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By Their Words Ye Shall Know Them

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"I believe in free-trade as I believe in the Protestant religión."- Grover Cleveland. "All trade shonld be free as possible -Speaker Carlitle. "I desire free-trade, and I will not help to perfect any law tbat stamis in the way oí free-trade."- Roger Q Mills. "The democratie party is a free-trade party or is nothing." "Tlie democrat who is not a free-trader should go elsewhere. - Ilenry Waterson. "Add to the tree list as many anieles as possible. Reduce duties upon every dutiable artii-le to the lowest point possible " - Secretan VairehiUl. "It wou'ld be a glorious OOniumm&Unn of this debate could we only have ge&llemen on the other side join in tlils invocation to paper and to type and to the hearts of honest men to clear the way for British Cobden free-trade."- S. S. Cox. "Mr. Cleveland stands before the country a Champion of free-trauV." "Mr. Mills' speech U a manly, vigorous, nnd Biott effective free-trade speech."- Ilenry George. "If we did not require money to afray the expenses of Government I would be ..i .! iw, .i 1 1 1 1' anj] niiíAni nrniiiÍHinír


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News