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A Chapter On Trusts

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L ii a ditcaulon In the United States Sonate Ia3t Wolncs'liiy, on the " trust bil!," in reply to Senator Georjte, Mr. Hoar, of MassuohusetU fiave tiiat August body sueh a ch&pter on "trusts" as t never before listened to: and liereltis: 18 tbx-re for instance, a Standard üil trust in this country ? And, It' so, is tbat trust representad In the cabinet nt this moment? Is it representad In ib sonate? Is it repreeented in the councils of an important polltical party ? Is there a sugar trust, and were lts representatives consulte.l in tlie framlng of a great revenue tarifTbill, anddid tlicy Inve their interests looked after and considered f Why I1119 nol the senator from 'I'exns told the tenate what he knew Rboot these tilinga? Is therc a eottonseed trust, a cottouseed oil trust ? Is therc h whisky tmsl ! A nd what !8 tlic rorfc in politics just now ? Is there an anthracite coal trnstf And where is that ut worlt, :ind what Is the dánjfer from it V There is anot her trust which I would Iike to liare a little inforination ahout. Thore is a gentleman [alludtng toMr.Soott] lm tanndenteod to bc the most poncrfnl and trn.-tcd counsellor lodlrectlog the Demoorat cunpalien, who is :ipt to ualk from t lic White Iliiuse down Peiinsylvaiiia avenue to the capítol witli a hlll in his piicket (arranged at the White Houe, who is apt to have that bill paised uiianimously ia the house of representatives and who is apt to have it passed throngli the tenate, until the mistake or blunder is found out. I would Iike to know whether that gentleman has any relation to :iny of these triwta, or to transportaron interests, coal intcresta, or other niterests. whether he is interested in trusts whicb put a tax on the fire of every workingman in winter and increased his fare wlien !io travelled by rail rood in the summcr, for p'.easure or business. The eongressional directory showed that the gentleman was interested is director in railroad corapanies ajrgregating 22,000 miles of road. Just think of it : 22,000 miles of railroad In the service of the democrat party in this election; more than uil the railronds of Great Brltain and France put together. And part of these Unes are in Cunada. I do not wonder fluit the Canadian ininistcr who negotiati'd the late treaty went home and told the Canadian people that he had been told by the Democrat secretary of state that the house of representativos and the great Democrat party of this country proposed todo exactly what Cunada desired.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News