦taited fr -e. Cut out anü return to us and we wlll spnd iu 'ree, omethlnK of (reat value and IraP'irtance to you, tlmt will aturt you In but.1eM, whlcb wlll brlne you In more raoney gnt away than any'hlng eMa In tbe world. iííJ" f"-"' Address True S Co„


Ann Arbor Courier
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