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Peter Come has been gran teil a pension. Frederick Doulass will speak at Ypsilanti next week Friday. Richard Baker, of Pinckney s working t bis trude-earpenter- u thls city. Tlie A Arbor City band has organsad an orchesti a ton slrong for dances and eveiiiur entertainment. Re?. Dr. Ií unsay, very much tothede l2iit oï the congreaation, wU occupy the pulpit of tue M. E ohlirch next Sunüay mormu aud uveulug. Tlie republican club of the Gth WftXd will be addresed by Win. AI. Oaband, ot' Ypsi'iinii, Ht tlie Gtli ward engine house, next Tucsday evening. The Anu Arbor Greys and the Milán Club pUyed a game of base ball on the Otmpui, 8nturday, the score standing 21 to9 in faTor of the Grey A ipèelal train will lie run to Detroit on tlie M. C, leaving here at 9.10 a. m., Friday, aiul return Ing leaves Detroit at 7 o'cloik. Faro for the round trip tl. Tli" stone work on the new Clirlstiau Association building Is nearly completed, and if there is any In ihe United States that can equal it we sliould like to see it. Membera of Company A celebrated their 12th anniversary by goin? to the Lake áaturday nijílit nocoropanled by the city band in 'bussesand rcturuins; Sunday evenin;;. "Tliem air Lodl polea." are being exagjcratcd up norlh unül tbey now aambei nd the height varyiiig f rom 1,500 to 10,000 teet. Tully Woodruff has gol hold of them, ye know. Busy times upon State st. now. John V., Geo. L. Ifoore, Wilinins & Son, Vorheis & Dtetaa, and others are all mnviu?, and goods are rlying about regardless of cnnsequences. Emmnns Whe.elock, of Bridgewater, voteJ fur Oen. H.irrlson In 18lO. Öince then lie bas raised seven sous, all ot whom will vote for the present (Jen. HitrrUon this t'all. Hiirrah for Wheelock! There was a crowded house at the Superior town hall last Friday evening, and two good speeches were made by Messrs. Sawyer and Lawrence. The republicana in thi section are active and ready tor business. Solón Chafe, of Muine, fpoke at the rink yaaterday afterncoon to a good audience, aii(f in liis Yankee and farmer's tvy made some excellent points. "Them steers" are headed in the rijjlit direction thi9 year. There was a good crowd present at the rink liit eveninjr, and they listened to a goml speech - trom Mr. Stcarn's standpnint. The pole rntetug was not a sticOtM, owing to the great weigbt of the bandaiiaa on the top. There will be a neotln;r of repiiblicans nf the lir-f ward, at 8 o'clock p. m., Fri(1 iy evening at Kiieman's liall, to perfect an organization of a Harrlson and Morton club. The second ward club are invited tojolu with tliem on this occasion. Dijd of pamlysla In Radlanda, California, Mis Sylvia [bell, wife of Augustus bbell, on 8ept. 3, 1888. Airs. labell vns born In Ann Arboraml was 58 yeai', 7 inonths old. She was marrlcd Oct. 21, 1S49, and unitcil with the M. E. cliunh church about 4ó years ago. The city ought to be sufficiently proud of the appfnranCü of her court doum lawn to st-e that hydraata are put, in, Imsp purchaged and the rass kept alive It is nol a pli-asinjí prospect for stra:igerg at U'ast. to lonk upon the lawu in a dried up and shiftlcss oondltfon. Tlie West Brani'h Times says: "J. W. Knight of Ann Arlor, was la tuwn this wst-k. Mr Knight has considerably monev nvestrclin thiscounty and i nierHted in our jrowtb nd develnpmenU Hu is rn-atiy .i-i'd witlithc niprnveuient since liis' last visit two years ajru." The demócrata have levled an asment on FMh of their ca' didatel "ii tlie county tickft of fmm $150 to $050, we are told. Whv? Kepublifans acknowledge trom 1,000 to 1 500 democratie m iJoiity in the ciMinty, wtiile the demoorats claim 2,0tK). Wlmt is the money for? The tenler of the rrcshylerian pulpit of thiH city to Kev. Milis GklKton, of Pontiac, will probhbly te aooepted by him, thougli tliere are certain foruiililies tbat mut be gon through wltb hefore it can be accomplisliL-d. It is tlnmtrlit tbat he will commence the pastorate here about the middle of October. Saturday, at about mlduiht, lire bmke out in the barn of "Col."' Geo. II. Wlnslow, on West Cth st., and it was burned with contentó, the only tliinr the "Col." ucceeded in savin: being bis borse. There was some furniture storeil in the bain. Loss about $3ÜO. Mr. Winslow seenis to be quite unfortunate in lo.-ing property by tlieft or lire. Laot Sunday"s Free Press had this tem in reference to an Ann Arbor boy in whom roaoy of our citizens feel an interest: "Julius V. Seyler is attracting marked attention In Berlín musical circles by some really artistic piano playing. A correspondnnt of the Ann rican Musician places him In tlie front rank of students at the Scharwcnka Conservatory." Wm. T 't", livinjt on E. Liberty ft , near Col. Deaa'l, was foiiiid dead at the foot of the stairway in his house last Saturday night. A coroner's inqnest was held Sunday and the rcsult of tlieir deliberations tbat beurt disease was the cause of death. Mr. Tate was one of our respected old cltizens, ba ving reached 75 years of age. The-great big" city of Ann Arbor ha a Harrlson and Morton clob of stxty mcmlie. That Isu't a particularly largo bnoin is it Broiber Coubiek.- Ypsilanti Commercial. The Oommrrclil sliould be fair. It is the 6th ward that has a Harrison & Morton club of 00 membaTt. Tlie i I ward liKSaclub of 110 memberg, the lst waid one of 80 odd memben, the 4th ward one of 75 menibers. and the fftb ward will have at least 50 names on its rolt before the boys are thnniüh. How is that for a boom? Satisfuctory ? The thousands upon thousands of poiilc of all cla-ses and kinds, vislting and shakiiig hands with Qen Harrison is soiiii'tiiihi; uever heard of before in natii n il politics. He hasalready shaken with more people, it is thought, taan any oiher man in America. What is tlie matter with the "Capt. E. P. Allen M ward Ciab"fcettlng up an excurgion to Indianapolis? Let'sgodowu and g've Bfn. a hearty shake, onrad ves. Mr. Sleains commenced his speech at ""¦ rink last iii!bt by telling story whicb hrougtit into rldlcale the bible, ffferrinK to the passage which te'ls ol Jnali and the whale as ' that (I- d lisli story '¦ Now the people mav not all be Mijtlou, hut they almost without exceptinn respect religión, and a man who ;'U8 and sneers at the bihle will not nd the favor he hopes to, after all. The Biiber, second thought steiis in after the nutnor of a -tory or the exoitenient of blackcnanlisiii ilies out. Mr. Stearns muy carry the efiterveacence of bis audl enees, hut he eannot cany tlieir sober oosvlctlon. In anothcr part of the paper wül be JouiHl an account of the lirst State fair In Michliran. Asldfl trom the fair describcd ty Mr. Bxymond, Ann Arbor had an ther state fair. It was on or abou loau, iind the then vacant grounds oppo 8l'e the University to the west, where Dt"w &re the line residences of Jude JXMwy, et al, was where It was located 1 reparatlons were made this time fo 'juite a fair, bul, alas, the weather inter 'red and tor the three d lys of the exhl bition tlie rains ponred down In torrentt with tonrcely a oetcatlon, B) it si-em Wit tbe si-cind attimpt at a state fair i Aun Arbor was no better than the lirst 111 fact, Ann Arbor bas not been as suc cessful as Jackson, even, In that line.