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w Troyal estéis jí 4kiHc POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thïd powder ncver varlt'P. A mirvcl of pnrlty, trength and trbolHitoin tneM. More económica] rhan me orriinarj kimif, and ranot be solrt Ín comp"titi ti witb the mnltitude oí low test, nhort wHght al n ni or pta í)haie p'-wderp. Sold only in ¦:an.. Koyai, IÏ king Powdek Co , 10Ü Wall St.. N.Y. IMlímnoIií Skin o' ti l soné. Fleli a iuann of dudase tes (1 i ni í ii ifthcl on i hirri ¦ 11 MM. OllllItlOII ll IMl.'m. llI'IMi l Outlcnra RmeUlea. K)rihrf.' ara I wa a!m st crlppled with an invul nore le? f rom mv kiee ílown to my nnkle ; the vkin wtg ntirely pone, and the flesh was one mane of ditease. s m phypiciuni prononnc-d It. lucurabN. Ir had dmninhed about one third the k . il ih1 oí her, aud 1 was in n hopelepH condi'ion. Ai'ttT trjrlrg II kii ds f Tinedies and Rpemlin? huudreds oí dollar?, fr m wblCQ I jol no relief er, I ww percnaded to try yo'ir ('niruHA Ke e ad the rttalt ac as folowg; After ihre rta - T rot rel J tlecidt-d chantr'1 for the better. ano ut the end of two m mthi i wascomplefely cuied. Mi llf-!i was pttriflfd, and theboie(which had h'-en expi-d Tor oier ft year) gotsnuad. l'he tl '-h l g m 'o grow nr.d to-day, and rr nearly two jout Muil, m . leg i? m vrtll a- evor it waa. sound in cvery ree ect.aoi not - ftfi of thedlsnase tobe peen. S. O. Alli-.RN, Dnbuie, D-dge Co., Ga. Terrible SuffVá-ing froin Skin IHphm Í have biíG'i a terrible finíl"etír for years fr m dfwase.f ot the skin and blood, and have been nhjfg d to thnn p blic pi ictn hy reaon oi mv dfsflgining hunuuH. Have had th: beat of physicmn- ..! S'M-nt handredn oí do lar4, hut u t no relief unt'l I u'd iho í'r-ricurtA KicmkdiEc, whtch tiave run1! ni", and lelt my -km as cl mt aod niy hlood au pure as acbild'ö. üA MAY BAS, Olive Branch P. ü., M1b. Fioiji 145 Pouiidn to 172 Poiiik!. I have ukon ftve#al boulea of (ïcitiouha Resolvknt with uil the rakuln I conld wifh tor. About thi timo liiMt year, wheu cemm -nrirg ite ne. I (J 145 ponndt,and to day 1 weigh 17 pourdt. GKo. C MPBELL, V?}i8tiii.giiD, D, O. Note - Th1 Cutktb Hk-olvent Is beyond all d 'ubt the greatet bloud puritler ever compiuiHU'd. Cdticura, the prent skin care, and Cutictka Soap. au exan latte kin Bcanilficr, extiTrally. and CuicrRA KE8OLVENT, the uow Blood Purifler. lnteroUy, a por 1 tl ve cu e for every forra of flkln and Blood Diaeases from PimplcB to Öcrofula. Sold every where. Príce: Cüticuba,50c. ; SOAP, SBc; HKSorvKNT, $l. Preparad by the Pottkr Drug A ('hkiical Co., Boston, Maas. "Send for "ílow to Cure Skin Dlieaaes," 61 50 ilhi-tratiun-, and 1ÜÜ teetimoniala. DA DVC Skïn andScalnpPcrvpiland beauttf DnD I O fltd ty OuticubaMkdi atkdSoap. Constitutional Catarrh. Ko single dlseaac has entalled more eufferingor hastened the breaking up of the coustltutton than Catarrh. Thr seneü of smell, of taste, of elght, of hearinp, the human volee, the mind- one or more, and sometlmen all, yield to ïtê deetructive iDflaence. The polnon it dictribut's throuL'huut the fys'em attackti t-very vital forcé, and breaks up the inoft robiiBt of conatitutiunf. Ignored, becaue bnt little nöderstood, by most phygiclanp. Impotent ly asDailed by quacke aud charlatans, tboae fiiil'''rní from It bave little hope to be relleved of it thle Blde of the grave Ir U time, tben, that t e popular treatment oï this terrible dlsease by remedies uithln the reach of all pagxed inio hands at once competent and truetworthy. The new and hilherto untricd method adoptod 'y Dr. Sandlord iu the prtparatlon of lii- Ka in ca r. ('ri:i; has won the heurty approval of thoaaands. 1 1 ih i ntantaneoas in atf irdlng relief in all head colds, innffltni; and rbstructed br'&tbtng,and rapidly removen the mjstoppresttve Bymptoms, clearing the head, dweeteuing the lire th, restoring the séneca of gmel!, ta-te and henrin, and nentralïinp the constltntional tendencyof the dineaee towardu the lunga, llver and klaneys. Sanuford's Radical Cure conaïflts of one bottle of the Kaüicax. Cuke, one box of Catahhhal SolvKnt, and one Impbovbd Iniialbh; price, $1. I'OTTEK OrI'O AND OiIKMIC'AL Co., 1ÍO6TON . KIDNEY PAINS, Stralns and Wcaknesses, Helicved íd ore mina e bv that marvclwlft3 us Antidote to Piin Itillummation and f eikrtc, the 4'utii-u a 4ntif ¦ l'iiin l'InMir. The flrst and onlj lt pain-kilnnt; Ktrvnvthcnii'K plutar. Ks JkJP peciaily adaptid to ing antly relieve ai d speeütly care Kldnoy and Iteritie Pain and WVaknesi. Warrant:il VMtlj superior to all nther piaster. At all driiBKl"". "' cent; 5 for f 1.00; I r, ooBtaïe fr", of PoTrïit ukuo and Cbkhical Co., Boston. Ma. 23 VTIio Best and Purest Mcdicineg IH'ïJX. EVER MADE. I , L. Itwtll ilrivc the Humorfrorayourl I ll3 '¦¦kLclenn and Binooth. Thonel 1 Q"1 , j, h-, Aí whicli mar your bêautj m 1% ".% '4 ;txLl,ov, an.I can hi-ffl ten II medici uu. Trv It, a"d, V. ,% I I v.m will bc satlsöed. "W, o, y IU J oet It of your Druggist. v3 ' m I Ií yon aro enffcrin? from K''lW II 'i' bey uever fail to cure. III


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